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Complete Solutions to WB JEE Previous Years Questions of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ALTERNATING CURRENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWB JEE Previous Years Questions
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An alternating current in a circuit is given by `I=20sin(100 pi t+0.05 pi)` A. The r.m.s value and the frequency of current respectively are

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  2. A very small circular loop of radius a is initially (at t = 0) coplanar and concentric with a much larger fixed circular loop of radius b. A constant current I flows in the larger loop. The smaller loop is rotated with a constant angular speed `omega` about the common diameter. The emf induced in the smaller loop as a function of time t is

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  3. A straight conductor 0.1 m long moves in a uniform magnetic field 0.1 T. The velocity of the conductor is 15 m/s and is directed perpendicular to the field. The e.m.f. induced between the two ends of the conductor is

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  4. The coils of self inductances 6 mH and 8 mH are connected in series and are adjusted for highest co-efficient of coupling. Equivalent self inductance L for the assembly is approximately

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  5. A `1 mu F` capacitor C is connected to a battery of 10 V through a resistance `1 M Omega`. The voltage across C after 1 sec is approximately

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  6. When the frequency of the AC voltage applied to a series LCR circuit is gradually increased from a low value, the impedance of the circuit

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  7. An alternating current is flowing through a series LCR circuit. It is found that the current reaches a value of 1 mA at both 200 Hz and 800 Hz frequency. What is the resonance frequency of the circuit ?

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  8. When a 60 mH inductor and a resistor are connected in series with an AC voltage source, the voltage leads the current by `60^(@)`. If the inductor is replaced by a `0.5 mu F` capacitor, the voltage lags behind the current by `30^(@)`. What is the frequency of the AC supply ?

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  9. In the circuit shown below, the switch is kept in position 'a' for a long time and is then thrown to position 'b'. The amplitude of the resulting oscillating current is given by

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  10. A current `I=I_(0)e^(-lambda l)` is flowing in a circuit consisting of a parallel combination of resistance R and capacitance C. The total charge over the entire pulse period is

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  11. As shown in the figure a rectangular loop of a conducting wire is moving away a constant velocity 'v' in a perpendicular direction from a very long straight conductor carrying a steady current 'I'. When the breadth of the rectangular loop is very small compared to its distance from the straight conductor, how does the e.m.f. 'E' induced in the loop vary with time 't' ?

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  12. A parallel plate capacitor in series with a resistance of `100 Omega`, an inductor of 20 mH and and AC voltage source of variable frequency shows resonance at a frequency of `(1250)/(pi)Hz`. If this capacitor is charged by a DC voltage source to a voltage 25 V, what amount of charge will be stored in each plate of the capacitor ?

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  13. A conducting loop in the form of a circule is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its place perpendicular to the direction of the field. An e.m.f. will be induced in the loop if

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  14. A metallic loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` with the plane of the loop perpendicular to `vec(B)`. Under which condition(s) given below an emf will be induced in the loop ?
    ''If the loop is ……..''

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WB JEE Previous Years Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ALTERNATING CURRENT of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12