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Complete Solutions to Factors Influencing Rate Of Reaction of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSFactors Influencing Rate Of Reaction
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The rate constant of a reaction depends on

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  2. The chemical reaction `2O_(3)rarr3O_(2)` proceeds as follows :
    `O_(3)rarrO_(2)O" "` (fast)
    `O+O_(3)rarr2O_(2)" "` (slow)
    The rate law expression should be :

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  3. Rate constant in case of first order reaction is

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  4. The rate law for a reaction `A + B to C + D` is given by the expression k[A]. The rate of reaction will be

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  5. A reaction in which reactants (R ) are converted into products (P) follows second order kinetics. If concentration of R is increased by four times, what will be the increase in the rate formation of p?

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  6. The rate of a gaseous reaction is given by the expresison `k[A]^(2)[B]^(3)`. The volume of the reaction vessel is suddenly reduced to one-half of the initial volume. The reaction rate relative to the original rate will be

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  7. The rate of formation of a dimer in a second order dimerisation reaction is `9.1 xx 10^(-6) mol L^(-1)s^(1)` at 0.01 mol `L^(-1)` monomer concentration. Calculate the rate consant for the reaction.

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  8. The rate constant for the reaction, `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)` is `3.0 xx 10^(-5) s^(-1)`. If the rate is `2.40 xx 10^(-5) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`, then the initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` (in `mol L^(-1)`) is

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  9. The order of reaction is decided by

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  10. Which of the following statements for the order of reaction is not correct ?

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  11. Which of the following is an example of a fractional order reaction?

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  12. What will be the rate equation for the reaction `2X + Y to Z`, if the order of the reaction is zero?

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  13. For a reaction, `I^(-) + OCl^(-) to IO^(-) + Cl^(-)` in an aqueous medium, the rate of reaction is given by `(d[IO^(-)])/(dt) = k ([I^(-)[OCl^(-)])/([OH^(-)]))`. The overall order of reaction is

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  14. For a reaction, `2NO + 2H_(2) to N_(2) + 2H_(2) O`, the possible mechanism is
    `NO hArr N_(2)O_(2)`
    `N_(2)O_(2) + H_(2) overset("Slow")(to) N_(2)O + H_(2) O`
    `N_(2) O + H_(2) O overset("fast")(to) N_(2) + H_(2) O`
    What is the rate law and order of the reaction?

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  15. Rate constant of two reactions are given below. Identifying their order of reaction
    `k = 5.3 xx 10^(-2) L mol^(-1) s^(-1)`
    `k = 3.8 xx 10^(-4) s^(-1)`

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  16. Find the values of A,B and C in the following table for the reaction `X + Y to Z`. The reaction is of first order w.r.t X and zero order w.r.t. Y.
    `{:("Exp",[X](mol L^(-1)),[Y](mol L^(-1)),"Initial rate (mol L^(-1) s^(-1))),(1,0.1,0.1,2xx10^(-2)),(2,A,0.2,4 xx 10^(-2)),(3,0.4,0.4,B),(4,C,0.2,2 xx 10^(-2)):}`

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  17. For a chemical reaction `A rarr B`, the rate of reaction increases by a factor of `1.837` when the concentration of `A` is increased by `1.5` time. The order of reaction with respect to `A` is:

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  18. For a reaction A`to`B, the rate of reaction becomes twenty seven times when the concentration of A is increased three times. What is the order of the reaction?

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  19. For the reaction `A + B to` products, what will be the order of reaction with respect to A and B?
    `{:("Exp",[A](mol L^(-1)),[B](mol L^(-1)),"Initial rate (mol L^(-1) s^(-1))),(1,2.5 xx 10^(-4), 3 xx 10^(-5), 5 xx 10^(-4)),(2,5 xx 10^(-4),6 xx 10^(-5), 4 xx 10^(-3)),(3, 1xx 10^(-3), 6 xx 10^(-5), 1.6 xx 10^(-2)):}`

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  20. The unit of rate constant for the reaction,
    `2H_(2) + 2NO to 2H_(2)O + N_(2)`
    Which has rate `= k [H_(2))[NO]^(2)`, is

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  21. Match the rate law given in column I with the dimensions of rate constants given in column II and mark the appropriate choice.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),((A) "Rate" = k[NH_(3)]^(0),(i) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)),((B)"Rate" = k[H_(2)O_(2)][I^(-)],(ii) L mol^(-1) s^(-1)),((C )"Rate" = k[CH_(3)CHO]^(3//2),(iii) S^(-1)),((D) "Rate" = k [C_(5)H_(5)CI],(iv)L^(1//2) mol^(-1//2) s^(-1)):}`

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  22. The decomposition of dimethyl ether is a fractional order reaction. The rate of reaction is givenby rate `= k (p_(CH_(3)OCH_(3)))^(3//2)`. If the pressure is measured in bar and time in minutes, then what are the units of rate and constant?

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  23. The unit of rate of reaction and rate of rate constant are same for a :

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  24. The rate of the reaction:
    `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5) + NaOH to Ch_(3)COONa + C_(2)H_(5) OH` is given by the equation,
    rate `= k [CH_(3) COOC_(2)H_(5)][NaOH]`
    If concenration is expressed in mol/L the units of k are

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  25. For a general reaction `X to Y`, the plot of conc. Of X vs Time is given in the figure. What is the order of the reaction and what are the units of rate constant?

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  26. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option. Order of the reaction is the `underline(X)` of the powers to which concentration terms are raised in experimentally determined rate equation. The unit of first order rate constant is `underline(Y)`. The unit of first order rate constant when concentration measured in terms of pressure and time in minutes is `underline(Z)`

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  27. The number of molecules of the reactants taking part in a single step of the reaction tells about. :

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  28. In any unimolecular reaction

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  29. The overall rate of a reaction is governed by :

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  30. For a reaction `X + Y to Z`, rate `prop [X]`. What is (i) molecularity and (ii) order of reaction ?

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Factors Influencing Rate Of Reaction questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of NCERT FINGERTIPS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12