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Complete Solutions to EXERCISES of chapter OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two convex lenses of focal length `0.01` , and `0.06` m, respectively are arranged to from a microscope. A small object is placed `0.012` m from object glass. If the image seen appears to be `0.25`m from the eye-piece, what is the distance between the object glass and eye-piece?

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  2. The objective and the eye-piece of a microscope have focal lengths of `0.02`m and `0.04`m, respectively and are placed `0.15`m apart. If the final image is situated `0.25`m from the eye-piece, how far must the object be from the objective?

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  3. A compound microscope consists of two convex lenses of focal lengths `0.02`m and `0.15`m. An object is placed at a distance of `0.025`m from the object glass and the final image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision. Find the magnification produced and the distance between the lenses.

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  4. The focal lengths of the objective and eye piece of an astronomical telescope are `25 cm and 2.5 cm` respectively. The telescope is fucussed on an object `1.5 m` from objective, the final image being formed `25 cm` from eye of the observer. Calculate the length of the telescope.

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  5. An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment has a tube length of 93 cm and magnification (angular) of 30. If eye-piece is to be drawn out by 3 cm to focus a near object, with the final image at infinity, find how far away is the object and the magnification (angular) is this case.

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  6. A telescope has two convex lenses of focal lengths 10 cm and 1 cm. If the telescope is focussed on a scale 1 m away from the objective and the final image is formed 25 cm away from the eye, calculate the magnification produced.

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  7. A simple astronomical telescope is designed using two convex lenses of focal lengths 1 m and `0.05`m. Find the magnifying power when the instrument is used to view a distant object if the final image is formed (a) at a great distance, (b) at a distance of `0.25`m from the eye-piece.

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  8. A telescope consisting of two convex lenses of focal lengths `0.20`m and `0.01`m is focussed on a distant object for normal vision. What is the distance between the glasses? If the same telescope is now focussed on an object which is 2 m away from the object glass without altering the accommodation of the eye, by how much does the eye-piece have to be shifted?

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  9. The focal lengths of the objective and the eye-piese of an astronomical telescope are `0.25`m and `0.025`m, respectively. The telescope is focussed on an object 5 m from the objective, the final image being formed `0.25`m from the eye of the observer. Calculate the length of the telescope and its magnifying power.
    [Hint : Mag. power = `v_(0)//u_(e)`]

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  10. A Galilean telescope of `10`-fold magnification has the length of `45 cm` when adjusted to infinity. Determine :
    (a) the focal lengths of the telescope's objective and ocular,
    (b) by what distance the ocualr should be displaced to adjust the telescope to the distance of `50 m.`

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  11. The objective of a telescope focussed for infinity is taken out and replaced by a diaphragm of diameter D.A screen placed on the other side of the eye-piece shows a sharp image of diameter d. What was the magnifying power of the telescope?

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  12. A telescope with magnification M = 15 was submerged in water so that the inside of the telescope is filled up with water. To make the system work as a telescope within the former dimensions, the objective was removed. What was the magnification of the telescope after the change? `mu` of the material of the eye-piece=`1.5` and `mu` of water `=(4)/(3)`

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  13. A Huygens eye-piece is made by arranging two planoconvex lenses of focal lengths `0.03`m and `0.09`m in the usual manner. Light falls directly on the field lens of the eye-piece. Calculate the position of the final image formed by the eye-piece and trace the path of rays showing the formation of images.

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  14. An eye-piece is constructed by using two thin lenses of focal lengths `0.03` m and `0.04`m respectively and are spaced so as to reduce spherical aberration to minimum. Find (a) separation between lenses required, (b) equivalent focal length and (c) magnifying power when the vision is distinct.

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  15. An eye-piece consists of a concave lens of focal length 2f and a convex lens of focal length 3f separted by a distance `(f)/(2)`. They are of the same material. Examine whether the eye-piece formed is free from spherical and chromatic aberration. Is it suitable for use of cross-wire?
    [Hint : An eye-piece is suitable for cross-wire when it is a positive one. See example 6]

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  16. You given two planoconvex lenses of focal lengths `0.03`m and `0.05`m and asked to design an eye-piece free from chromatic aberration. Explain how you will achieve it . Calculate the equivalent focal length of the eye-piece formed and its magnifying power if it is used by a person for whom least distance of distinct vision is `0.25`m. Will your eye-piece be free from spherical aberration?

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  17. Two thin converging lenses of focal length `0.05`m are separted by a distance of `0.03`m. Find the focal length of the eye-piece and determine wheather this will be a positive or negative eye-piece. Will it be free from spherical and chromatic aberration?

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  18. Two convex lenses of focal lengths 2f and f are arranged to from an eye-piece and are spaced by f. The first lens is to be used as field lens and the second one as eye-lens. Find (a) equivalent focal length. (b) See whether it is positive or negative eye-piece. (c) Whether it is free from spherical aberration and chromatic aberration? (d) What will be the disadvantage it f is used as field lens?

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  19. A student with defective eye-sight cannot see clearly anything that is father from his eyes than 50 cm. What kind of lens would enable him to see distant objects clearly and what would be the power required?

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  20. A person's range of distinct vision is from 6 cm to 60 cm from the eye. What spectacles would be required to see distant objects clearly and what could be his least distance of distinct vision using the spectacles?

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  21. A person can see objects as near as 40 cm and as far as 3 m. What kind of spectacles will be required (a) for reading purposes, (b) for seeing distant objects? Least distance of distinct vision = 25 cm. What is the range of clear vision with each pair of spectacles?

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  22. A short-sighted man, the accommodation of whose eye is between 12 cm and 60 cm wears spectacles through which he can see remote objects distinctly. Determine the minimum distance at which the man can read a book through his spectacles.

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  23. Two men, one far-sighted and one short-sighted one, see objects through their spectacles of his short-sighted friend, he found that he could see distinctly puts on the spectacles of his short-sighted friend, he found that he found that he could see distinctly only infinitely far objects. At what minimum distance would the shortsighted man be able to read small type if he wore the spectacles of far-sighted man?

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  24. The velocity of light in vacuum is `3xx10^(8)ms^(-1)`. What is the velcoity of light in glass if the index of refraction of glass if `1.5`?

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  25. A star is at a distance of `50xx10^(12)` km from earth. If the star disappears due to collision with some other star so that its light is extinguished, how long would we continue the star (even after it stops) existing. Velocity of light in vacuum `=3xx10^(8)ms^(-1)`.

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  26. In Fizeau's experiment the distancec between the source and the reflector is 8 km and there are 720 teeth in the toothed wheel. At what speed would the first, second and third eclipses occur? (Velocity of light `=3xx10^(9)ms^(-1)`)

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  27. In an experiment on measuring the velocity of light by Focault's method the fixed and the fixed and the revolving mirror were 3 km apart, the latter revolving at 500 revvolutions per second. The angular diviation of the return ray was `7^(@)12'`. Calcualte velocity of light.

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  28. The distance beween the toothed wheel with 720 teeth and the mirror in an experiment based on Fizeau's method is 7 km. The two consecutive speeds of rotation of the wheel for which light disappeared were 283 rps and 313 rps. Find the velocity of light.

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  29. Two places A and B on the same longitude are h km apart along the surface of the earth, A is at the equator. The shadow of a vertical pole is zero at A at some hour of observation and the shadow of an identical pole at B is just half its length at the same hour of observation. Show that these observations enable us to find the radius of the earth.

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  30. On a new-moon day, a man on earth sees the annular eclipse of the sun? Diametre of the sun. How high would he have rise above the earth's surface so as just see the total eclipse of the sun? Diametre of the sun `=1.4xx10^(9)`m, diametre of the moon `=1.7xx10^(6)`m. Distances of the sun and the moon from the position of the man on earth are respectively,`1.5xx10^(11)`m. and `3.8xx10^(8)`m.

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  31. When Sun's rays pass through small holes in the ventilator of a room, they produce elliptical spots on the floor. The major and minor axes of the ellipses are `a=4.9`cm and `b=4.6`cm respectively. What is the height of the room? The angular dimensions of the Sun's disc are `beta=(1)/(100)`rad.

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  32. A rod of height h stands erect on a flat horizontal mirror. Sunrays fall on the mirror at some angle and reflected on to the nearby wall. Find the length of the shadow.

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  33. Two candles of equal height h are placed in between vertical walls on a line perpendicular to the walls at a distance a from each other and also from the nearer wall. With what speed will the shadows of the candles move along the walls if one burns out completely in time `t_(1)` and the other in time `t_(2)`.

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EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS of NN GHOSH PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12