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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the following information regarding the number of men and women workers in three factories. I, II and III. Men workers Women workers I 30 25 II 25 31 III 27 26 Represent the above information in the form of `3xx2` matrix. What does the entry in the third row and second column represent?

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  2. If a matrix has 8 elements, what are the possible orders it can have?

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  3. Construct a `3 xx2`matrix whose elements are given by `a_(i j)=1/2|i-3j|`.

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  4. If `[(x+3,z+4,2y-7),(-6,a-1,0),(b-3,-21,0)]` =`[(0,6,3y-2),(-6,-3,2c+2),(2b+4,-21,0)]` Find the values of a, b, c,x,y and z

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  5. Find the values of `a ,\ b ,\ c` and `d` from the following equations: `[2a+b a-2b5c-d4c+3d]=[4-3 11 24]`

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  6. Given `A=[sqrt(3)2""""""1 3""""""""-1 0]` and `B=[2-2""""""sqrt(5)3""""""""1 1/2]` , find `A" "+B` .

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  7. If `A=[(1,2,3),(2,3,1)]` and `B=[(3,-1,3),(-1,0,2)]`, then find `2A-B`.

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  8. `"If A"=[{:(,8,0),(,4,-2),(,3,6):}] and B=[{:(,2,-2),(,4,2),(,-5,1):}]` then find the matrix X, such that 2A+3X=5B

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  9. Find X and Y, if `X+Y=[5 2 0 9]`and `X-Y=[3 6 0-1]`.

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  10. Find the values of x and y from the following equation:`2[x5 7y-3]+[3-4 1 2]=[7 6 15 14]`

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  11. Two farmers Ramkishan and Gurcharan Singh cultivates only three varieties of rice namely Basmati, Permal and Naura. The sale (in Rupees) of these varieties of rice by both the farmers in the month of September and October are given by the following matrices A and B.
    `A=overset("Septermber Sales (in Rupees)")overset("Basmati Permal Naura")([("10,000","20,000","30,000"),("50,000","30,000","10,000")]){:("Ramkishan"),("Gurcharan Singh"):}`
    `B=overset("October Sales (in Rupees)")overset("Basmati Permal Naura")([("5,000","10,000","6000"),("20,000","10,000","10,000")]){:("Ramkishan"),("Gurcharan Singh"):}`
    (i) Find the combined sales in September and October for each farmer in each variety.
    (ii) Find the decrease in sales from September to October.
    (iii) If both farmers receive 2% profit on gross sales, compute the profit for each farmer and for each variety sold in October.

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  12. Find AB, if `A=[(6,9),(2,3)] and B=[(2,6,0),(7,9,8)]`.

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  13. If `A=[(1,-2,3),(-4,2,5)] and B=[(2,3),(4,5),(2,1)]`, find AB and BA and show that `AB!=BA`

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  14. If `A=[(1,0),(0,-1)] and B=[(0,1),(1,0)]`, then `AB=[(0,1),(-1,0)]` .
    and `BA=[(0,-1),(1,0)]`. Clearly `AB ne BA`.

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  15. Find AB, if `A=[(0,-1),(0,2)] and B=[(3,5),(0,0)]`.

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  16. If `A=[(1,1,-1),(2,0,3),(3,-1,2)], B=[(1,3),(0,2),(-1,4)] and C=[(1,2,3),(2,0,-2)].` prove that `(AB)C=A(BC)`

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  17. If `A=[0 6 7-6 0 8 7-8 0]`, `B=[0 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 0]`, `C=[2-2 3]`Calculate AC, BC and `(A + B)C`. Also, verify that `(A + B)C = A C + B C`

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  18. If `A+l={:[(2,2,3),(3,-1,1),(4,2,2)]:}` then show that `A^(3)-23A-40l=0`

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  19. In a parliament election, a political party hired a public relations firm to promote its candidates in three ways telephone, house calls and letters. The cost per contact (in paisa) is given in matrix `A` as `A=[140 200 150]T e l e p hon e Hou s e\ c a l l s L e tt e r s` The number of contacts of each type made in two cities `X` and `Y` is given in the matrix `B` as Telephone House call Letters `B=[1000\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 500\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5000 3000\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1000\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 10000]C i t y\ X C i t y\ Y` Find the total amount spent by the party in the two cities. What should one consider before casting his/her vote partys promotional activity or their social activities?

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  20. .If `A=[[3,sqrt(3),2],[4,2,0]]` and `B=[[2,-1,2],[1,2,4]]` ,then verify that `(A+B)'=A'+B'`

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  21. If A=`[{:(,-2),(,4),(,5):}]`, B=(1,3-6) verify that `(AB)'=B'A'`

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  22. Express the matrix `B=[2-2-4-1 3 4 1-2-3]` as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix.

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  23. By using elementary operations, find the inverse of the matrix `A=[(1,2),(2,-1)]`.

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  24. Obtain the inverse of the following matrix using elementary operations `A=[0 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1]`.

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  25. Find `P^(-1)`, if it exists, given `P=[10-2-5 1]`.

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  26. If `A=[(cos theta, sin theta),(-sin theta, cos theta)]`, then prove that `A^n=[[cosntheta,sin ntheta],[-sin ntheta,cos ntheta]], n in N`

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  27. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then show that AB is symmetric if and only if A and B commute, that is `A B = B A`.

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  28. Let `A-[2-1 3 4], B-[5 2 7 4], C-[2 5 3 8]` . Find a matrix D such that `C D-A B" "=" "0`

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of NCERT MATHEMATICS(GUJRATI) of Class 12