Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
` x+2y =2 `
` 2x+ 3y =3`
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
`2x-y =5`
` x+ y =4`
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
` x+ 3y = 5 `
` 2x+6y =8 `
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
` x+ y +z=1`
` 2x+ 3y +2z =2 `
` ax+ay +2az =4`
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
` 3x-y -2z =2`
` 2y - z =-1`
` 3x- 5y =3`
Examine the consistency of the system of equations
` 5x-y+4z =5`
` 2x+ 3y + 5z =2`
` 5x-2y + 6z =-1`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` 5x+ 2y = 4 `
` 7x+3y =5`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
`2x-y =-2`
` 3x+ 4y =3`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` 4x-3y=3`
` 3x-5y =7`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` 5x+2y =3 `
` 3x+ 2y = 5`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` 2x+ y +z=1`
` x- 2y -z= (3)/(2) `
` 3y-5z =9 `
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` x-y +z= 4 `
`2x+y-3z =0 `
` x+y+z=2`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
` 2x+ 3y + 3z=5`
` x-2y +z=-4`
` 3x-y-2z=3`
Solve system of linear equations , using matrix method
`x-y+2z=7 `
` 3x+ 4y-5z=-5`
` 2x-y+3z=12`
If ` {:[( 2,-3,5),( 3,2,-4),( 1,1,-2) ]:} , ` find `A^(-1) ` Using `A^(-1) ` solve the system of equations
` 2x -3y +5z =11`
` 3x+2y -4z=-5`
` x+ y -2z =-3`
The cost of 4 kg. onion ,3kg wheat and 2kg rice is rupes 60. The cost of 2 kg onion , 4kg wheat and 6kg rice is rupes 90. The cost of 6kg onion 2kg wheat and 3 kg rice is rupes 70. Find cost of each item per kg by matrix method.
EXERCISE 4.6 questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of FULL MARKS MATHS(TAMIL) of Class 12