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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter DUAL NATURE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. While working with light and `X`-rays, there is a useful relation between the energy of a photon in electron volts `(eV)` and the wavelength of the photon in angstom `(A^(0))`.Suppose the wavelength of aphoton is `lambdaA`. Then energy of the photon is

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  2. If wavelength of radiation is `4000Å=400nm` then the energy of the photon is

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  3. A monochromatic source of light operation at 200 W emits `4xx10^(20)` photons per second. Find the wavelength of the light `"(in" 10^(-7)m`).

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  4. A radiation of wavelength 200nm is propagating in the form of a parallel surface. The intensity of the beam is 5mW and its cross-sectional area is 1.0`mm^(2)`. Find the pressure exerted by radiation on the metallic surface if the radiation is completely reflected.

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  5. The work function of a metal is `3.0eV`.It is illuminated by a light of wave length `3xx10^(7)m`.Calculate i) threshold frequency, ii)the maximum energy of photoelectrons, iii) the stopping potential. `(h=6.63xx10^(-34)Js` and `c=3xx10^(8)ms^(-1))`

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  6. The work function of a photosensitive element is 2ev. Calualate the velocity of a photoelectron when the element is exposed to a light of wavelength `4xx10^(3) overset(0)A`.

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  7. A metal of work function `4eV` is cexposed to a radiation of wavelegth `140xx10^(-9)m`. Find the stopping potential.

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  8. In a photocell bi chromatic light of wave length `2480 A^(0) ` and `6000 Aoverset(0)` are incident on a cathode whose workfunction is `4.8eV`.If a uniform magnetic field of `3xx10^(-5) T` exists parallel to the plate, find the radius of the circular path described by the photoelectron. (mass of electron is `9xx10^(-31)kg`)

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  9. A monochromatic light of wavelength `lambda` is incident on an isolated metalic sphere of radius `a`. The threshold wavelength is `lambda_(0)` which is larger then `lambda`. Find the number of photoelectrons emitted before the emission of photo electrons stops.

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  10. A small metal plate of work function `phi` is kept at a distance r from a singly ionised, fixed ion. A monochromatic light beam is incident on the metal plate and photoelectrons are emitted. Find maximum wavelength of the light beam so that some of that electrons may go round the ion along a circle.

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  11. A particle of mass `m` projected horizontally with velocity `u`. if it makes an angle `theta` with the horizontal after some time, then at that instant, its be Broglie wavelength is

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  12. Electrons are accelerated through a potential difference of `150V`. Calculate the de broglie wavelength.

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  13. Find the ratio of de Broglie wavelength of molecules of hydrogen and helium which are at temperatures `27^circ` and `127^circC`, respectively.

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  14. With what velocity must an electron travel so that its momentum is equal to that of a photon with a wavelength of `5000overset(0)A` `(h=6.6xx10^(-34)Js,m_(e)=9.1xx10^(-31) Kg)`

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  15. A potential of 10000 V is applied across an x-ray tube. Find the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength associated with incident electrons to the minimum wavelength associated with x-rays.

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  16. Photons of energies `4.25eV` and `4.7eV` are incident on two metal surfaces `A` and `B` respectively.The maximum `KE` of emitted electrons are respectively `T_(A)eV` and`T_(B)=(T_(A)-1.5)eV`.The ratio de-Broglie wavelengths of photoelectrons from them is `lambda_(A):lambda_(B)=1.2`,then find the work function of `A` and `B`

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  17. If the uncertainity in the position of proton is `6xx10^(8)m`, then the minimum uncertainity in its speed is

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  18. The correctness of velocity of an electron moving with velocity `50 ms^(-1)` is `0.005%` . The accuracy with which its position can be measured will be

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter DUAL NATURE of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12