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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter BOTANY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions89
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following is a fungus ?

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  2. The oxygen released during photosynthesis of green plants comes from the breakdown of which one of the following ?

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  3. Consider the following statements :
    1. Beans are richer source of proteins than potatoes.
    2. Apples are richer source of carbohydrates than bananas.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  4. Which one of the following causes the disease Syphills ?

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  5. Which one of the following contains powerful oxidative enzymes and helps in removing toxic substances from cells ?

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  6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

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  7. Consider the following statements :
    1. In algae, the reproductive organs are single -celled.
    2. Fern plants lack true vascular system.
    Which of the statements given above is /are correct ?

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  8. In plants, which one of the following tissues is dead ?

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  9. Which one of the following is considered as a cell within a cell ?

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  10. Which one of the following is the principal structural element of a living cell ?

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  11. Which one of the following types of plants produces spores and embryo, but without seeds and vascular tissues ?

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  12. Consider the following statements :
    1. Brinjal is a good source of iron.
    2. Pumpkin is good source of vitamin A.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  13. In a living cell, what is the site of ribosome formation ?

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  14. Who are the first time saw bacteria through a microscope made by himself ?

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  15. Which of the following contain enzymes for cellular respiration ?

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  16. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

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  17. Who of the following invented the cotton gin that separates the seeds from cotton three hundred times faster than by hand ?

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  18. Which one of the following cell organelles is responsible for cellular respiration ?

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  19. Consider the following statements :
    In fern plants,
    1. vascular system is absence
    2. reproductive organs are multi-cellular.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  20. Consider the following plants :
    1. Jasmine
    2. Sugercane
    3. Turmeric
    Which of the above is/are propagated by vegetative method ?

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  21. Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria ?

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  22. The natural dye present in turmeric is known as

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  23. Which of the following organelles of a cell is/are involved in photosynthesis ?

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  24. Which one of the following processes takes place in lakes during entrophication ?

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  25. Consider the following statements :
    1. Different plant species grow together.
    2. Light cannot penetrate into the lower strata full of undergrowth.
    Which of the following types of vegetation is characterised by the above ?

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  26. From which one of the following is the percentage of reflected amount of radiation highest ?

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  27. Which of the following crops would be preferred for sowing in order to enrich the soil with nitrogen ?

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  28. Which of the following plants is referred to as a living fossil ?

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  29. Which one of the following vegetables is not obtained from wild cabbage ?

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  30. Softening of mature ripe fruits is due to

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  31. Which part of saffron plant is used to obtain the spice 'saffron' ?

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  32. To which one of the following types of organism do mushrooms belong ?

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  33. Which one amount the following produces seeds but not a true flowers ?

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  34. Which among the following is not a true fruit ?

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  35. When dried raisins are put in plain water, they swell up. If put again in brine solution, they shrivel up. This phenomenon indicates the property of

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  36. Which one among the following statement regarding cell is not correct ?

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  37. Which one among the following Indian scientists proposed a theory for long distance transport of water in plants ?

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  38. Sandalwood tree is considered a

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  39. The common edible mushroom is a

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  40. A biogeographic region with significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans is called as

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  41. The main function of the inner bark of a woody plant is to

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  42. Birds like Flamingos can stand on one leg. Which among the following statements relating to this is/are correct?
    1. By standing on one leg Flamingos can conserve body heat and energy because they can reduce great deal of surface area for the loss of heat.
    2. By standing on one leg, one Flamingo makes a courtship display, which is a part of ritual prior to reproduction.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  43. Which one of the following processes of weathering belongs to both mechanical and chemical weathering ?

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  44. With regard to animal breeding, which one among the following is not correct ?

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  45. Which one among the following cell organelles is semi-permeable ?

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  46. Which one among the following nutrients is a structural component of the cell wall of plants ?

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  47. Certain parts of a plant can be bent easily without breaking. This flexibility in certain parts, like leaf and stem, can be attributed to the abundance of

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  48. Which of the following is not a micronutrient for a plant ?

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  49. Cell membrane is selectively permeable because

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  50. Which of the following statements about sexual reproduction in flowering plants are correct ?
    1. Stamen is present in the centre of a flower.
    2. Stamen produces pollen grains in the ovary.
    3. The swollen bottom part of carpel is the ovary.
    4. The fusion of green cells gives rise to zygote.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below.

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  51. Consider the following statemnt in relation to plant tissue chlorenchyma :
    1. It is formed by the palisade and spongy mesophyll.
    2. It is a form of parenchyma which contains chloroplasts.
    3. It serves to transport organic solutes made by photosynthesis.
    4. It is a thin transparent layer which has chiefly a protective function.

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  52. The next items consist of two statements, statement I and statement II. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the code given below.
    Statement I : Autotroph plants contain the pigment chlorophyll for meeting their requirement of carbon and energy.
    Statemen II : Photosynthesis is the process of converting water into food using sunlight and oxygen.

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  53. From which part of turmeric, is the turmeric powder obtained ?

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  54. Leaves of which of the following plants are not used for the rearing of silkworms ?

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  55. Which of the following statements about vitamins are correct ?
    1. Vitamin C is essential to make connective tissue in body.
    2. Vitamin D is needed for synthesis of ey pigment.
    3. Vitamin `B_(12)` helps in maturation of RBC
    4. Vitamin C is required to make use of calcium absorbed from the intestine.
    Select the correct answer using the code give below.

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  56. Statement I : Amoeba is a unicellular organism and the single cell performs all functions of a living organism.
    Statement II : Cell is the fundamental unit of level organism

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  57. Which one among the following is a plant hormone ?

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  58. Which of the following groups of plants can be used as indicatos of `SO_2 ` pollution of air ?

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  59. Statement I : Growth of plants is smooth with a complete fertilizer.
    Statement II : A complete fertilizer always contains N, P, K.

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  60. Energy is required for maintenance of life. It is obtained by a process called

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  61. All life forms contain "molecules of life ". These are

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  62. Which one of the followin is the smallest unit showing the properties of life such as capacity for metabolism, response to the environment, growth and reproduction ?

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  63. In plants, which one of the following gases is released during Photosythesis ?

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  64. Gametophytes of sexually reproducing flowering plants are

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  65. The seeds of flowering plants are made up of

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  66. Which of the following are the characteristics of organic farming ?
    1. Use of chemical fertilizers to improve soil fertility.
    2. Frequent decomposing and fallowing.
    3. Use of herbs to control pests.
    4. Higher productive per hectare.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  67. When heat rays relected from Earth, gases like Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide do not allow them to escape back to the space causing our planet to heat up. These gases are known as

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  68. Precursor of which one of the following vitamins comes from `beta`-carotene ?

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  69. Who among the following discovered the antibiotic producing fungus from Penicillium genus ?

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  70. Which one of the following is not an example of eukaryotic organism ?

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  71. Carbon and energy requirements of autotrophic organisms are fulfilled by :

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  72. Stung by hairs of nettle leaves causes burning pain. This is due to injection of

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  73. Cell wall of any fungus is different from plants in having

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  74. Sugarcane is one of the important cash crops in India. It is grown to obtain

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  75. The colourful part of the Sunflower or Marigold plant is

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  76. The accidental touch of Nettle leaves creates a burning sensation, which is due to inject of

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  77. Which one of the following is an organelle that is NOT found in prokaryotic cells ?

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  78. Which one of the following statements about classification of plants is correct ?

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  79. Which one of the following statements about meristematic tissues in plants is correct ?

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  80. Who among the following first discovered cell ?

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  81. Statement I : Phytoplankton produce most of the organic carbon in the ocean.
    Statement II : Algae are produced in the cold water biome.

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  82. Damage to the apical meristem of a growing yound plant will affect the

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  83. Which of the following kingdoms has/have only unicellular organisms ?

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  84. The oxygen evolved during photosynthesis comes from spliting of

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  85. In one set of chromosomes for a given plant is represented as N, in case of double fertilization, the zygote and the endosperm nucleus of a diploid plant would have how many sets of chromosomes respectively ?

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  86. Which one of the following cell organelles does NOT possess nucleic acid ?

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  87. Which one of the following cell organelles does NOT possess its own genetic material encoding proteins ?

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  88. Which one of the following is NOT a component of conducing tissue in plants ?

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  89. Which one of the following organisms has vascular tissues ?

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter BOTANY of NDA PREVIOUS YEARS of Class 12