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Complete Solutions to ILLUSTRATION of chapter NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Compare the radii of the nuclei of mass numbers 27 and 64.

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  2. The radius of the oxygen nucleus `._(8)^(16)O` is `2.8 xx 10^(-15)m`. Find the radius of lead nucleus `._(82)^(205)Pb`.

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  3. Find the binding energy of `._(26)^(56)Fe`. Atomic mass of Fe is 55.9349u and that of Hydrogen is 1.00783u and mass of neutron is 1.00876u.

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  4. Find the energy required to split `._(8)^(16)O` nucleus into for `alpha` - particles. The mass of `alpha`- particle is `4.002603u` and that of oxygen is `15.994915 u`.

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  5. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of `._(20)^(40)Ca`. Given that mass of `._(20)^(40)Ca` nucleus = 39.962589 u, mass of a proton = 1.007825 u,, mass of Neutron = 1.008665 u and 1 u is equivalent to 931 MeV.

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  6. The binding energies per nucleon for deuterium and helium are `1.1 MeV` and `7.0 MeV` respectively. What energy in joules will be liberated when `2` deuterons take part in the reaction.

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  7. The kinetic energy of `alpha`- particles emiited in the decay of `._(88)Ra^(226)` into `._(86)Rn^(222)` is measured to be `4.78 MeV`. What is the total disintegration energy or the `'Q'`-value of this process ?

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  8. A nucleus X, initially at rest , undergoes alpha dacay according to the equation ,
    ` _(92)^(A) X rarr _(Z)^(228)Y + alpha `
    (a) Find the value of `A` and `Z` in the above process.
    (b) The alpha particle produced in the above process is found to move in a circular track of radius `0.11 m` in a uniform magnetic field of `3` Tesla find the energy (in MeV) released during the process and the binding energy of the parent nucleus X
    Given that `: m (Y) = 228.03 u, m(_(0)^(1)n) = 1.0029 u. `
    `m (_(2)^(4) He) = 4.003 u , m (_(1)^(1) H) = 1.008 u `

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  9. The nucleus `.^(23)Ne` decays by `beta`-emission into the nucleus `.^(23)Na`. Write down the `beta`-decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given,`(m(._(11)^(23)Ne) =22.994466 am u` and `m (._(11)^(23)Na =22.989770 am u`. Ignore the mass of antineutrino `(bar(v))`.

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  10. Calculate the kinetic energy of `beta`-particles and the radiation frequencies corresponding to the `gamma`-decays shown in figure.
    Given, mass of `._12Mg^27` atom =26.991425 amu and mass of `._13Al^27` atom = 26.990080 amu

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  11. How many `alpha` and `beta`-particles are emitted when uranium nucleus `(._(92)U^(238))` decay to `._(82)Pb^(214)`?

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  12. A radioactive sample has an activity of `5.13xx10^(7)Ci`. Express its activity in 'becqueral' and 'rutherford'.

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  13. A radioactive substance has `6.0xx10^(18)` active nuclei initially. What time is required for the active nuclei of the same substance to become `1.0xx10^(18)` if its half-life is `40s`.

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  14. A radioactive nucleus can decay by two different processes. The half-life for the first process is `t_1` and that for the second process is `t_2`. Show that the effective half-life `t` of the nucleus is given by
    `1/t = 1/t_1 + 1/t_2`.

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  15. Plutonium decays with half life of 24000 years. If plutonium is stored for 72000 years, the fraction of it that remains is

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  16. A certain substance decays to `1//32` of its initial activity in `25` days. Calculate its half-life.

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  17. The half-life period of a radioactive substance is `20` days. What is the time taken for `7//8th` of its original mass to disintergrate?

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  18. How many disintegrations per second will Occur in one gram of `._(92)^(238)U`, if its half-life against `alpha`- decay is `1.42xx10^(-17)s` ?

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  19. One gram of radium is reduced by 2 milligram in 5 years by `alpha`- decay. Calculate the half-life of radium.

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  20. The half life of a radioactive substance is `5xx10^(3)`yrs. In how many years will its activity decay to 0.2 times its initial activity? Take `log_(10) 5=0.6990`.

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  21. Obtain the amount of `.^60Co` necessary to provide a radioactive source of `8.0 Ci` strength. The half-life of `.^60Co` is `5.3` years?

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  22. An explosion of atomic bomb releases an energy of `7.6xx10^(13)J`. If `200 MeV` energy is released on fission of one `.^(235)U` atom calculate (i) the number of uranium atoms undergoing fission. (ii) the mass of uranium used in the atom bomb

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  23. Calculate the energy released by fission from 2g of `._(92)^(235)U` in kWh. Given that the energy released per fission is 200 MeV.

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  24. 200 MeV energy is released when one nnucleus of `.^(235)U` undergoes fission. Find the number of fissions per second required for fissions per second required for producing a power of 1 megawatt.

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  25. How much `.^(235)U` is consumed in a day in an atomic powder house operating at `400 MW`, provided the whole of mass `.^(235)U` is converted into energy?

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  26. How long an electric lamp of 100 W can be kept glowing by fusion of 2.0 kg of deuterium ? The fusion reaction can be taken as `._1^2H + ._1^2H to ._2^3 He + n + 3.2 MeV `

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  27. Suppose India has a target of producing by `2020 AD, 200,000 MW` of electric power, ten percent of which was to be obtained from nuclear power plants. Suppose we are given that, on an avedrage, the efficiency of utilization(i.e conversion to electric energy) of thermal energy produced in a reactor was `25%`. How much amount of fissionable uranium would our country need per year by `2020`? Take the heat energy per fission of `.^(235)U` to be about `200 MeV`.

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  28. Calculate the energy released by the fission `1 g` of `.^(235)U` in joule, given that the energy released per fission is `200 MeV`.
    (Avogadro's number `=6.023xx10^(23))`

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  29. In the process of nuclear fission of `1 g` uranium, the mass lost is `0.92 mg`. The efficiency of power house run by the fission reactor is `10%`.To obtain `400` megawatt power from the power house, how much uranium will be required per hour? `(c=3xx10^(8) m s^(-1))`.

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  30. An electron-positron pair is produced when a `gamma`-ray photon of energy `2.36 MeV` passes close to a heavy nucleus. Find the kinetic energy carried by each particle produced, as well as the total energy with each.

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  31. A gamma ray photon of energy `1896 MeV` annihilates to produce a photon-antiproton pair. If the rest mass of each of the particles involved be `1.007276 a.m.u` aapproximately, find how much `K.E` these will carry?

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ILLUSTRATION questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEI of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12