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Complete Solutions to Long Answer type Questions of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT EXEMPLARLong Answer type Questions
Number Of Questions5
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Figure shown a two slit arrangement with a source which emits unpolarised light. P is a polariser with axis whose direction is not given. If `I_0` is the intensity of the principal maxima when no polariser is present, calculte in the present case, the intensity of the principal maxima as well as the first minima.

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  2. A small transparent slab containing material of `mu=1.5` is placed along `AS_(2)`(figure). What will be the distance from O of the principle maxima and of the first minima on either side of the principal maxima obtained in the absence of the glass slab ?

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  3. Four identical monochromatic sources A,B,C,D as shown in the (figure) produce waves of the same wavelength `lambda` and are coherent. Two receiver `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` are at great but equal distances from B.
    (i) Which of the two receivers picks up the larger signal when B is turned off?
    (iii) Which of the two receivers picks up the larger singnal when D is turned off ?
    (iv) Which of the two receivers can distinguish which of the sources B or D has been turned off ?

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  4. The optical properties of a medium are governed by the relative permittivity `(epsi_(r))` and relative permeability `(mu_(r))`. The refractive index is defined as `sqrt(mu_(r)epsi_(r))=n`. For ordinary material, `epsi_(r) gt 0 ` and `mu_(r) gt 0` and the positive sign is taken for the squre root.
    In 1964, a Russian scientist V. Veselago postualted the existance of material with `epsi_(r) lt 0` and `mu_(r) lt 0` . Since, then such metamaterial have been produced in the laboratories and their optical properties studied. For such materials `n= - sqrt(mu_(r) epsi_(r))`. As light enters a medium of such refractive index the phases travel away from the direction of propagation.
    (i) According to the description above show that if rays of light enter such a medium from air ( refractive index =1) at an angle theta in 2nd quadrant, then the refracted beam is in the 3rd quadrant.
    (ii) Prove that Snell's law holds for such a medium.

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  5. To ensure almost `100%` transmittivity, photographic lenses are often coated with a thin layer of dielectric material, like `MgF_(2)(mu=1.38)` . The minimum thickness of the film to be used so that at the centre of visible spectrum `(lambda = 5500 Å)` there is maximum transmission.

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Long Answer type Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of NCERT PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12