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Complete Solutions to Colloids And Classification Of Colloids of chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSColloids And Classification Of Colloids
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The size of colloidal particle is

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  2. Which of the following will not form a colloidal system ?

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  3. Fog is a colloidal system of :-

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  4. The colloidal system consisting of a liquid dispersed in a solid dispersion medium is termed as :

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  5. Which of the following examples is correctly matched ?

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  6. Mark the incorrect combination out of the following examples of colloidal solutions .

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  7. Match the column I with Column II and mark the appropriate choice.

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  8. Lyophilic sols are also called reversible colloids because

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  9. Which of the following is contributed towards the extra stability of lyophilic colloids?

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  10. A lyophobic colloid cannot be formed by

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  11. Which of the following is not the correct difference between lyophobic and lyophilic sols ?

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  12. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

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  13. Substances which behave as normal electrolytes in solution at low concentration and exhibit colloidal properties at higher concentration are called

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  14. In these colloids , a large number of small atoms or smaller molecules of a substance aggregate to form colloidal particles having size in colloidal range. These colloids are known as

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  15. The substances which behave as colloidal solutions at higher concentration are called

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  16. The formation of micelles takes place only above

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  17. CMC (Critical Micelle Concentration) is

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  18. At the critical micelle concentration, the surfactant molecules :

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  19. In the given figure label the parts

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  20. Soap mixed with water below critical micelle concentration behaves as

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  21. White of an egg whipped with water acts as

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  22. Colloidal solutions of metals like gold can be prepared when their salt solutions react with certain substances like `SnCl_(2)` , formaldeyde, phenyl hydrazine , etc.
    `2AuCl_(3) + 3SnCl_(2) to 3SnCl_(4)+ underset("sol")(2Au)`
    The above method is an example of

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  23. When a small quantity of `FeCl_(3)` solution is added to the fresh precipitate of `Fe(OH)_(3)` , a colloidal sol is obtained. The process through which this sol is formed is known as

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  24. Which of the processes is being shown in the figure ?

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  25. Which of the following is not a method of removing impurities from a colloidal sol ?

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  26. Tyndall effect is observed only when
    (i) the diameter of the dispersed particles is not much smaller than the wavelength of the light used.
    (ii) the refractive indices of dispersed phase and dispersion medium differ greatly in magnitude .
    (iii) the size of the particles is generally between `10^(-11) and 10^(-9)` m in diameter.
    (iv) the dispersed phase and dispersion medium cna be seen separately in the system .

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  27. When a colloidal solution is viewed from the direction at right angles of light beam, the path of the beam is illuminated due to scattering of light . In the figure (A) and (B) are

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  28. Tyndall effect is not observed in

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  29. Which of the following systems will show Tyndall effect ?

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  30. Why is ferric hydroxide colloid positively charged when prepared by adding ferric chloride to hot water ?

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  31. When an excess of a very dilute aqueous solution of KI is addd to a very dilute aqueous solution of silver nitrate, the colloidal particles of silver iodide are associated with which of the following Helmholtz double layer ?

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  32. The ratio of the number of moles of `AgNO_(3), Pb(NO_(3))_(2) and Fe(NO_(3))_(3)` required for coagulation of a definite amount of a colloidal sol of silver iodide prepared by mixing `AgNO_(3)` with excess of KI will be

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  33. The combination of two layers of opposite charges aroung the colloidal particle is called Helmholtz electrical double layer. The potential difference between the fixed layer and the diffused layer of opposite charge is called

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  34. Which of the following is not an explanation for the origin of charge on the colloidal particles ?

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  35. Movement of dispersion medium under the influence of electric field is known as

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  36. Why is alum added to water containing suspended impurities ?

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  37. Mixing of positively charged colloidal solution with negatively charged colloidal solution brings __________. The decreasing order of coagulating power of `Na^(+), Ba^(2+) and Al^(3+)` for negatively charged colloidal solution is ________ .

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  38. Which one of the following acts as the best coagulating agent for ferric hydroxide sol?

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  39. Ferric hydroxide sol is more readily conagulated by `Na_(3)PO_(4)` in comparison to KCl. Why ?

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  40. Which of the following solutions having same concentration will have lowest `pH` value?

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  41. Among the electrolytes `Na_(2),SO_(4),CaCl_(2),Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3) and NH_(4)Cl`, the most effective coagulating agent for `Sb_(2)S_(3)` sol is

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  42. When iron hydroxide colloidal sol which is positively charged, and colloidal gold which is negatively charged are mixed, which of the following observations is not correct ?

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  43. Why is gelatin mixed with gold sol ?

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  44. Which of the following is not a method for coagulation of lyophobic sols ?

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  45. What happens when lyophilic sol is added to a lyophobic sol?

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Colloids And Classification Of Colloids questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY of NCERT FINGERTIPS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12