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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions of chapter MODERN INDIA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NDA PREVIOUS YEARSMultiple Choice Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Who issued firman granting Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the english?

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  2. Which one of the following Acts introduced communal electorate in India?

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  3. Consider the following statements:
    1. The East India Company for the first time through the Charter Act of 1813, adopted a provision to spend one lakh rupees per annum for the spread of education in India.
    2. The Wood's Dispatch of 1854 recommended the establishment of one university each in Calcutta, Bombay and madras on modal of the London University.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

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  4. Who founded the Fort William College at Calcutta?

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  5. Where was the first Peasant Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi ?

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  6. Who of the following was a founder of the Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926 ?

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  7. Consider the following statements:
    1. The Indian National Congress was formed during the Viceroyalty of Lord Dufferin.
    2. The first President of Indian National Congress was Woomesh Chandra Banerji.
    3. The first session of the Indian national Congress was held in Calcutta.
    4.In the first session of the Indian National Congress some government officials were also present.
    Which of the following statements given above are correct?

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  8. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

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  9. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
    `{:("List-I (Place of 1857 Revolt)",,"List-II (Leader of Revolt)"),("A. Lucknow",,"1. Maulavi Ahmadullah"),("B. Kanpur",,"2. Kunwar Singh"),("C. Bihar",,"3. Nana Sahib"),("D. Rohikhand",,"4. Beghum Hazrat Mahal"):}`

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  10. Disciples of which one of the leaders in Bengal during the Indian freedom struggle were called Young Bengal?

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  11. Who among the following leaders was instrumental in the formation of the Congress Socialist Party?

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  12. Consider the following :
    1. Bardoli Satyagraha
    2. Champaran /satyagraha
    3. Rowlatt Satyagraha
    Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the above?

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  13. Who was the Governor General of India during Revolt of 1857?

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  14. Consider the following statements:
    1. Consequent to the recommendations of the Simon Commission, Three Round Table Conferences were held in Simla, Delhi and Calcutta.
    The Government of India Act, 1935 contained support towards self-government which was first proposed in the Montagu-Chelmsford Report.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  15. Which one among the following newspapers was published first?

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  16. Who was the first Indian native ruler to accept the system of Subsidiary Alliance ?

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  17. Who among the following was a founder of the Swaraj Party?

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  18. Who among the following national leaders did not opt to defend the case dealing with the trial of the soldiers of the Indian National Army in 1945?

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  19. Aruna Asaf Ali was associated with which one of the following?

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  20. Who was the Governor General of India during the launch of Civil Disobedience Movement?

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  21. With reference to the Indian Freedom struggle, which one of the following is the corret chronological order of the given events?

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  22. Due to the leadership and success in which one of the following did Vallabbhai Patel get the title of 'Sardar' ?

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  23. Who of the following started Swaraj Party?

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  24. Who of the following was associated with the August Offer?

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  25. Which one of the following was fought earliest?

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  26. Other than Annie Besant, who among the following also launched a Home Rule Movement in India?

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  27. Who prescribed the separate electorates for India on the basis of the Communal Award in August, 1932?

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  28. Which one of the following movements started from Dandi?

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  29. Consider the following statements:
    1. Panchsheel was signed between People's Republic of China and India after the Sino-India War in 1962.
    India and China supporting each other in international forum is one of the principles of Panchsheel.

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  30. Who among the following annuled the Partition of Bengal?

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  31. Who was the first Foreign Minister of free India?

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  32. Who among the following established Ferugusson College at Pune in the Year 1885?

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  33. By virtue of which Act, dyarchy was introduced in India ?

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  34. Who among the following first imparted a mass character to the Indian National Congress?

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  35. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
    `{:(,"List-I",,"List-II"),(A.,"Ryotwari Settlement",1.,"Singapore"),(B.,"Formation of Azad Hind Fauj",2.,"Allahabad"),(C.,"All party conference",3.,"North-western"),(,"resolution to boycott",,"frontier province"),(,"school, college and law",,),(,"court in 1920".,,),(D.,"Referendum held for",4.,"Madras and"),(,"provinces to join Pakistan".,,"Bombay presidency"):}`

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  36. Who among the following was not associated with the Lahore conspiracy case?

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  37. Who among the following had replaced the Vernacular Press Act?

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  38. What is the correct sequence of the following?
    1. Wavell Plan
    2. Radcliff Award
    3. Cripps Mission
    4. Cabinet Mission
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  39. Who among the following first used the word 'Swarajya'?

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  40. Sati was declared illegal and punishable by the Regulation XVII during the Governor Generalship of:

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  41. Which one of the following slogans is attributed of Subhash Chandra Bose ?

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  42. Bande Mataram, the nationalist song, was a part of

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  43. Who among the following has authored the book "Hind Swaraj" ?

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  44. Mahatma Gandhi undertook 'fast unto death' against the Communal Award. He, however, disconnected the fast, because:

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  45. Consider the following statements with raegard to Champaran Satyagraha (1917)
    1. The Champaran Satyagraha marked Mahatma Gandhi's first appearance in Indian politics as a leader of the masses.
    2. Young nationalists like Rajendra Prasad and J.B Kriplani and worked with Mahatma Gandhi at Champaran.
    3. It was during this movement that Mahatma Gandhi formulated his philosophy of Satyagraha.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  46. The Passive Resistance Association was first formed by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in 1906 to organize a campaign against the introduction of

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  47. What was the effect of the Government of India Act of 1935 on the national movement?

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  48. The agenda for the London was to

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  49. Consider the following statement and identify with the help of the code given below the Viceroy who made the statement and when:
    In my brief, Congress is tottering to its fall and one of my great ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise.

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  50. Which one of the following with regard to the Poona Pact, 1932 is not correct?

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  51. The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on

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  52. Which of the following statements with regard to freedom struggle are correct?
    1. The British rule could prevail in India on the basis of the consent or acquiescence of many sections of Indian people.
    2. The social basis of the colonial regime was among the Zamindars and upper classes.
    3. The Indian National Army forced the British to with from India.
    4. The Hindu Mahasabha supported the partition of India.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  53. Which one of the following statements with regard to 'Direct Action Day' is correct?

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  54. Planning in India drew on

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  55. The Haripura Congress (1938) remains a milestone in Indian freedom struggle, because

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  56. In Hind Swaraj, Mahatma Gandhi was critical of railways, because they are:
    1. carriers of plague germs.
    2. instruments for frequency of famines.
    3. responsible for creating class division in the society.
    4. accident-prone
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  57. Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore did not define India as a 'nation', because they were

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  58. Consider the following statements relating to Gandhian strategy of Satyagraha
    I. Under the Gandhian strategy, which may be described as Struggle-Truce-Struggle (S-T-S), phase of a vigorous extra-legal mass movement and confrontation with colonial authority alternate with phases, during which direct confrontation is withdrawn.
    II. The entire political process of S-T-S was an upward spiraling one, which also assumed that the freedom struggle would pass through several stages, ending with the transfer of power by the colonial regime itself.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  59. Consider the following statements relating to Jawaharlal Nehru's attitude towards science and technology.
    I. Nehru was convinced that science and technology were crucial to the solution of India's problems relating to underdevelopment and poverty
    II. To emphasize the importance of science and scientific research, Nehru himself became the Chairman of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  60. Which among the following statements with regard to Raja Ram Mohan Roy are correct?
    I. He started the Atmiya Sabha
    II. He wrote the Gift of Monotheist
    III. He published the Percepts of Jesus
    IV. He founded the Brahmo Sabha
    Select the correct answer using the code given below

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  61. Which one among the following was not a demand of the early congress (1885-1905)?

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  62. The myth is that the Indian National Congress was started by A.O Hume and others under the official direction, guidance and advise of no less a person than Lord Dufferin , the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and costitutional outlet of safetyvalve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution. Consequently, the revolutionary potential was nipped in the bud. Most writers accept the core of the myth, that a violent revolution was on the cards at the time and was avoided only by the foundations of the congress,.... All of them agree that the manner of its birth affected the basic character and future work of the congress in a crucial manner.
    The colonial rulers, according to the safety valve thesis were trying to use congress as

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  63. The myth is that the Indian National Congress was started by A.O Hume and others under the official direction, guidance and advise of no less a person than Lord Dufferin , the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and costitutional outlet of safetyvalve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution. Consequently, the revolutionary potential was nipped in the bud. Most writers accept the core of the myth, that a violent revolution was on the cards at the time and was avoided only by the foundations of the congress,.... All of them agree that the manner of its birth affected the basic character and future work of the congress in a crucial manner.
    The author describes the safety-valve thesis as a myth because

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  64. The myth is that the Indian National Congress was started by A.O Hume and others under the official direction, guidance and advise of no less a person than Lord Dufferin , the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and costitutional outlet of safetyvalve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution. Consequently, the revolutionary potential was nipped in the bud. Most writers accept the core of the myth, that a violent revolution was on the cards at the time and was avoided only by the foundations of the congress,.... All of them agree that the manner of its birth affected the basic character and future work of the congress in a crucial manner.
    The core of the safety-valve thesis rests on the assumption that

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  65. Which among the following statements are correct with regard to the Portuguese in India?
    I. They had the monopoly over the Eastern trade in the 16th Century
    II. They possessed Mumbai in the beginning
    III. They had trading settlements at Cochin, Diu and Daman
    IV. The Mughals denied them any trading concessions
    Select the correct answer using her code given below

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  66. Consider the following decleration and identify the person who made it using the codes given below. The times has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in their incongruous context of humiliation and I, for my part, wish to stand shorn of all special distinction, by the side of my countrymen who, for their so-called insignificance are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings.
    Codes :

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  67. Identify, using the codes given below, the nationalist leader who ws sentenced in the words outlined below.
    "The fact that in the eyes of millions of your countrymen you are a great patriot and great leader but as a man subject to the law, who has, by his own admission broken the law you are subject to six years imprisonment."
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  68. Consider the following statement. "We believe that it is the inalienable right of the Indian people as of any other people, to have freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their toil and have the necessities of life so that they may have full opportunities of growth."
    Identify the correct context of this statement from below.

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  69. The Rowlatt Act was passed to

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  70. Consider the following statements.
    1. The Champaran Satyagraha marked Gandhiji's second appearance in Indian politics as a leader of the masses.
    2. The Champaran Satyagraha was launched to address the problems faced by Indigo plantation workers.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  71. Consider the following statements.
    1. Charles Wood's Despatch of 1854 laid exclusive emphasis on the development of higher education in India and neglected primary and secondary education.
    The Carlyle Circular issued by RW Carlyle sought to check the spread of revolutionary activities in educational institutions.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  72. Consider the following statements about Gandhiji's thinking on environment.
    1. His environmental thinking is rooted in his larger philosophical and moral thinking.
    2. He preffered sustainable environmental practices to nourish the soil and the natural world.
    3. He laid emphasis on the rigorous ethic of non-injury in our treatment of animals.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  73. Which one among the following is common to the Treaty of Yandaboo (1826) the Treaty of Salbai (1782) and the Treaty of Gandamak (1879)?

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  74. Which one among the following was the major demand of the Bardauli Satyagraha (1928) organised under the leadership of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel?

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  75. Tipu Sultan's major interest in building ships was to

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  76. Identify the correct sequence of the following events of Indian history:
    1. Foundation of the Indian Muslim League
    2. Surat Spilt
    3. Partition of Bengal
    4 Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  77. Neel Darpan is a play based on the story of Indigo Rebellion of Bengal of 1860-61. Who authored it?

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  78. The First Anglo-Burmese War was concluded by a treaty. Which one among the following is that?

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  79. Consider the following statements about Cripps Propasals of 1942:
    1. Provision was to be made for participation of Indian States in the Constitution-making body.
    2. British Government undertook to accept and implement the Constitution.
    3. All provinces of British India were to give an undertaking about the acceptance of the Constitution.
    4. In the ongoing World War, no resources of British India would be used.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  80. Which one among the following was not one of the causes of the Third Anglo-Maratha War?

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  81. William Bentinck attempted to reform Hindu society by suppressing/abolishing social evils. Which one among the following was not included in them?

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  82. Which one among the following works of Mahatma Gandhi provides a critique of modern machine-oriented civilization?

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  83. Consider the following statements relating to planning in India:
    1. In the year 1938, the National Planning Committee was set up in India under the chairmanship of Jawaharlal Nehru.
    2. The Bombay Plan was prepared by the Indian indrustrialists.
    3. Acharya Kriplani prepared the Gandhian Plan.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  84. Which one among the following statements regarding the Government of India Act, 1935 is not correct?

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  85. Which one among the following was a newspaper founded and edited by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

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  86. Which among the following about Mahatma Gandhi's Non-Cooperation Movement are correct?
    1. Refusal to attend Government Durbars and official functions.
    2. Participation in elections.
    3. Participation in rallies for the boycott of foreign goods.
    4. Surrender of titles.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below :

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  87. Gandhiji's call for breaking Salt Laws in response to the

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  88. Which one among the following statements realating to the Home Rule movement is not correct ?

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  89. Why did Gandhiji go to Champaran?

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  90. Which one among the following was the fundamental cause of the first Karnataka war between the British and the French ?

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  91. Which one among the following was ended by the Treaty of Salbai?

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  92. The Jury Act of 1827 was opposed by many Indian. One of grounds for opposing it was that it denied both to the Hindus and Mohammedans the honour of a seat on the Grand opposition to the Jury Act ?

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  93. Plan Balkan was

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  94. Which one among the following prominently rose in revolt against the British in 1857?

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  95. The first Prime Minister of India in 1947 was appointed by

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  96. Arrange the following events that took place in the first decade of the 20th century in chronological order,
    1. Indian National Congress, Bombay Session
    2. Establishment of All India Muslim League
    3. Partition Of Bengal
    4. Indian National Congress, Surat Session
    Select the correct answer using the code given below.

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  97. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
    `{:("List-I (Peasant Movement)",,"List-II (Region)"),("A. Mappila outbreak",,"1. Maharashtra"),("B. Ramosi peasant force",,"2. Bengal"),("C. Kuka revolt",,"3. Malabar"),("D. Pabna revolt",,"4. Punjab"):}`

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  98. Consider the following statements about Periyar E. V Ramaswamy :
    1. He was a politician, social activist and an important figure in the dravidian movement in South India.
    2. He championed the cause of caste upliftment nationalism and the rights of women.
    3. He was contemporary of the Maharashtra anti-caste reformer, Jyotiba Phule.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  99. Which one among the following statements is not true about Bahadur Shah Jafar II?

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  100. Which one among the following statements is true about Lord Curzon ?

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Multiple Choice Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter MODERN INDIA of NDA PREVIOUS YEARS of Class 12