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Complete Solutions to WB JEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1: SINGLE OPTION CORRECT TYPE (1 MARK)) of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cricketer catches a ball of mass 150 gm. in 0.1 second moving with speed `20 ms^(–1)`. Then he experiences force of : -

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  2. A bu llet is fired with a velocity u making an angle of `60^(@)` with the horizontal plane. The horizontal component of the velocity of the bu llet when it reaches the maximum height is:

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  3. If two bodies stick together after collision and move as a single body, the collision is said to be

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  4. Compare time of ascent with time of descent of a projectile fired at 50° with the horizontal.

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  5. A pellet of mass 1 g is moving with an angular velocity of 1 rad/s along a circle of radius 1 m. The centrifugal force is

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  6. A ball of mass m performs uniform circular motion in a circle of radius R. Linear momentum is represented by p. The radial force acting on the particle is

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  7. Consider the following statements about the blocks shown in the diagram that are being pushed by a constant force on a frictionless table
    (a) All blocks move with the same acceleration
    (b) The net force on each block is the same Which of these statements are/is correct

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  8. If a person can throw a stone to maximum height of h metre vertically, then the maximum distance through which it can be thrown horizontally by the same person is

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  9. The mass of a body in a lift at rest is m. If the lift ascends with uniform acceleration a, the effective mass will be

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  10. A force varies with time and traces a sine curve. The peak value of force is `F_(0)`. The average force is given by

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  11. A particle is moving with a constant speed v in a circle. What is the magnitude of average velocity after half rotation?

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  12. A man is at rest in the middle of an ice pond. If ice is perfectly smooth, then he can get started himself to move the shore by making use of Newton's
    (a) First law
    (b) Second law
    ( c ) Third law
    (d) First and third law

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  13. A cyclist is travelling with velocity v on a banked curved road of radius R. The angle through which the cyclist leans inwards is given by

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  14. A car is moving on a road and rain is falling vertically. Select the correct answer.

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  15. A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of `(xveci + y vecj) m//s` . If the range of the projectile is double the maximum height reached by it, then

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  16. A body of mass 5 kg is acted on by a net force F which varies with time t as shown in the given figure. Then the net momentum in S.I. units gained by the body at the end of 10 seconds is

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  17. A cricket ball of mass 250g collides with a bat with velocity `10m//s` and returns with the same velocity within `0.01` second. The force acted on bat is

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  18. A man is walking on a road with a velocity 3kmhr. Suddenly rain starts falling. The velocity of rain is 10km/hr in vertically downward direction. the relative velocity of rain with respect to man is :-

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  19. A force vector applied on a mass is represented as `vec(F)=6hat(i)-8hat(j)+10hat(k)` and acceleration with `m//s^(2)`. What will be the mass of the body in kg.

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  20. A shell of mass 10 kg is moving with a velocity with a velocity of `10ms^(-1)` when it blasts and forms two parts of mass 9 kg and 1 kg respectively. If the 1st mass is stationary, the velocity of the 2nd is

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  21. The maximum range of a gun on horizontal terrain is 25 km. If g= 10 `ms^(-2)`, the muzzle velocity of the shell

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  22. The width of river is 1 km. The velocity of boat is 5 km/hr. The boat covered the width of river with shortest possible path in 15 min. Then the velocity of river stream is:

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  23. the circular motion of a particle with constant speed is

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  24. When a horse pulls a wagon, the force that causes the horse to move forward is the force

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  25. The horizontal range and the maximum height of a projectile are equal. The angle of projection of the projectile is

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  26. Two equal masses `m_1` and `m_2` moving along the same straight line with velocites `+3 m//s` and `- 5 m//s` respectively collide elastically. Their velocities after the collision will be respectively.

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  27. A rocket motor consumes 100 kg of fuel per second exhausting it with a speed of `6 xx 10^(3) ms^(-1)` What thrust is exerted on the rocket ? What will be the velocity of the rocket at the instant its mass is reduced to `(1 // 40)` of its initial mass ? Take initial velocity of rocket as zero . Neglect gravity .

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  28. A plumb line gets inclined to vertical at angle `theta` when the carriage travels with an acceleration a. The plumb line is suspended from the roof of the carriage. The acceleration a is given by

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  29. A particle executes circular motion under a central attractive force inversely proportional to distance R. The speed of the particle is

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  30. If M is mass of rocket, r is rate of ejection of gases and u is velocity of gases with respect to rocket then acceleration of the rocket dv/dt is equal to

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WB JEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1: SINGLE OPTION CORRECT TYPE (1 MARK)) questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12