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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter ELECTRIC FIELD AND POTENIAL of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The force of attraction between two charges `+30 xx 10^(-9)C and -20 xx 10^(-9)C` seperated by a distance of 020m is found to be `5 xx 10^(-5)N. Find the relative permittivity of the medium.

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  2. Two charges of `+4 xx 10^(-7)C and -8 xx 10^(-7)C` are 20cm apart. Find the resultant intensity at a pint P situated 20cm from either charge.

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  3. A negative charge `q_(1)=50 xx 10^(-9)C` and a positive charge `q_(2)=25 xx 10^(-9)C` are fixed at a distance l=20cm. Where should a thrid charge q be placed on the line joining the charges so that they may be in equillibrium? What is the nature of equillibrium with respect to its longitudenal displacement along the line joiing the two charges? Plot a grapgh showing dependence of this force on distance from `q_(@)`.

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  4. Two pith balls,, each weighting 10mg are suspended from the sam point by silk threads, each of length 0.25m. When equal and similar charges are placed on them they repel each other and are 10m apart. Find the charge on the each pith ball.

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  5. A ball of mass `m=0.5kg` is suspended by a thread and a charge `q=0.1muC` is supplied when a ball with diameter `5cm` and a like charge of same magnitude is brought close to the first ball but below it the tension decreases to `1//3` of its initial value .The distance between centres of the balls is

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  6. An `alpha` paritcle carrying an electric charge `3.2 xx 10^(-19)C` is at a distance of `13.8 xx 10^(15)m` from a gold nucleus (atomic number=79). Calculate the fore exertedby the gold nucleus on the `alpha` particle.

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  7. A charges of `50 xx 10^(-9)C` is placed at a point P. What amount of work will we done to bring `2 xx 10^(-9)C` from infinity to a point 5cm away from P? What work will be done to move a unit charge aroiund P in a circular of radius 8cm?

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  8. A small uncharged sphere is placed in contact with an equal and similar charged sphere and then removed to a distance of 4 cm. The force of repulsion between them is now `9xx10^(-5)`N. What was the original charges in the charged sphere?

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  9. An electron is projected with an initial velocity of `10^(7)ms^(-1)` into an electric field between two parallel plates 1 cm apart. The electron enters the field at a point midway between the plates. If the electron just misses the positivity charged plate as it emerges from the field, find the magnnitude of the electric density between the plates. (Length of each plate is 2 cm, mass of electron=`9xx10^(-31)`kg and charge of electron `=1.6xx10^(-19)`C)

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  10. A positive point charge `50mu C` is located in the plane xy at a point with radius vector `vecr_(0)=2hat(i)+3hat(j)`. The electric field vector `vec(E )` at a point with radius vector `vec(r )=8 hat(i)-5 hat(j)`, where `r_(0)` and r are expressed in meter, is

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  11. Charges of `+q,+2q,+q` and `-q`, are placed at the cornersof a square ABCD. Calculate the electric field at the intersection of the diagonals of the square when `q=(5)/(3)xx10^(-9)`C and length of each side is 10 cm.

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  12. Two small equal spheres carrying unlike and unequal charges are placed 8 cm apart and attack each othwer with a force of `4xx10^(-5)`N. After they have been connected for a moment by a thin conducting wire, they repel each other with a force of `2xx10^(-5)`N. Calculate their original charges.

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  13. Two small conducters 0.3 m apart carry `10xx10^(-9)`C and `20xx10^(-9)`C of electric charge. Find the potential and intensity of a point exactly midway between them.

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  14. An electron of mass `9xx10^(-31)` kg carrying `1.6xx10^(-19)`C starts from rest from one point and reaches a second conductor with a velocity `10^(7)ms^(-1)`. Calculate the potential difference between the points.

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  15. Calculate the radius of a drop of water which remains suspended in the eart's electric field of 300 V`m^(-1)` when charged with one electronic charge. (One electronic charge=`1.6xx10^(-19)`C)

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  16. ABCD is a square of side 0.2 M. Positive charges `2xx10^(-9)C,4xx10^(-9)`C and `8xx10^(-9)`C are placed at the points A,B and C. Calculate the work done to transfer one columb from D to the centre of the square.

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  17. Two charges `+2xx10^(-9)`C and `-8xx10^(-9)`C are placed 0.3 M apart in air. Find the point or p[oints where the electric field and potential is zero.

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  18. Two charges 4 cm apart repel each other with a force of `2xx10^(-2)`N in air. When a dielectric slab of thickness 1 cm is placed between them, The force is reduced to `1.5xx10^(-2)`N. Calculate the permittivity of the dielectric.

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  19. Charges of magnitude `(1)/(2),(2)/(3),(3)/(3)` and `(4)/(3)` nanocolumb are placed at the cornewrs A,B,C,D rwespectively of a square of side 2 cm. Find the work done in taking `(5)/(3)` nanocolumb from the midpoint of AB to the midpoint CD.

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  20. Four small spheres carrying `+(5)/(3),+(10)/(3),+(5)/(3)` and `-(5)/(3)`nC are placed in order at the angular points of a sqare ABCD of 10 cm sides. Calculate the force on a charge of `+(2)/(3)`nC at the intersection O of the diagonal

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  21. An electron is liberated from a hot filament and attracted by an anode at 1200 V. What is its speed when it strike the anode?(e=`1.6xx10^(-19)`C)

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRIC FIELD AND POTENIAL of NN GHOSH PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12