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Complete Solutions to MCQs of chapter PRINCIPLES OF INHERITANCE & VARIATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Among the seven pairs of contrasting traits in pea plant as studied by Mendel, the number of traits related to flower, pod and seed respectively were

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  2. The colour based contrasting traits in seven contrasting pairs, studied by Mendel in pea plant were

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  3. `"_______"` pairs of contrasting traits were studied by Mendel in pea plant

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  4. Some of the dominant traits studied by Mendel were

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  5. Refer to given table of contrasting traits in pea plants studied by Mendel

    Which of the given traits is correctly placed ?

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  6. Which of the following characters was not chosen by Mendel ?

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  7. Genes which code for a pair of contrasting traits are known as

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  8. A recessive allele is expressed in

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  9. The characters which appear in the first filial generation are called

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  10. What will be the distribution of phenotypic features in the first generation after a cross between a homozygous female and a heterozygous male for a single locus ?

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  11. In a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals, percentage of pure homozygous individuals obtained in `F_(1)` generation will be

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  12. On crossing two heterozygous tall plants (Tt), a total of 500 plants were obtained in `F_(1)` generation. What will be the respective number of tall and dwarf plants obtained of `F_(1)` generation ?

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  13. In mice, black coat colour (allele B) is dominant to brown coat colour (allele b). The offspring of a cross between a black mouse (BB) and a brown mouse (bb) were allowed to interbreed. What percentage of the progeny would have black coats ?

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  14. In fruits flies, long wing is dominant to vestigial wing. When heterozygous long-winged flies were crossed with vestigial-winged flies, 192 offsprings were produced. If an exact Mendelian ratio had been obtained, then the number of each phenotype would have been

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  15. What is the probility of production of dwarf offsprings in a cross between two heterozygous tall pea plants ?

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  16. A tobacco plant heterozygous for recessive character is self-pollinated and 1200 seeds are subsequently germinated. How many seedings would have the parental genotype ?

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  17. Which of the following crosses will give tall and dwarf pea plants in same proportions ?

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  18. To determie the genotype of a tall plant of `F_(2)` generation, Mendel crossed this plant with a dwarf plant. This cross represents a

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  19. Read the given statements and select the correct option
    Statement 1 : Test cross is used to determine an unknown genotype within one breeding generation
    Statement 2 : Test cross is a cross between `F_(1)` hybrid and dominant parent.

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  20. Which of the following is a test cross ?

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  21. Fruit shape in shephered purse (Capsella bursa) is of two types-triangular and top-shaped. Triangular fruit shape (T) is dominant over top-shape (t). Following table summarises the results of several crosses.
    `{:("Cross","Result"),("Strain 1" xx "tt","All triangular"),("Strain 2" xx "tt","1 triangular : 1 top-shaped"),("strain 3"xx "tt","All top-shaped"),("Strain 4"xx "Tt","3 triangular : 1 top-shaped"):}`
    Which pair of strains possess the genotyoe Tt ?

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  22. Mendel formulated the law of of purity of gametes on the basis of

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  23. Read the given statements and select the correct option
    Statement 1 : The law of segregation is one of the most important contributions to the biology
    Statement 2 : It introduced the concept of heredity factors as discrete physical entities which do not become blended.

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  24. The inheritance of flower colour in Antirrhinum (dog flower) is an example of

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  25. In Antirrhinum (dog flower), phenotypic ratio in `F_(2)` generation for the inheritance of flower colour would be

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  26. Phenotypic and genotypic ratio is similar in case of

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  27. If four o' clock plants, the gene for red flower colour (R) is incompletely dominant over the gene for white flower colour (r), hence the plants heterozygous for flower colour (Rr) have pink flower. What will be the ratio of offsprings in a cross between the red flowers and pink flowers ?

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  28. Andalusian fowls have two pure forms - black and white. If black forms (BB) and white forms (WW) are crossed `F_(1)` individuals appear blue coloured (BW), due to incomplete dominance. Which of the following would be an outcome of a cross between black form and blue form ?

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  29. Complete the given table showing different possililities of genotypes and their corresponding blood group, by selecting the correct option
    `{:("Genotypes",,"Blood groups"),(I^(A)I^(A)"," overset("(i)")("___"),,A),(I^(B)I^(B)"," overset("(ii)")("___"),,B),(overset("(iii)")("____"),,AB),(overset("(iv)")("____"),,O):}`

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  30. ABO blood groups in human beings are controlled by the gene `I`. The gene `I` has three alleles `- I^(A),I^(B)` and `i`. Since there are three different alleles, six different genotypes are possible
    How many phenotypes can occur ?

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  31. What can be the blood group of offspring when both parents have AB blood group ?

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  32. A child has blood groups 'O'. If father has blood group 'A' and mother has blood group 'B'. Work out the genotypes of the partents

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  33. Inheritance of roan coat in cattle is an example of

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  34. A cow with red coat is crossed with a bull having white coat. Their offspring produced in `F_(1)` generation showed roan coat. This effect is produced due to juxtaposition of small patches of red and white colour. What can be assumed about the gene controlling coat colour in cattle ?

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  35. ABO blood grouping in human beings cites the example of

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  36. In mice Y is the dominant allele for yellow fur and y is the recessive allele for grey fur. Since Y is lethal when homozygous, the result of cross `Yy xx Yy` will be

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  37. In Mendelian dihybrid cross, when heterozygous Round Yellow are self crossed, Round Green offsprings are represented by the genotype

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  38. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),("A.","Dihybrid test cross","(i)",9:3:3:1),("B.","Law of segregation","(ii)","Dihybrid cross"),("C.","Lawof independent assortment","(iii)",1:1:1:1),("D.","ABO blood group in man","(iv)","Purity of gametes"),(,,"(v)","Multiple allelism"):}`

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  39. The percentage of ab gamete produced by AaBb parent will be

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  40. When a cross is made between a tall plant with yellow seeds (Tt Yy) and a tall plant with green seeds (Tt yy), what is true regarding the proportions of phenotypes of the offsprings in `F_(1)` generation ?

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  41. How many types of gametes can be produced by a diploid organism who is heterozygous for 4 loci ?

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  42. The given Punnett's square represents to Pattern of inheritance in a dihybrid cross where yellow (Y) and round (R) seed condition in dominant over white (y) and wrinkled (r) seed condition
    `{:(" YR Yr yR yr"),("YR F J N R"),("Yr G K O S"),("yR H L P T"),("yr I M Q U"):}`
    A plant of type 'H' will produce seeds with the genotype identical to seeds produced by the plants of

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  43. Read the given paragraph to answer
    In a certain plant, yellow fruit colour (Y) is dominant to green fruit colour (y) and round shape (R) is dominant to oval shape (r). The two genes involved are located on different chromosomes.
    Which of the following will result when plant YyRr is self-pollinated ?

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  44. Read the given paragraph to answer
    In a certain plant, yellow fruit colour (Y) is dominant to green fruit colour (y) and round shape (R) is dominant to oval shape (r). The two genes involved are located on different chromosomes.
    Which of the following is correct for the condition when plant YyRr is back crossed with the double recessive parent ?

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  45. When two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid, segregation of one pair of characters is independent of the other pair of characters. The statement explains which of the following laws/principles of Mendel ?

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  46. Law of independent assortment can be explained with the help of

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  47. Mendel's work was rediscovered by three scientists in the year

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  48. Which three scientists independently rediscovered Mendel's work ?

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  49. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by

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  50. Experimental verification of chromosomal theory of inheritance was done by

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  51. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),("A.","Multiple allelism","(i)","Tt" xx "tt"),("B.","Back cross","(ii)","Tr" xx "TT"),("C.","Test cross","(iii)","Human blood groups"),("D.","Crossing over","(iv)","Non-parental gene combination"),("E.","Recombination","(v)","Non-sister chromatids"):}`

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  52. Genes located very close to one another on same chromosome tend to be transmitted together and are called as

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  53. True-breeding red-eyed Drosophila flies with plain thoraxes were crossred with pink-eyed flies with striped thoraxes
    `{:("Red eye",xx,"Pink eye"),("Plain thorx",,"striped throrax"):}`
    The `F_(1)` flies were then test crossed against the double recessive
    The following `F_(2)` generation resulted from the cross :
    `{:(80,16,12,92),("Red eye","Red eye","Pink eye","Pink eye"),(underset("thorax")("Plain"),underset("thorax")("Striped"),underset("thorax")("Plain"),underset("thorax")("Striped")):}`
    What percentage number of recombinats resulted from the test cross ?

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  54. Depending upon the distance between any two genes which is inversely proportional to the strength of linkage, cross overs will vary from

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  55. Refer to the given figure of cross A and cross B and select the correct statement regarding them

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  56. What is true about the crossing over between linked genes ?

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  57. Chromosome maps/genetic maps were first prepared by

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  58. The distance between the genes is measured by

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  59. If map distance between genes P and Q is 4 units, between P and R is 11 units, and between Q and R is 7 units, the order of genes on the linkage map can be traced as follows

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  60. Given diagram shows a pair of homologous chromosomes during meiosis

    Maximum crossing over will occur between genes

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  61. Which of the following is suitable for experiment on linkage ?

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  62. Mendel law of independent assortment does not hold true for the genes that are located closely on

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  63. If linkage was known at the time of Mendel then which of the following laws, he would not have been able to explain ?

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  64. In maize, coloured endosprem (C) is dominant over colourless (c) , and full endosperm (R) is dominant over shrunken (r). When a dihybrid of `F_(1)` generation was test crossed, it produced four phenotypes in the following percentage :
    Coloured full - 48 % Coloured shrunken - 5 %
    Colourless full - 7 % Colourless shrunken - 40 %
    From this data, what will be the distance between two non-allelic genes ?

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  65. Which of the following are reasons for Mendel's success ?
    (i) Usage of pure lines or pure breeding varieties
    (ii) Consideration of one character at a time
    (iii) Maintenance of statistical records of experiments
    (iv) Knowledge of linkage and incomplete dominance

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  66. In polygenic inheritance

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  67. In a cross between negro and albino skin colour of humans showing polygenic inheritance, the phenotypic ratio in `F_(2)` generation will be

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  68. What proportion of the offsprings obtained from cross AABBCC `xx` AaBbCc will be completely heterozygous for all the genes segregated independently ?

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  69. Refer the given statements and select the correct option
    (i) Percentage of homozygous dominant individuals obtained by selfing Aa individuals is 25 %
    (ii) Types of genetically different gametes produce by genotype AABbcc are 2
    (iii) Phenotypic ratio of monohybrid `F_(2)` progeny in case of Mirabilis jalapa is `3 :1`

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  70. A man having the genotype EEFfGgHH can produce P number of genetically different sperms, and a woman of genotype liLLMmNn can generate Q number of genetically different eggs. Determine the values P and Q.
    a. P = 4, Q = 4
    b. P = 4,Q = 8
    c. P = 8, Q = 4
    d. P = 8,Q = 8

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  71. A pleiotropic gene:
    1) controls a trait only in combination with another gene
    2) controls multiple traits in an individual
    3) is expressed only in primitive plants
    4) is a gene evolved during Pliocene

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  72. The gene disorder phenylketonuria is an example for

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  73. Genes with multiple phenotypic effects are known as

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  74. When a single gene influences more then one trait it is called

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  75. Pleiotropic genes have

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  76. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),("A.","Gregor J, Mendel","(i)","Chromosomal theory of inheritance"),("B.","Sutton and Boveri","(ii)","Laws of inheritance"),("C.","Henking","(iii)","Drosophila"),("D.","Morgan","(iv)","Discovered X-body"):}`

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  77. XO type of sex determination and XY type of sex determination are the examples of:
    a. male heterogamety
    b. female heterogamety
    c. male homogamety
    d. both (b) and (c)

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  78. In XO type of sex determination

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  79. Which of the following is incorrect regarding ZW-ZZ type of sex determination ?

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  80. A couple has six daughters. What is the possibility of their having a girl next time ?

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  81. Select the correct statements regarding honeybees
    (i) The queen bee and the worker bees develop from fertilised eggs and are sexually females
    (ii) Males (drones) develop parthenogenetically from unfertilised eggs
    (iii) Queen bee feeds upon royal jelly and the worker bees feed upon bee bread.

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  82. Number of autosomes present in liver cells of a human female is:
    a. 22 autosomes
    b. 22 pairs
    c. 23 autosomes
    4. 23 pairs

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  83. In honeybees, females are `overset("(i)")"____"` having `overset("(ii)")"____"` chromosomes and males are `overset("(iii)")"____"` having `overset("(iv)")"____"` chromosomes

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  84. Refer to the given figure

    This type of sex determination is found in

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  85. Rate of mutation is affected by:
    1. temperature
    2. X-rays
    3. gamma rays
    4. all of these

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  86. Insertion or deletion of a single base causes

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  87. Point mutation may occur due to

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  88. Select the incorrect statement regarding pedigree analysis

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  89. Which one is the incorrect match ?

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  90. Study the given pedigree chart showing the inheritance if an X-linked trait controlled by gene 'r'

    What will be the genotypes of individuals A,B,C and D respectively ?

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  91. In humans polydactyly (i.e., presence of extra fingers and toes) is determined by a dominant autosomal allele (P) and the normal condition is determined by a recessive allele (p). Find out the possible genotypes of family members 1,2 and 3 in the given pedigree

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  92. Fused ear lobes appear in the progeny due to an autosomal recessive gene, Work out the genotypes of members in the given pedigree

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  93. Wife is PTC non-taster and husband is PTC taster. Their son is taster but daughters are non-tasters. This is not a sex linked trait. Which pedigree is correct ?

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  94. In the following pedigree chart, the mutant trait is shaded black. The gene responsible for the trait is

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  95. Given pedigree chart depicts the inheritance of attached ear lobes, an autosomal recessive trait

    Which of the following conclusions drawn is correct ?

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  96. Study the pedigree chart of a family showing the inheritance of sickle-cell anaemia

    The trait traced in the above pedigree chart is

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  97. Study the pedigree chart of a family showing the inheritance of myotonic dsytrophy

    The trait under study is

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  98. Refer to the given family tree and answer the question

    If A= normal allele, a = albino allele, then genotypes of father and mother are respectively

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  99. Refer to the given family tree and answer the question

    What are the chances of this couple's fifth child being an albino ?

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  100. Inheritance of which of the following traits is shown in the given cross ?

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MCQs questions and complete solutions for chapter PRINCIPLES OF INHERITANCE & VARIATION of MTG BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 12