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Complete Solutions to Assertion And Reason of chapter CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSAssertion And Reason
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion (A) Competitive inhibitors compete with natural substrate for their attachement on the active sites of enzymes.
    Reason (R) In competitive inhibitor binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme.

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  2. Assertion : Chemical messengers are received at the binding sites of receptor proteins.
    Reason : Chemical messenger gives messages to the cell without entering the cell.

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  3. Assertion (A) Transparent soaps are made by dissolving soaps in ethanol.
    Reason (R) Ethanol makes things invisiable.

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  4. Assertion : Receptors are crucial to body's communicational process.
    Reason : Receptors are proteins.

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  5. Assertion (A) Chemical messengers are chemicals that enable communications of message between tow neurons or between or between neurons and muscles.
    Reason (R) Chemicals enter the cell through receptor.

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  6. Assertion : Metal hydroxides are better antacids than hydrogencarbonates .
    Reason : Being insoluble metal hydroxides do not increase the pH above neutrality .

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  7. Assertion `:` Sulpha durgs contain sulphonamide group.
    Reason `:` Salvarsan is a sulpha drug.

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  8. Assertion : Low level of noradrenaline causes depression.
    Reason : Equanil is used in controlling depression .

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  9. Assertion : The `-As=As-` linkage present in arshphenamine ( a Salvarsan drug ) resembles the `-N=N-` linkage present in azo days .
    Reason : The first antibacterial agent , prontosil resembles in structure to the compound salvarsan .

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  10. Assertion : 0.2 per cent solution of phenol is an antiseptic while its one percent solution is disinfectant.
    Reason : Antiseptics are also called disinfectant .

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  11. Assertion (A) Penicillin (G) is an antihistamine.
    Reason (R) Penicillin (G) is effective against gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria.

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  12. Assertion : Use of aspartame is limited to cold foods and soft drinks
    Reason : Aspartame is rougly 100 times as sweet as cane sugar .

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  13. Assertion : Chemicals added to foods for increasing their shelf life are called preservatives.
    Reason : Natural sweetners like sucrose and artificial sweetners like saccharin are commonly used as food preservatives.

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  14. Assertion : Clothes washed with soap using hard water do not absorb dyes evenly.
    Reason : Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions.

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  15. Assertion : Detergents with straight chain of hydrocarbons are preferred over branched chain.
    Reason : Detergents with brached chain hydrocarbon part are expensive.

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Assertion And Reason questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE of NCERT FINGERTIPS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12