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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter ZOOLOGY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom?

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  2. Which of the above are caused by virus?

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  3. In human beings, the digestion of proteins starts in which part of the alimentary canal?

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  4. Which one of the following statements is correct? The enzymes present in the saliva of human beings breaks

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  5. The involvement of which one of the following is essential in the control of blood sugar?

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  6. During the anaerobic respiration that takes place in our muscles while doint rigrous exercise, what is the end product formed in the muscles?

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  7. Which among the following is the largest phylum in the Animal Kingdom in respect to number of species?

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  8. Which one of the following enzymes is found in human saliva?

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  9. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched:

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  10. Which one of the following glands produces insulin in human body?

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  11. Which one of the following is a herediatry disease?

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  12. Which one of the following statements is correct? Cretinism is a human disorder which is due to the under secretion of:

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  13. A surge of which hormone stimulates ovulation in human females?

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  14. Which one of the following carries out the function in human beings similar to the one which Malpighian tubules perform in coackroaches and other insects?

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  15. Lobsters belong to which one of the following classes of organisms?

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  16. Contaminated water can cause the following diseases except which one of the following?

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  17. Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria and spreads through faecal matter by houseflies?

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  18. To which of the following types of animals are Salamanders closely related?

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  19. Which one of the following is not a disease caused by virus?

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  20. In terms of the evolution of organism, which one among the following is the most advanced?

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  21. Which one of the following is not a genetic disorder?

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  22. Which one of the following is an enzyme?

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  23. In human body, which one of the following secretes hormones as well as digestive enzymes?

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  24. In human body, which one of the following store/stores extra blood for release when shortages occur?

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  25. In which one of the following animals, is skin a respiratory organ?

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  26. In human body which one among the following is the largest in size?

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  27. Which one of the following glands in human body is enlarge due to goiter?

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  28. From the evolutionary point of view, which one among the following is the most primitive animal?

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  29. Which one of the following insects spreads Kala-azar?

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  30. Which one among the following is blind?

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  31. Due to accumulation of which one of the following, joggers experience pain in their muscles after running

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  32. Stem Cell therapy (SCT) is not useful for the treatment of which one of the following ailments?

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  33. In which one of the following antibody formations takes place?

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  34. All enzymes are

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  35. Which one of the following diseases is not caused by virus?

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  36. A typical human ribcage consists of how many ribs?

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  37. Beri-Beri is caused due to lack of which one of the following types of nutrients?

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  38. Which of the following are the possible blood groups of the offspring of the parents with blood group O and A B?

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  39. Among the given nutrients, milk is a poor source of

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  40. Which one of the following is not a mammal?

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  41. The wounds of face bleed profusely because

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  42. Oral Rehydration Theraphy is recommended for patients suffering from

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  43. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

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  44. Crocodiles store fats in

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  45. Release of which one of the following chemicals is responsible for causing after muscular activity in human beings?

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  46. Jaundice in human beings is the result of

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  47. Which of the following regions/cells in the human body is involved in controlling blood sugar level?

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  48. The Haffkine Institute, Mumbai , is known for its work on the production of

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  49. Which part of brain controls find movement, maintains balance and equilibrium of the body and muscle tone in a human being?

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  50. Leishmania, the causative agent of kala-azar, multiples asexually by

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  51. Administering a vaccine provides protection by including synthesis of antibodies (proteins) specific of the vaccine. The cell in the body responsible for the production of antibodies is

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  52. Biological catalysts in living organisms are known as

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  53. Among the following elements, which one is essential for the transmission of impulses in the nerve fibre?

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  54. Cure to spinal injury is likely to emerge from

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  55. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with

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  56. Consider the following items.
    I. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
    II. Vitamins.
    III. Minerals.
    IV. Water
    Whicih of the above are considered as the constituents of food?

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  57. The next four (04) items are based on the following table.
    Match list I with list II, list III and list IV and select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  58. Match list I with list II, list III and list IV and select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  59. Match list I with list II, list III and list IV and select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  60. Match list I with list II, list III and list IV and select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  61. Consider the following statements regarding the recent global outbreak of 'Swine flu'?
    I. The agent of infection is not well identified.
    II. The risk is higher in those who consume pork.
    III. It has propensity to spread from contact with an infected person.
    IV. Absence of an effective treatment or vaccine makes it risk for a global pandemic.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  62. Which one among the following statements about stomach is not correct?

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  63. Which one of the following organs breaks down fatto produce cholesterol?

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  64. An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency dontate blood to a person whose blood type is

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  65. Which one among the following is the largest monkey?

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  66. A man was trapped in a room of a building which was up in flames. Fire-fighters had to break window panes which were filled in smoke to take him out. Once the injurec person is out, he should be observed/treated for

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  67. AIDS is caused by Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) which is

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  68. Which one among the following statements regarding heart sound is correct?

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  69. Balanced diet should have approximately

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  70. Which one among the following statements is correct.

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  71. What are cold-blooded animals?

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  72. Sickle-cells anemia is a disease caused due to abnormality in

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  73. Carbohydrates are stored in plants and animals in the form of

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  74. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
    1. Ligaments are highly flexible.
    2. Ligaments connect muscles and bones.
    3. Ligaments contain very little matrix.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  75. Which one among the following water -borne diseases is not caused by a bacteria?

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  76. The process of conventional earlobe piercing does not lead to bleeding. This is because the

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  77. After entering the human body through mosquito bite, the malarial parasite (plasmodium) shows initial multiplications in

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  78. Which one among the following parts of blood carries out the function of body defence?

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  79. Which one among the following is not included in the major clinical sign as a case definition of AIDS in children `lt 12` years of age?

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  80. Polio disease is caused by

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  81. Which one among the following is the hardest part of our body?

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  82. Which of the following group is present in animal cells?

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  83. Which one among the following statements is correct? In digestive system of living organisms

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  84. The main thinking part of the brain is

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  85. Which one among the following hormones stimulates the plant cells to grow in a manner such that the plant appears to be bent towards light?

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  86. The complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteinsand fats occurs in

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  87. Which one among the following statements about a health diet is correct?

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  88. The Nobel Prize in Medicine for the year 2012 has been awarded to John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for the discovery that

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  89. The sexof a newborn baby is determined by the chromosomes inherited from

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  90. Consider the following diseases:
    1. Cholera
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Filariasis
    4. Typhoid
    Which of the above diseases are caused by bacteria?

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  91. Consider the following statements regarding osmosis in animals cells:
    1. If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too high, the cell shrinks.
    2. If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too low, the cell swells and bursts.
    3. It is important to maintain a constant water potential inside the animal body.
    4. In animal cells, water potential for exceeds the solute potential.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  92. The following question consist of two statements, one labelled as the Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (r ). You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below:
    Assertion(A): Though carbohydrates are covalent compounds, they are soluble in water.
    Reason (R): Compounds which form hydrogen bond with water are generally soluble in water.

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  93. Statement-I: Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce young ones of their species. There are different forms of reproduction.
    Statement-II: Sex organs, male and female, are mandatory for reproduction.

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  94. Statement-I: Human beings have 23 pair of chromosomes, one of which is the sex chromosomes and the remaining 22 autosomes. The X-linked diseases are related to mutations on a sex chromosomes.
    Statement-II: Colour blindness results from a mutation in X-chromosome.

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  95. Statement-I: Oxidation in our body cells releases dangerous free radicals.
    Statement-II: Our body itself produces antioxidants to neutralise harmful free radicals.

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  96. Statement-I: Red blood cells burst when placed in water.
    Statement-II: Due to the phenomenon of osmosis water enters into red blood cells.

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  97. Presbyopia is a visual defect caused by

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  98. Which one among the following animals does not undergo periodic moulting of their external body covering?

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  99. Which one among the following organs in humans in not involved in elicitation of immune response?

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  100. Which one among the following substances is never excreted out through urine normal circumstances in any healthy individual?

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter ZOOLOGY of NDA PREVIOUS YEARS of Class 12