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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter GENERAL KNOWLEDGE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

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  2. Where is Baikonur Cosmodrome located

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  3. What id Shenzhou VI, that was recently in the news ?

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  4. Which one of the following plants yields bio-diesel and bio-fuel ?

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  5. Anup Srithar, a well-known sportsperson, is associated with which one of the following games/sports ?

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  6. Who among the following is well-known as a sportsperson in shooting ?

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  7. Who is author of One Night @ the Call Centre ?

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  8. Match List-I with List-II and seled the correct answer using the codes given below the list :
    `{:(,underset(("Asian Games"))"List-I",,underset(("Held In"))"List-II"),(A.,"Asian Games, 1990",1.,"Thailand"),(B.,"Asian Games, 1994",2.,"South Korea"),(C.,"Asian Games, 1998",3.,"China"),(D.,"Asian Games, 2002",4.,"Japan"):}`

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  9. Which one amongst the following is nearest to the Sun ?

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  10. How is Shobhana Chandrakumar well known as ?

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  11. Which one among the following is not one of the G-4 group of countries that aspiring for permanent membership the Security Council of the United Nations ?

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  12. Nokia-one the leading cellular phone producers in the world originates from which one of the following countries ?

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  13. S.R. Nathan is the President of which one of the following countries ?

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  14. In the United Nations, who decides the quantum of contribution of member to the income resources of the UN?

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  15. What is the number of the permanent members of the UN Security Council ?

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  16. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists :
    `{:(,"List-I",,"List-II",),(,"(U N Bodies)",,"(Headquarters)",),(A.,"International Court of Justice",1.,"Geneva",),(B.,"Food and Agriculture Organization",2.,"Rome",),(C.,"UNESCO",3.,"Washington",),(D.,"WHO",4.,"The Hague",),(,,5.,"Paris",):}`

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  17. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the hills of Meghalaya, from east to west ?

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  18. With which one the following games is the Hopman Cup associated ?

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  19. Who of the following is an accomplished vocalist ?

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  20. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists :
    `{:(,"List-I",,"List-II",),(,"(Specialized Agency of UN)",,"(Headquarters)",),(A.,"International Bank for Reconstruction and Development",1.,"Montreal",),(B.,"International Civil Aviation Organization",2.,"London",),(C.,"International Maritime Organization",3.,"Rome",),(D.,"International Labour Organization",4.,"Washington DC",):}`

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  21. The Governments of which one of the following pairs of countries are planning to build a rail tunnel link between Europe and Africa ?

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  22. How is Leila Seth known as ?

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  23. The 1770 km long Baku Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline connects which of the following seas ?

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  24. The famous artist Uma Sharma is an exponent of which one of the following forms of dance ?

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  25. Which one of the following is mixed with petrol by the Government of India in its nationwide programme of blended petrol ?

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  26. In which one of the following One-Day Cricket World Cups, did India lose in the Finals ?

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  27. How is Asafa Powell well-known as ?

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  28. What is 'Look East Policy' often in the news ?

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  29. India is not a member of which one of the following ?

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  30. Where is the headquarters of International Bank of Reconstruction and Development located ?

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  31. Consider the following statements ?
    1. Hariyali is a watershed development project sponsored by the Central Government.
    2. Hariyali also aims at enabling the urban population to conserve rain water.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  32. Where is the Counterinsurgency and Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS), a training institution of the Indian Army specializing in unconventional warfare, specially guerilla warfare, located ?

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  33. In which city is the Flushing Meadow. Corona Park-the venue of Us Open Tennis Tournament located ?

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  34. Which country won the 2006 FIFA Cup (World Football Cup) ?

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  35. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
    `{:(,"List-I",,"List-II",),(,"(Date)",,"(Event)",),(A.,"24 th October",1.,"Human Rights day",),(B.,"10 th December",2.,"Commonwealth day",),(C.,"24 th May",3.,"United Nations day",),(D.,"21 st September",4.,"International day of peace",):}`

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  36. Which one of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
    `{:(1.,"Arundhati Roy",:,"The God of small Things",),(2.,"Krin Desai",:,"The Inheritance of Loss",),(3.,"Jhumpa Lahiri",:,"The Name-sake",):}`
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  37. Match ListI with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
    `{:(,underset("(Jnanpith Laureate)")("List-I"),,underset("(Language)")("List-II")),(A.,"Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya",1.,"Bengali"),(B.,"Rahman Rahi",2.,"Marathi"),(C.,"Vinda Karandikar",3.,"Kashmiri"),(D.,"Mahasweta Devi",4.,"Assamese"):}`

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  38. Who among the following is not a Dada Saheb Phalke awardee ?

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  39. Which one of the following is the highest mountain peak ?

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  40. Who among the following sports personalities is known as the payyoli Express ?

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  41. Match List I with List-II and slect the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
    `{:(,"List-I",,"List-II"),(A.,"Explanation of the photo-electric effect",1.,"J.J. Thomson"),(B.,"Discovery of a comet",2.,"Robert Millikan"),(C.,"Measurement of the electronic",3.,"Einstein"),(D.,"Thermoelectricity",4.,"Edmund Halley"),(,,5.,"Seebeck"):}`

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  42. In which one of the following countries is the infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) highest ?

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  43. In which one of the following periods did India experience a negative population growth ?

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  44. In which one among the following States is the percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to its total population highest ?

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  45. Which one of the following is the international aircraft identification mark (registration prefix) for India ?

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  46. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :

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  47. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :

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  48. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list:

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  49. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list :

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  50. Consider the following statements :
    1. Lamba in Gujarat is famous for wind power plant.
    2. Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh is famous for geothermal energy plant.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  51. Consider the following statements with respect to the Radar Imaging Statellite (RISAT-2)
    1. This is the first Indian satellite with microwave imaging configuration of board
    2. The satellite will boost India's defence capabilities.
    3. It can take images of the earth day and night, even under rainy and cloudy conditions.

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  52. Consider the following statements about Astra:
    1. This anti-aircraft missile is procured by India from Russia.
    2. It is a single-stage, smokeless, solid-propelled missile.
    3. It may be launched from different altitudes.
    Which of the statements given above are correct ?

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  53. Which one of the following is not a component of the scheme Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) launched by the Union of India ?

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  54. Areawise, which one of the following is the largest Lok Sabha constituency ?

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  55. Indian Military Training Team (IMTRAT) imparts training to army officers of

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  56. Consider the following statements
    1. The Green Governance Awards have been instituted by Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS).
    2. Tata Chemicals has won the Green Governance Award, 2008 for its project on conservation of the whale shark.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  57. The tourism phrase Paradise Unexplred refers to

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  58. The Copenhagen Summit for Climate Change, 2009 saw

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  59. Consider the following paragraph and identify with the help of the code given below the writer referred to therein :
    She is the winner of the Sahitya Akademi, Award, the Jnanpith Award and is also India's first Principal Prince Claus laureate.
    One of the most celebrated writers of contemporary Indian literature, she is noted for her novels which include The Moth-Eaten Howdah of the Tusker, Pages Stained with Blood and The Man from Chinnamasta.

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  60. Consider the following paragraph and identify with the help of the code given below the Church referred to therein : Considered as one of the examples of baroque architecture in India, this World Heritage Monument is dedicated to Infant Jesus. It houses the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint, who died in 1552.

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  61. Ms. Reena Kaushal Dharmshaktu is the first Indian woman

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  62. Which one among the following is the latest milestone of Doordarshan, the public broadcaster of India ?

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  63. START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) is a treaty between/among

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  64. Which one of the following is not a member of BASIC bloc of countries ?

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  65. Which of the following is/are instance(s) of violation of human rights ?
    1. A person was detained by the security forces while going for casting vote in parliamentary Election.
    2. A civilian was killed by the army while undertaking combing operation.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  66. Consider the following paragraph about one of the prominent personalities of India and identify him/her using the code given below :
    One of the founder members of the progressive Artists Group, he/she painted several important series of paintings like the Mahabharata and Ramatana, Christ and the Lamb, peace Doves, Women with Roosters and Mother Teresa. He/She made a symbolic film, Through the Eyes of a painter, which won him/her the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival.

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  67. Operation Vajraprahar is the joint counter-terrorism exercies between Indian Army and

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  68. India' s 'Look East Policy'
    1. was articulated during the reign of H.D. Deve Gowda as India's Prime Minister
    2. is directed towards South-East Asian countries
    3. is about controlling terrorism
    4. seeks to develop a bond among various countries on the basis of economic cooperation
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  69. Arrange the following Military Training Institutes in terms of their geographical location Noeth to South
    I. Indian Military Academy
    II. Officers Training Academy
    III. National Defence Academy
    IV. National Defence College
    V. College of Defence Management
    Select the correct answer using the code given below

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  70. Rajmohan Gandhi's book 'A Tale of Two Revolts' (2009) deals with the

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  71. Consider the following statements.
    I can only thank a genius director like Guru Dutt for giving me an opportunity to work in his films and translate his conceptions on screen. I was able to involve (myself) in many innovative experiments he had tried. The best example is the making of 'Kagaz Ke Phool' (1959), which is the first cinemascope venture in the Indian film industry. On receipt of a Prestigious Award of India the above statement was made recently by

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  72. Consider the following statements about General V.K. Singh
    I. He is the first trained commando to take over as the Chief of the Army Staff of Indian Army.
    II. He belongs to the Rajputana Rifles regiment of Indian Army.
    III. General Singh succeeded General Deepak Kappor
    Which among the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  73. Consider the following passage and identify the from of dance theatre referred thereto using the code given below.
    This is a uniquely traditional from of dance theatre of India with a formidable classical background. The main essence of this from of dance drama is its attachment with religion, which provides the most common theme for its plays. The performance begins with a prayer offering to the Lord Ganesha, which is followed by a comedy act, accompanied by the background music of the Chenda and the Maddale, and a tala (cymbals) played by a team of three. The narrator, who is also a part of the team is called Bhagavata and is the producer, the director, and the head of the story through songs, introducton of the characters, and occasionally conversing with them. Another unique feature of it is the totally unrehearsed and unwritten use of dialogues. which makes it so special.

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  74. Which amongst the following statements is/are about the INS Arihant ?
    I. It is India's first nuclear submarine.
    II. It is India's first aircraft carrier.
    III. It has been indigenously built in India.

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  75. Which among the following statements about the Zaranj Delaram road is/are correct ?
    I. It was constructed by Broder Road Organization in Afghanistan.
    2. It links India with Afghanistan via Pakistan
    III. The road will open up market for Indian goods in Afghanistan via Iran.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below

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  76. India by becoming a full-fledged member of the Financial Action Task Force

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  77. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas emission as per Kyoto Protocol implies that

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  78. Match List with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists.

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  79. Match List-I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists.

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  80. Milan' is
    1. an annual gathering of Navies of Indian Ocean countries
    2. conducted at Chennai
    3. a joint anti terrorism exercise
    4. aimed an enhancing inter-operability among navies
    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

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  81. Consider the following pairs.
    1. Pinaka : Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher System
    2. Nag : Anti Tank Missile System
    3. Lakshya : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
    Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched ?

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  82. Which one among the following is the unit raised to protect the naval assets ?

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  83. Consider the following statemensts with regard to the Renewable Energy Certification (REC) mechanism launched in November 2010 by the Government of India
    1. It enables the obligated to meet their renewable purchase obligation.
    2. It is one of the pioneering efforts in any developing country for mainstreaming efforts in any renewable energy generation through market mechanism
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  84. Consider the following statements with regard to the Global Hunger Index.
    1. India ranks within the top ten among the developing countries in the Global Hunger Index 2010.
    2. According to the Global Hunger Index Index 2010, the proportion of undernourished in India is decreasing.
    3. Normally, economic progress of a country measured by its gross national income and the hunger level are inversely correlated.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  85. Venkataraman Ramkrishnan was jointly awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the year 2009 for the

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  86. Indian Army's counter-insurgency school is situated in

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  87. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
    `{:(,underset("(Name of the Shipyard)")("List-I"),,underset("(Location)")("List-II")),(A.,"Hindustan Shipyard Limited",1.,"Kolkata"),(B.,"Garden Reach Shipbuil & Engineers Limited",2.,"Vasco-da-Gama"),(C.,"Goa Shipyard Limited",3.,"Mumbai"),(D.,"Mazagon Dock Limited",4.,"Visakhapatnam"):}`

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  88. Schemes run under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are sponsored

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  89. The World Bank was created immediately after the Second World War. Its activities are focused on the developing countries. Which among the following are the activities of the Bank ?
    1. Human development
    2. Agriculture and rural development
    3. Environmental protection and governance
    4. Loans and grants to the member countries
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  90. Karam is a festival celebrated to worship karam Deuta, the God of power. Which one among the following tribal communities in India traditionally celebrates this festival ?

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  91. Which one among the following is the largest exporter of small arms in the world ?

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  92. Which among the following islands in the South Sea are the source of conflict several countries ?

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  93. The only operational Naval Base exclusively controlled by the Indian Navy is located at

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  94. Who among the following led India to their first overseas test victory in cricket ?

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  95. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
    1. The Indian Army is organized into five Regional Commands.
    The Headquarters of Northern Command is located at Lucknow.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  96. Match List I with II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists :
    `{:(,underset("(World Heritage Site)")("List-I"),,underset("(State)")("List-II")),(A.,"Brihadisvara Temple ",1.,"Maharashtra"),(B.,"Ellora Caves",2.,"Karnataka"),(C.,"Hampi",3.,"Tamil Nadu"),(D.,"Mahabodhi Temple",4.,"Bihar"):}`

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  97. Consider the following statements :
    1. the distribution between the state and Panchayats of the net proceeds of taxes, tolls and fees leviable by the states.
    2. the determination of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees which may be assigned to the Panchyats.
    3.the principles that will determine grant-in-aid to the Panchayats.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct

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  98. Which one among the following monuments was earlier known as 'All India War Menorial' ?

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  99. Navroze is a festival celebrated in India by the

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  100. Which one among the following countries was least affected by the tsunami that hit the Indonesian Ocean on 26th December, 2004 ?

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter GENERAL KNOWLEDGE of NDA PREVIOUS YEARS of Class 12