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Complete Solutions to WB JEE WORKOUT (MCQ) of chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If f denotes the degree of freedom of a gas, the ratio of two specific heats `(C_(P))/(C_(V))` is given by

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  2. According to kinetic theory of gases, which one of the following statement (s) is/are not true?

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  3. The temperature at which the root mean square velocity of a molecules will be double of its value at `100^(@)C` is

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  4. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the root mean velocity of gas molecules is directly proportional to

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  5. At absolute zero temperature, the kinetic energy of the molecules

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  6. The velocity of molecules of a gas at temperature 120 K is v. At what temperature will the velocity be 2v?

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  7. Six molecules have speeds 2 units, 5 units, 3 units, 6 units, 3 units and 5 units respectively. The rms speed is

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  8. The equation of state for n moles of an ideal gas is `PV=nRT`, where R is a constant. The SI unit for R is

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  9. A closed vessel contains a mixture of two diatomic gases A and B. Molar mass of A is 16 times that of B and mass of gas A contained in the vessel is 2 times that of B. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

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  10. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by a gas on the walls is measured as

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  11. A gas has volume `V` and pressure `p`. The total translational kinetic energy of all the molecules of the gas is

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  12. In a mixture of nitrogen and helium kept at room temperature. As compared to a helium molecule nitrogen molecule hits the wall

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  13. Four container are filled with monatomic ideal gases. For each container, the number of moles, the mass of an individual atom and the rms speed of the atoms are expressed in terms of n, m and `v_(rms)` respectively. If `T_(A),T_(B),T_(C)andT_(D)` are their temperature respectively then which one of the options correctly represents the order?

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  14. The average translational kinetic energy of nitrogen gas molecules is 0.02 eV(1 eV = `1.6xx10^(-19)J`). Calculate the temperature of the gas. Boltzmann constant `k=1.38xx10^(-28)J//K`.

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  15. The rms speed of helium at `24^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure is `450ms^(-1)`. Then the rms speed of the helium molecules at `24^(@)C` and 2 atm pressure is

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  16. The pressure exerted by an ideal gas at a particular temperature is directly proportional to

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  17. A vessel is partitioned in two equal halves by a fixed diathermic separator. Two different ideal gases are filled in left (L) and right (R ) halves. The rms speed of the molecules in L part is equal to the mean speed of molecules in the R part. Then the ratio of the mass of a molecule in L part to that of a molecule in R part is

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  18. One mole ideal monatomic gas is taken at temperature of 300 K. If volume is doubled keeping its pressure constant. The change in the internal energy is

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  19. Internal energy of `n_(1)` moles of hydrogen at temperature T is equal to the internal energy of `n_(2)` moles of helium at temperature 2T. Then the ratio `n_(1)//n_(2)` is

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  20. The molecules of an ideal gas have 6 degrees of freedom. The temperature of the gas is T. The average translational kinetic energy of its molecules is

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  21. According to kinetic theory, the molecules

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  22. At room temperature, the rms speed of the molecules of a certain diatomic gas is found to be 1920 m `s^(-1)`. The gas is

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  23. The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 120 K to 480 K. If at 120 K, the root mean square velocity of the gas molecules is v, then at 480 K, it will be

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  24. Gas at a pressure `P_(0)` is contained in a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are halved and their speeds are doubled, the resulting pressure P will be equal to

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  25. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of oxygen and 4 moles of argon at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is

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  26. A fixed mass of a gas expands at constant temperature.
    Which property of the gas molecules increases?

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  27. Mean kinetic energy per degree of freedom for gas molecule is

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  28. For a `(R )/(C_(V))=0.67`. This gas is made up of molecules which are

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  29. On any planet, the pressure of atmosphere implies (`C_(rms)` = root mean square velocity of molecules and `v_(e)` = escape velocity)

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  30. For a gas molecule with 6 degrees of freedom, the law of equipartition of energy gives the relation between the molar specific heat `(C_(V))` and gas constant (R ) is

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  31. At what temperature will the rms speed of air molecules be double that of NTP?

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  32. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of `beta=-(dV//dP)//V` with P for an ideal gas at constant temperature?

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  33. `N(lt100)` molecule of a gas have velocities 1,2,3….N, km/s respectively. Then

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  34. Three closed vessels A, B and C are at the same temperature T and contain gases which obey the Maxwell distribution of speed. Vessel A contains only `O_(2)`, B only `N_(2)` and C a mixture of equal quantities of `O_(2)` and `N_(2)`. If the average speed of `O_(2)` molecules in vessel A is `v_(1)`, that of the `N_(2)` molecules in vessel B is `v_(2)`, the average speed of the `O_(2)` molecules in vessel C will be

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  35. One gram mole of nitrogen at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure is contained in a vessel and the molecules are moving with their speed. The number of collisions per second which the molecules make with an area of `1m^(2)` on the vessel's wall is

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  36. A cylinder of capacity 20 L is filled with `H_(2)` gas. The total average kinetic energy of translatory motion of its molecules is `1.5xx10^(5)J`. The pressure of hydrogen in the cylinder is

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  37. Energy of all molecules of a monatomic gas having a volume V and pressure P is `3//2PV`. The total translational kinetic energy of all molecules of a diatomic gas at the same volume and pressure is

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  38. An ideal gas consists of molecules, each molecule being a linear chain of four atoms. If this gas is heated up to a temperature at which all degrees of freedom, including vibrational, are excited, the molar specific heat of such a gas at constant volume will be (include vibrational degrees also)

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  39. Four moles of hydrogen, 2 moles of helium and 1 mole of water vapour form an ideal gas mixture. What is the molr specific heat at constant pressure of mixture?

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  40. 0.014 g of nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a temperature of `27^(@)C`. How much heat (in J) approximately has to be transferred to the gas to double the rms velocity of its molecules?

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  41. The graph show a hypothetical graph of gas molecules. N is the total number of molecules. Find the value of a.

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  42. For a gas sample with `N_(0)` number of molecules, function N(v) is given by : `N(v)=(dN)/(dv)=((3N_(0))/(v_(0)^(3)))v^(2)" for "0ltvltv_(0)andN(v)=0" for "vgtv_(0)`, where dN is number of molecules in speed range v to `v+dv`. Find the rms speed of the molecules.

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  43. Five particles have speeds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 m/s. The average velocity of the particles is (in m/s)

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  44. The average energy of molecules in a sample of oxygen gas at 300 K are `6.21xx10^(-21)J`. The corresponding values at 600 K are

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  45. The heat capacity per mole of water is (R is universal gas constant)

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  46. 15 gram of nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a temperature of 300 K.

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  47. A box contains a mixture of `H_(2)` and He gases. Which of the following statements are correct?

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  48. A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of molecular mass M and ratio o specific heats `gamma`. It is moving with speed v and is suddenly brought to rest. Assuming no heat is lost to surroundings, its temperature increases by

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  49. Let `vecv,v_(rms)andv_(p)` respectively denote the mean speed, the root mean square speed and the most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monatomic gas at absolute temperature T. The mass of a molecule is m. Then

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  50. Two vessels of the same volume contain the same gas at same temperature. If the pressure in the vessels is in the ratio of 1 : 2, then

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  51. In case of hydrogen and oxygen at N.T.P., which of the following quantities is/are the same?

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  52. The volume of a gas and the number of gas molecules within that volume for four situations are
    (1) `2V_(0)andN_(0)` (2) `3V_(0)and3N_(0)`
    (3) `8V_(0)and4N_(0)` (4) `3V_(0)and9N_(0)`
    Which of them has mean free path greatest?

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  53. The figure shows the variation of specific heat capacity (C ) of a solid as a function of temperature (T). The temperature is increased continuously from 0 to 500 K at a constant rate. Ignoring any volume change, the following statements(s) is/are correct to a reasonable approximation.

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  54. `C_(V)andC_(P)` denote the molar specific heat capacities of a gas at constant volume and constant pressure, respectively. Then

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  55. From the following statements concerning ideal gas at any given temperature T, select the correct one (s)

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WB JEE WORKOUT (MCQ) questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12