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Complete Solutions to Galvanic Cell of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A galvanic cell has electrical potential of 1.1 V . If an opposing potential of 1.1 V is applied to this cell, what will happen to the cell reaction and current flowing through the cell ?

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  2. Following reactions are taking place in a Galvanic cell , `Zn to Zn^(2+) + 2e^(-) , Ag^(+) + e^(-) to Ag`
    Which of the given representations is the correct method of depicting the cell ?

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  3. Which of the following is the correct cell representation for the given cell reaction ?
    `Zn+H_2SO_4 to ZnSO_4 + H_2`

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  4. The cell reaction of the galvanic cell : `Cu_((s))|Cu_((aq))^(2+) ||Hg_((aq))^(2+) |Hg_((l))` is

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  5. Which of the following reaction is possible at anode ?

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  6. In the cell `Zn|Zn^(2+)||Cu^(2+)|Cu`, the negaitve terminal is

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  7. For the galvanic cell, `Cu|Cu^(2+)"||"Ag^(+)|Ag`. Which of the following observations is not correct ?

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  8. Which of the following is the cell reaction that occurs when the following half-cells are combined?
    `I_2 + 2e^(-) to 2I^(-) (1M) , E^@=+0.54 V`
    `Br_2+2e^(-) to 2Br (1 M) , E^@=+1.09 V`

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  9. Calculate the standard cell potential of galvanic cell in which the following reaction takes place
    Given `E_(Cr^(+3)//Cr)=-0.74(V)E^(@)_(Cd^(+2)//Cd)=-0.04(V)`

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  10. The standard reduction potential for the half-cell reaction,`Cl_2 + 2e^(-) to 2Cl^(-)` will be `(Pt^(2+)+2Cl^(-)to Pt + Cl_2 , E_"cell"^@=-0.15 V , Pt^(2+) + 2e^(-) to Pt, E^@=1.20 V)`

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  11. In a cell reaction, `Cu_((s))+ 2Ag_((aq))^(+) to Cu_((aq))^(2+) + 2Ag_((s)) E_"cell"^@`=+0.46 V . If the concentration of `Cu^(2+)` ions is doubled then `E_"cell"^@` will be

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  12. A standard hydrogen electrode has zero electrode potential because :

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  13. Which of the following is thecorrect order in which metals displace each other from the salt solution of their salts?

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  14. Given below are the standard electrode potentials of few half-cells. The correct order of these metals in increasing reducing power will be `K^(+)//K`=-2.93 V , `Ag^+` /Ag=0.80 V, `Mg^(2+)`/Mg=-2.37 V, `Cr^(3+)`/Cr =-0.74 V

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  15. Based on the data given below, the correcy order of reducing power is:
    `Fe_((aq.))^(3+) + e rarr Fe_((aq.))^(2+), E^(@) = +0.77 V`
    `Al_((aq.))^(3+) + 3e rarr Al_((s)), E^(@) = -1.66 V`
    `Br_(2(aq.)) + 2e rarr 2Br_((aq.))^(-), E^(@) = +1.08 V`

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  16. `Zn` gives `H_(2)` gas with `H_(2)SO_(4)` and `HCl` but not with `HNO_(3)` because

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  17. Fluorine is the best oxidising agent because it has

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  18. Which of the following is not an application of electrochemical series?

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  19. `E^@` values of three metals are listed below.
    `{:(Zn_((aq))^(2+) + 2e^(-) to Zn_((s)),, E^@=-0.76V),(Fe_((aq))^(2+) + 2e^(-) to 2Fe(s) , , E^@=-0.44 V),(Sn_((aq))^(2+)+2e^(-) to Sn_((s)) ,, E^@=-0.14 V) :}`
    Which of the following statements are correct on the basis of the above information ?
    (i)Zinc will be corroded in preference to iron if zinc coating is broken on the surface.
    (ii)If iron is coated with tin and the coating is broken on the surface then iron will be corroded .
    (iii)Zinc is more reactive than iron but tin is less reactive then iron.

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Galvanic Cell questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of MTG CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 12