Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 11 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
`(A^(3))^(-1)=(A^(-1))^(3)`, where A is a square matrix and `|A|!=0`
`(aA)^(-1)=1/aA^(-1)` where `a` is any real number and `A` is a square matrix.
`|A^(-1)|!=|A+^(-1)`, where `A` is a non singular matrix.
If `A` and `B` are matrices of order 3 and `|A|=5,|B|=3`, the `|3AB|`
If the value of a third order determinant is 12, then find the value of the determinant formed by replacing each element by its co-factor
If a,b,c are in AP show that `|[x+1,x+2,x+a],[x+2,x+3,x+b],[x+3,x+4,x+c]|=0`
`|adjA|=|A|^(2)` where A is a square matrix of order two.
Using properties of determinant. Prove that `|[sinA,cosA,sinA+cosB],[sinB,cosA,sinB+cosB],[sinC,cosA,sinC+cosB]|=0`
If the determinant `|(x+a,p+u,l+f),(y+b,q+v,m+g),(z+c,r+w,n+h)|` splits into exactly `k` determinants of order 3, each element of which contains onlyone term, then the value of `k` is 8.
If `Delta=|(a,p,x),(b,q,y),(c,r,z)|=16` then `Delta_(1)=|(p+x,a+x,a+p),(q+y,b+y,b+q),(r+z,c+z,c+r)|=32`
The maximum value of `|(1,1,1),(1,1+sintheta,1),(1,1,1+costheta)|` is `1/2` Is it true or false
TRUE/FALSE questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of NCERT MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 12