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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter COMMUNICATION SYSTEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How many `AM` broadcast stations can be accommodated in a `100 KHZ` bandwidth if the highest modulating frequency of carrier is `5 kHZ`?

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  2. How many `500 kHz` waves can be on a `10km` transmission line simultaneously?

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  3. A two wire transmission line has a capacitance of `20 pF//m` and a characterstic impedance of `50Omega`
    (`a`) What is the inductance per metre of this cable?
    (`b`) Determine the impedance of an infinitely long section of such cable.

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  4. T.V. transmission tower at a particular station has a height of `160m`.
    (`a`) What is the coverage range?
    (`b`) How much population is covered by transmission, if the average population density around the tower is `1200 per km^(2)`?
    (`c`) What should be the height of tower to double the coverage range

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  5. An audio signal given by `e_(s)=15 sin2pi(200t)` modulates a carrier wave given by `e_(s)=60 sin 2pi(100,000t)`. If calculate
    (`a`) Percent modulation
    (`b`) Frequency spectrum of the modulated wave.

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  6. The antenna current of an `AM` transmitter is `8A` when only the carrier is sent but increases to `8.96A` when the carrier is modulated sinusoidally . The percentage modulation is

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  7. A sinusoidal carrier voltage of `80 "volts"` amplitude and `1MHz` frequency is amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal voltage of frequency `5 kHz` producing `50%` modulation. Calculate the amplitude and frequency of lower and upper side bands.

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  8. The load current in the transmitting antenna of an unmodulated `AM` transmitter is `6 Amp`. What will be the antenna current when modulation is `60%`.

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  9. A carrier wave of `1000W` is subjected to `100%` modulation. Calculate (`i`) Power of modulated wave, (`ii`) power is `USB`, (`iii`) power is `LSB`

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  10. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height `32 m` and the height of the receiving antenna is `50 m`. What is the maximum distance between them for satisfactory communication in `LOS` mode? Given radius of earth `6.4xx10^(6)m`.

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  11. A message signal of frequency `10kHz` and peak voltage of `10"volts"` is used to modulate a carrier of frequency `1 MHz` and peak voltage of `20"volts"`. Determine
    (`a`) modulation index
    (`b`) the side bands produced.

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  12. A modulating signal is a square wave as shown in figure.

    The carrier wave is given by
    `c(t)=2 sin(8pit)"volt"`.
    (`i`) Sketch the amplitude modulated wave from
    (`ii`) What is the modulation index?

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  13. An amplitude modulated wave is modulated to `50%`. What is the saving in power if carrier as well as one of the side band are suppressed?

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  14. The carrier frequency is `500kHz`. The modulating frequency is 15 kilohertz and the deviation frequency is 75 kilohertz. Find
    (`a`) modulation index
    (`b`) Number of side bands
    (`c`) Band width

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  15. The load on an `Am` diode detector consists of a resistance of `50KOmega` in parallel with a capacitor of `0.001 muF`. Determine the maximum modulation index that the detector can handle without distortion when modulation frequency is (`i`) `1kHz` (`ii`) `5 kHz`

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter COMMUNICATION SYSTEM of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12