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Complete Solutions to WB JEE WORKOUT (Category 2 : Single Option Correct Type) of chapter MAGNETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWB JEE WORKOUT (Category 2 : Single Option Correct Type)
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A magnetic needle is placed in a uniform magnetic field and is aligned with the field. The needle is now rotated by an angle of `60^(@)` and the work done is W. The torque on the magnetic needle at this position is

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  2. The variation of magnetic susceptibility (x) with absolute temperature for antiferromagnetic material is given by

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  3. A rectangular coil of area of cross-section is placed as shown. A magnetic field B is applied along Z-axis. The torque on the coil is

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  4. If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material paramagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by `m_(d), m_(p) and m_(f)` respectively then

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  5. The time period of a thin bar magnet in Earth's magnetic field is T. If the magnet is cut into two equal parts perpendicular to its length, the time period of each part in the same field will be

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  6. The value of workdone for rotating a magnet of magnetic moment M by an angle `theta` in external magnetic field H is given by

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  7. At magnetic equator, total intensity of Earth's magnetic field is `I_(E)` and at poles it is `I_(p)`. They are related as

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  8. An electron is moving in an orbit of radius R with a time period T as shown in the figure. The magnetic moment produced may be given by
    |e| represents the magnitude of the election charge.

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  9. A bar magnet of l length and magnetic dipole moment M is bent in the form of an arc as shown in the figure. The new magnetic dipole moment will be

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  10. A bar magnet has a pole strength of 15 A m and magnetic length 20 cm. What is the magnetic induction produced by it at a point at a distance of 30 cm from either pole? `(mu_(0)/(4pi) = 10^(-7)Wb//Am)`

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  11. The magnetic induction at a point P on the axis is equal to the magnetic induction at a point on the equator of a short magnetic dipole. What is the ratio of the distances of P and Q from the centre of the dipole?

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  12. Two short bar magnets A and B of dipole moments `0.15 A m^(2)` and `1.2 A m^(2)` respectively are placed with their axes along the same line with their centres 0.15 m apart. The dipole moments due to A and B point in opposite directions. What is the position of the point, between the two magnets, where the resultant induction is zero?

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  13. A closely wound solenoid of 1000 tuins and area of Cross-section `2.0 xx 10^(-4)` in- carries a current of 2.0 A. It is placed with its horizontal axis al `30^(@)` with the direction of a uniform horizontal magnetie field of 0.16 T as shown in the figure. What is the magnitude of the restoring torque produced by the lield on the solenoid!

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  14. A dip circle shows an apparent dip of `60^(@)` at a place Where the true dip is `45^(@)`. If the dip eirele is rotated through `90^(@)` , what apparent dip will it show?

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  15. The coercivity of a small magnet where the ferromagnet gets demagnetised is `3 xx 10^(3) A//m`. The current required to be passed in a solenoid of length 10 cm and number of turns 100, so that the magnet gets demagnetised when placed inside the solenoid is

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  16. The distance between the two ends of the wings of a metallic aeroplane is 5 m. It is moving horizontally with a velocity of `360 km//hr`. The carth's magnetic field all around its mouon is `4xx10^(-4)` tesla and the angle of dip is `30^(@)` Them,

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WB JEE WORKOUT (Category 2 : Single Option Correct Type) questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETICS of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12