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Complete Solutions to Long Answer Type of chapter ATOMS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The first four spectral lines in the Lyman series of a H-atom are `lambda=1218Å, 1028Å,974.3Å and 951.4Å`. If instead of Hydrogen, we consider Deuterium, calculate the shift in the wavelength of these lines.

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  2. Deutrium was discovered in 1932 by Harold Urey by measuring the small change in wavelength for a particular transition in `.^(1)H` and `.^(2)H`. This is because, the wavelength of transition depend to a certain extent on the nuclear mass. If nuclear motion is taken into account, then the electrons and nucleus revolve around their common centre of mass.
    Such a system is equivalent to a single particle with a reduced mass `mu`, revolving around the nucleus at a distance equal to the electron -nucleus separation. Here `mu = m_(e) M//(m_(e)+M)`, where M is the nuclear mass and `m_(e)` is the electronic mass. Estimate the percentage difference in wavelength for the `1st` line of the Lyman series in `.^(1)H` and `.^(2)H`. (mass of `.^(1)H` nucleus is `1.6725 xx 10^(-27)` kg, mass of `.^(2)H` nucleus is `3.3374 xx 10^(-27)` kg, Mass of electron `= 9.109 xx 10^(-31) kg`.)

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  3. If a proton had a radius R and the charge was uniformaly fistributed , Calculate using bohr theory, the ground state energy of a H-atom When `R=10Å`

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  4. In the Angular process as atom makes a transition to a lower state without emitting a photon. The excess energy is transferred to an outer electron which may be ejected by the atom. (this is called an Augar elecrons ) . Assuming the nucleus to be massive , calculate the kinetic energy of an `n=4` Augar electron emitted by chromium by absorbing the energy from a `n=2` to `n=1` transition .

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  5. The gravitational force between a H-atom and another particle of mass `m` will be given by Newton's law
    `F = G (M.m)/(r^(2))`, where `r` is in km and

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  6. The Bohr model for the H-atom relies on the Coulomb's law of electrostatics . Coulomb's law has not directly been varified for very short distances of the order of angstroms. Suppos-ing Coulomb's law between two oppsite charge `+q_(1),-q_(2)` is modified to `|vec(F)|=(q_(1)q_(2))/((4piepsilon_(0))r^(2))1/r^(2),rgeR_(0)`
    ` =(q_(1)q_(2))/((4piepsilon_(0))r^(2))1/R_(0)^(2)(R_(0)/r)^(epsilon), rleR_(0)`
    Calculate in such a case , the ground state enenergy of H-atom , if `epsilon= 0.1,R_(0)=1Å`

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Long Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMS of NCERT PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from NCERT EXEMPLAR Class 12 PHYSICS ATOMS