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Complete Solutions to LEVEL-I(H.W) of chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The voltage between the plates of a parallel plate condenser of capacity `2.0 muF` is charging at a rate of `10Vs^(-1)`. The displacement current

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  2. A parallel plate condenser of capacity `10 muF` is charged with a constant charging current of `0.16 A`. The displacement current is

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  3. The graph representing the variation of induced magnetic field in the gap of the condenser plates during its charging with the distance from the axis of the gap is

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  4. The electrical field in the gap of a condenser charges as `10^(12)Vm^(-1)s^(-1)`. If the radius of each plate of the condenser is `3cm`, the magnetic field at the edge of plate in the gap is

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  5. An LC current contains inductance `L=1mu` H and capacitance `C=0.01 muF`. The wavelength of electromagnetic wave generated is nearly:

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  6. The wave length of the Green light of mercury is `550 nm`. If the refractive index of the glass is `1.5`, the time period of the electrical vector in glass nearly (`C_(0)=3xx10^(8)mS^(-1)`)

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  7. The all India Radio, station at Vijayawala transmits its signals at `840 K C//s`. The wave length of the radio wave is

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  8. A point source of electromagnetic radiation has an average power output of `800W`. The maximum value of electric field at a distance `3.5m` from the source will be `62.6 V/m`, the energy density at a distance `3.5 m` from the source will be- (in `"joule"//m^(3)`)

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  9. A plane `E.M.` wave of frequency `40 MHz` travels along `X`-axis. At same point at same instant, the electric field `E` has maximum value of `750 N//C` in `Y`- direction. The magnitude and direction of magnetic field is

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  10. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency `25 Mhz` travels in free space along the x-direction. At a particular point in space and time, `E= (6.3 j) V//m`. What is `B` at this point?

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  11. Light with energy flux `36w//cm^(2)` is incident on a well polished metal square plate of side `2cm`. The force experienced by it is

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  12. The rms value of the electric field of the light from the sun is `720 N//C` The total energy density of the electromagnetic wave is

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  13. In an electromagnetic wave, the amplitude of electric firld is `1 V/m`. The frequency of wave is `5xx10^(14)Hz`. The wave is propagating along `z`-axis. The average energy density of electric field, in `"joule"//m^(3)`,will be

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  14. About `5%` of the power of a `100 W` light bulb is converted to visible radiation. What is the average intensity of visible radiation
    (a) at a distance of `1 m` from the bulb?
    (b) at a distance of `10 m` ?
    Assume that the radiation is esmitted isotropically and neglect reflection.

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  15. The sun radiates electromagnetic energy at the rate of `3.9xx10^(26)W`. Its radius is `6.96xx10^(8)m`. The intensity of sun light at the solar surface will be (in `W//m^(2)`)

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  16. The intensity of `TV` broad cast station of `E=800sin(10^(9)t-kx) V//M` is…….and the wave length in meter is…….

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LEVEL-I(H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC WAVES of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12