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Complete Solutions to Packing Efficiency of chapter THE SOLID STATE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSPacking Efficiency
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In face -centered cubic unit cell, edge length is

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  2. The edge length of a face centred unit cubic cell is 508 pm. If the radius of cation is 110 pm, the radius of anion will be

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  3. A metal X crystallises in a face-centred cubic arrangement with the edge length 862 pm. What is the shortest separation of any two nuclei of the atom ?

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  4. The edge length of sodium chloride unit cell is 564 pm. If the size of `Cl^-` ion is 181 pm. The size of `Na^+` ion will be

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  5. If the distance between `Na^(+)` and `Cl^(-)` ions in NaCl crystals is 265 pm, then edge length of the unit cell will be ?

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  6. In the radii of `A^(+)` and `B^(-)` are 95 pm and 181 pm respectively, then the coordination number of `A^(+)` will be:

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  7. Copper crystallises in fcc with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atom?

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  8. The volume of atom present in a face-centred cubic unit cell of a metal (`r` is atomic radius ) is

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  9. The relation between atomic radius and edge length 'a' of a body centred cubic unit cell :

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  10. Chromium metal crystallizes with a body-centered cubic lattice. The length of the unit cell edge is found to be `287`pm. Calculate the atomic radius. What would be the density of chromium in `g cm^(-3)`?

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  11. The fraction of total volume occupied by the atom present in a simple cubic is

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  12. Which of the following does not represent radius of the atom correctly ?
    (i)Simple cubic cell : Radius =`a/2`
    (ii)Face centred cubic cell:Radius = `a/(3sqrt3)`
    (iii)Body centred cubic cell:Radius =`sqrt3/4a`

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  13. Match the column I with Column II and mark the appropriate choice .

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Packing Efficiency questions and complete solutions for chapter THE SOLID STATE of NCERT FINGERTIPS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12