Class 12 | PHYSICS |
NCERT FINGERTIPS | Assertion And Reason |
Number Of Questions | 30 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Assertion: Telephony is an example of point-to-point communication mode.
Reason: In point to-point communication modes, communication takes place over a link between a single transmitter and a receiver.
Assertion: The loss of strength of a signal while propagating through a medium is known as attenuation.
Reason: Transmitter helps to avoid attenuation.
Assertion: Amplification is necessary to compensate for the attenualtion of the signal in communication system.
Reason: Amplification is the process of increasing the amplitdue and consequently the strength of a signal using an electronic circuit.
Assertion: The process of retrieval of information from the carrier wave at the reciever is termed as modulation.
Reason: Repeater helps to modulate the signals.
Assertion: Digital signals are continous variations of voltage of curren t.
Reason: Digital signals are essentially single valued functions of time.
Assertion: Microwave communication is preferred over optical communication.
Reason: Information carrying capacity is directly proportional to bandwidth.
Assertion: The ionosphere layer acts as a reflector for all range of frequencies.
Reason: Ionosphere does not allow electromagnetic wav e to penetrate and escape.
Assertion: It is possible to transmit signals from one place on the earth to practically other place on earth.
Reason: A geostationary satellite orbiting the earth is u sed for transmission.
Statement-1: Short wave band are used for transmission fo radiowaves to a large distance.
Statement-2: Short waves are reflected from ionosphere.
Assertion : The information contained in our original low frequency baseband signal is to be translated into high or radio frequencies before transmission.
Reason: For transmitting a signal, the antenna should have a size comparable to the wav elength of the signal.
Assertion: Long distance communication between two points on the earth is achieved using sky waves.
Reason: sky wave propagation takes place above. The frequency of 30 MHz.
Assertion: The television signals are propagated through sky waves. Reason: Television signals have freqeuncy in the range of 1000MHz to 2000MHz range.
Assertion: Space waves are used for line -of -sight communication.
Reason: Space wave travels in a straight line from transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna.
Assertion: When the height of a TV transmission tower is increased by three times. The range covered is doubled.
Reason: The range covered is proportional to the height of the TV transmission tower.
Assertion: AM detection is the process of recovering the modulating signal from amplitude modulated waveform wich is carried out using a rectifier and an evelope detector.
Reason: Amplitude modulated waves can be produced by application of the message signal and the carrier wave to a non-linear device followed by band pass filter.
Assertion: Telephony is an example of point-to-point communication mode.
Reason: In point to-point communication modes, communication takes place over a link between a single transmitter and a receiver.
Assertion: The loss of strength of a signal while propagating through a medium is known as attenuation.
Reason: Transmitter helps to avoid attenuation.
Assertion: Amplification is necessary to compensate for the attenualtion of the signal in communication system.
Reason: Amplification is the process of increasing the amplitdue and consequently the strength of a signal using an electronic circuit.
Assertion: The process of retrieval of information from the carrier wave at the reciever is termed as modulation.
Reason: Repeater helps to modulate the signals.
Assertion: Digital signals are continous variations of voltage of curren t.
Reason: Digital signals are essentially single valued functions of time.
Assertion: Microwave communication is preferred over optical communication.
Reason: Information carrying capacity is directly proportional to bandwidth.
Assertion: The ionosphere layer acts as a reflector for all range of frequencies.
Reason: Ionosphere does not allow electromagnetic wav e to penetrate and escape.
Assertion: It is possible to transmit signals from one place on the earth to practically other place on earth.
Reason: A geostationary satellite orbiting the earth is u sed for transmission.
Assertion: Short wave hands are used for transmission of radio wave to a large distance.
Reason: Short waves are reflected from ionosphere.
Assertion : The information contained in our original low frequency baseband signal is to be translated into high or radio frequencies before transmission.
Reason: For transmitting a signal, the antenna should have a size comparable to the wave length of the signal.
Assertion: Long distance communication between two points on the earth is achieved using sky waves.
Reason: sky wave propagation takes place above. The frequency of 30 MHz.
Assertion: The television signals are propagated through sky waves. Reason: Television signals have freqeuncy in the range of 1000MHz to 2000MHz range.
Assertion: Space waves are used for line -of -sight communication.
Reason: Space wave travels in a straight line from transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna.
Assertion: When the height of a TV transmission tower is increased by three times. The range covered is doubled.
Reason: The range covered is proportional to the height of the TV transmission tower.
Assertion: AM detection is the process of recovering the modulating signal from amplitude modulated waveform wich is carried out using a rectifier and an evelope detector.
Reason: Amplitude modulated waves can be produced by application of the message signal and the carrier wave to a non-linear device followed by band pass filter.
Assertion And Reason questions and complete solutions for chapter COMMUNITCATION SYSTEMS of MTG PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12