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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE -1(C.W) of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The charging current for a capacitor is `0.25 A`. What is the displacement current across its plates?

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  2. v22

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  3. A parallel plate capacitor of plate separation 2 mm is connected in an electric circuit having source voltage 400 V . if the plate area is `60 cm^(2)`, then the value of displacement current for `10^(-6)`sec will be

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  4. A parallel plate capacitor consists of two circular plates each of radius `12 cm` and separated by `5.0 mm`. The capacitor is being charge by an external source. The charging current is constant and is equal to `0.15` A. The rate of change of potential difference between the plate will be

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  5. An electruc field of `300V//m` is confined to a circular area `10 cm` in diameter. If the field is increasing at the rate of `20V//m-s`, the magnitude of magnetic field at a point `15cm` from the centre of the circle will be-

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  6. The magnetic field between the plates of a capacitor when `r gt R` is given by-

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  7. A condenser is charged using a constant current. The ratio of the magnetic field at a distance of `(R )/(2)` and `R` from the axis of condenser (`R` is the radius of plate) while charging is

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  8. The magnetic field between the circulate plates of radius `12cm` separted by distance of `4mm` of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance `100 pF`. Along the axis of plates having conduction current of `0.15 A` is

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  9. The magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave is given by
    `3 xx 10^(-7) sin (10^(3) x + 6.28 xx 10^(12)t ).` The wave length of the electromagnetic wave is

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  10. If a source is transmitting electro magnetic waves of frequency `8.196 xx 10^(6)` Hz, then the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves transmitted from the source will be

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  11. The wave function (in `S.I unit`) for an electromagnetic wave is given as- `psi(x,t)=10^(3)sinpi(3xx10^(6)x-9xx10^(14)t)`
    The speed of the wave is

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  12. The velocity of all radiowaves in free space is `3xx10^(8),//s`, the frequency of a wave of wavelength `150 m` is

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  13. The relative permeability of glass is `3//8` and the dielectric constant of glass is `8`. The refractive index of glass is

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  14. An electromagnetic wave of frequency `v=3.0 MHz` passes from vacuum into a dielectric medium with permittivity `epsilon=4.0`. Then

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  15. In a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in space has an electric field of amplitude `9 × 10^(3) V//m`, then the amplitude of the magnetic field is

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  16. The amplitude of the magnetic field part of a harmonic electromagnetic wave in vacuum is `B_0=510 nT`. What is the amplitude of the electric field part of the wave?

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  17. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinnusoidally at a frequency of `2xx10^(10)Hz` and amplitude `48 V//m`. The amplitude of oscillating magnetic field will be

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  18. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of `2xx10^(10)Hz` and amplitude `48V//m`. The wavelength of the wave will be-

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  19. In an apparatus the electric field was found to oscillate with an amplitude of `18` `V//m`. The magnitude of the oscillating magnrtic field will be

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  20. The amplitude of the sinusodially oscillating electric field of a plane wave is `60V//m`. Then the amplitude of the magnetic field is

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  21. Light with energy flux of `18W//cm^(2)` falls on a non reflecting surface of area `20cm^(2)` at normal incidence the momentum delivered in `30 minutes` is

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  22. Light with energy flux of `24Wm^(-2)` is incident on a well polished disc of radius `3.5 cm` for one hour. The momentum transferred to the disc is

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  23. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by `B= (200 (mu) T) sin [(4.0 xx (10^15)(s^-1)(t-(x/c))]`. Find the maximum electric field and the average energy density corresponding to the electric field .

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  24. The average value of electric energy density in an electromagnetic wave is (`E_(0)` is peak value):

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  25. The electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave varies with time of amplitude `2Vm^-1` propagating along z-axis. The average energy density of the magentic field is (in `Jm^-3`)

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  26. The maximum electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave is `88V//m`. The average energy density is

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  27. The `rms` value of electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave is `314V//m`.The average energy density of electric field and the average energy density are

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  28. The magnetic of pointing vector and electric field vector are respectively `S` and `E`, then

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  29. The intensity of the sunlight reaching the earth is `1380 W(m^-2)`. Assume this light to be a plane, monochromatic wave. Find the amplitudes of electric and magnetic field in this wave.

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  30. The sun delivers `10^3W//m^2` of electromagnetic flux to the earth's surface.The total power that is inclident on a roof of dimensions `8mxx20m`, will be

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  31. If a source of power `4 kW` produces `10^(20)` photons`//`second, the radiation belongs to a part of the spectrum called:

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  32. The intensity of electromagnetic wave at a distance of `1 Km` from a source of power `12.56 Kw`. Is

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EXERCISE -1(C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12