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Complete Solutions to Some Important Compounds Of Transition Elements of chapter THE D- AND F- BLOCK ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSSome Important Compounds Of Transition Elements
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following is not an amphoteric ion?

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  2. The basic character fo the transition metal monoxides follows the order (Atomic no's. Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24 , Fe = 26)

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  3. Which of the following oxides are basic ?

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  4. Following order is observed in oxidising power of certain ions :
    `VO_2^(+) lt Cr_2O_7^(2-) lt MnO_4^(-)`
    The reason for this increasing order of oxidising power is

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  5. `V_2O_5` reacts with alkalies as well as acids to give

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  6. Arrange the oxides of manganese according to increasing acidic strength.

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  7. Potassium dichromate is prepared from

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  8. Which of the following reactions do not result in the preparation of potassium dichromate?
    (I) `4FeCr_2O_4+8 Na_2CO_3+7O_2to`
    (II) `Na_2CrO_4+H_2SO_4 to `
    (III) `Na_2Cr_2 O_7 + 2KCl to `

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  9. Which of the following compounds is used as the starting material for the preparation of potassium dichromate?

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  10. Yellow coloured aquesous solution of sodium chromate changes to orange when acidified with sulphuric acid because

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  11. What happens when potassium iodide reacts with acidic solution of potassium dichromate ?

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  12. Acidified potassium dichromate reacts with potassium iodide and oxidiese it to `I_2`. What is the oxidation state of chromium in the products of the reaction?

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  13. One mole of acidified `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` on reaction with excess of KCl will liberate….., moles of `I_(2)`.

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  14. What would happen when a solution of potassium chromate is treated with an excess of dilute nitric acid ?

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  15. Identify the correct structure of dichromate ion.

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  16. In the dichromate anion `(Cr_2O_7^(2-))`

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  17. When `MnO_2` is fused with KOH and `O_2`, what is the product formed and its colour?
    `MnO_2+KOH +O_2 to"_________" + H_2O`

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  18. The equation
    `3MnO_4^(2-)+4H^(+)to2MnO_4^(-)+MnO_2+2H_2O` represents

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  19. Explain why does colour of `KMnO_(4)` disappear when oxalic acid is added to its solution in acidic medium?

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  20. Complete the given reactions.
    (A) `2MnO_4^(-)+H_2O+I^(-)to2ul((i))+2OH^(-)+IO_3^(-)`
    (B) `MnO_4^(-)+5Fe^(2+)+8H^(+)toul((ii))+5ul((iii))+4H_2O`

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  21. The number of moles of `KMnO_(4)` that will be needed to react completely with one mole of ferrous oxalate in acidic solution is:

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  22. Complete the given reaction.

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  23. Which of the following is correct representation of reaction of acidified permanganate solution with sulphurous acid ?

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  24. Which of the following reactions is not correct ?

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  25. A solution of `KMnO_4` is reduced to various products depending upon its pH. At pH lt 7 it is reduced to a colourless solution (A), at pH = 7 it forms a brown precipitate (B) and at pH gt 7 it gives a green solution ( C), (A),(B) and( C) are

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  26. In acidic medium, `KMnO_4` oxidises `FeSO_4` solution. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  27. Complate the following reactions.
    (i) `Cr_2O_7^(2-)+3SO_2+2H^(+)to2Cr^(3+)+"________"+H_2O`
    (ii) `2MnO_4^(-)+5SO_3^(2-)+6H^(+)to2Mn^(2+)+"______"+3H_2O`
    (iii) `Cr_2O_7^(2-)+6Fe^(2+)+14H^(+)to2Cr^(3+)+"_______"+7H_2O`

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  28. Complete the following reactions.
    (i) `MnO_4^(-)+2H_2O+3e^(-)to"_________"+4OH^(-)`
    (ii) `MnO_4^(-)+8H^(+)+5e^(-)to "__________" +4H_2O`
    (iii) `MnO_4^(-)+e^(-)to "_________"`

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  29. Fill the missing products in the following reactions.
    (i) `2MnI_4^(-)+16 H^(+)+10I^(-)to2Mn^(2+)+8H_2O+"_________"`.
    (ii) `2MnO_4^(-)+H-2O+I^(-)to2MnO_2+2OH^(-)+"__________" `.

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  30. When an oxide of manganese (P) is fused with KOH in the presence of an oxidising agent and dissolved in water, it gives a dark green solution of compound (Q). Compound (Q) disproportionates in neutral or acidic solution to give purple compound ( R) oxidises potassium iodide solution to a compound (S) and compound (P) is also formed. Compounds P to S are

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  31. A violet compound of manganese (P) decomposes on heating to liberate oxygen and compounds (Q) and (R ) of manganese are formed. Compound ( R) reacts with KOH in the presence of potassium nitrate to give compound (Q). On heating compound (R ) with conc. `H_2SO_4` and NaCl, Chlorine gas is liberated and a compound (S) of manganese along with other products is formed. Compound P to S are

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Some Important Compounds Of Transition Elements questions and complete solutions for chapter THE D- AND F- BLOCK ELEMENTS of NCERT FINGERTIPS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12