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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 30 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 30
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The sweet patoto family is included in the order

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  2. The following are some statements about leucocytes. Which of these is incorrect?
    I. The most abundant leucocyte is a granulocyte, whereas the least abundant leucocyte is an agranulocyte.
    II. The largent leucocyte is a granulocyte, whereas the smallest leucocyte is an agranulocyte.
    III. Phagocytic leucocytes may be agranulocyte or granulocyte.
    IV. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes are the largest granuocyte, whereas the largest agranulocyte has a kidney-shaped nucleus.

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  3. A doctor has ordered a test for serum bilirubin. The patient goes to a pathologist who collects his blood. The pathlogist should collect this blood in a test tube containing

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  4. The renin-angiotensin mechanism to increase blood pressure involves organs in the following order.

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  5. internal fertilization is seen in

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  6. What floral reward does Amorphophallus particularly provide to its pollinator?

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  7. My nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac and develop into the embryos. Each of my ovule contains many embryos. Who am I?

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  8. Which lupine was excavated from the tundra that germinated and flowered after a record 10,000 years?

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  9. Choose the correct group of plants that use entomophily as their preferred method of pollination

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  10. In the development of Angiosperms, generally

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  11. The height of a plant is controlled by three genes. The maximum height in the species is 24 inches , whereas the minimum height in the species is 6 inches . What would be the height of a plant of the same species whose genotype in AaBBcc?

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  12. With respect to blood groups, the person having _______blood group is definitely heterozygous.

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  13. Which of the following genotypes represents a pea plant with yellow pods and wrinkled seeds?

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  14. which of the following example of intragenic inheritance was discovered by Mendel?

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  15. Which of the folloiwng statement/s about test cross is/are correct?
    I. Every test cross but not every back cross is a test cross.
    II. Every back cross is a test cross but not every test cross is a back cross.
    III. The ratio of a test cross is always 1:1.
    IV. A test cross can be considered as a type of reciprocal cross.

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  16. In Andalusian fowls, the mating of black and white fowls will produce

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  17. Which of the following does not belong to the Palaeozoic era?

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  18. Choose the pairs of organs that are a result of convergent evolution
    i. Wings of butterflies and wings of birds.
    ii. Flippers of penguins and flippers of dolphins
    iii. Eyes of octopus and eyes of mammals.
    iv. Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbia.
    v. Sweet potato and potato.
    vi. Vertebrate hearts and vertebrate brains

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  19. The first cellular forms of life appeared on earth about

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  20. An out-cross will have parents

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  21. Competitive release' refers to

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  22. The intrinsic rate of natural increase for Indian human population according to the 2011 census was

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  23. The highest factor contributing to the dry weight of organisms is

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  24. Arrange the following in descending order of their percentage of the total cost of various ecosystem services

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  25. Choose the incorrect statement from the following

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  26. Which of the following comparisons is correct?

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  27. .Bali , Javan and Caspian are the sub-species of which of the following

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  28. Which part of the biosphere reserve is an area of active cooperation between reserve management and the local people, wherein activities like settlements, cropping, forestry and recreation and other economic uses continue in harmony with conservation goals ?

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  29. Arrange the following efforts to control pollution in chronological order.
    A. In India, the air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act was amended to include noise as an air pollutant.
    B. The government of India passed the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act to safeguard our water resources.
    C. Recognizing the deleterious effects of ozone depletion, the Montreal Protocol became effective.
    D. The National Forest Policy of India recommended 33% forest cover for the plains and 67 % for this hills.

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  30. Choose the correct representation of effect of sewage discharge on important characteristics of a river.

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  31. Identify the tissue which has been incorrectly matched with its function.

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  32. Select the correct statement from the following .
    I. Bones support and protect softer tissue and organs
    II. Blood is a fluid connective tissue.
    III. Cartilage is a type of specialised muscle tissue.
    IV. The bone marrow found in some bones is the site of production of leucocytes.

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  33. Radioactively - labelled d- nucleotides are introduced into a cell.

    In which cell structures will the radioactively first become concentrated ?

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  34. Which type of cell contains the highest proportion of cell structures bound by a single membrane?

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  35. Some features of cells are listed. Which features can be found both in plant cells and prokaryotic cells?
    I. Cell wall
    II. Cell surface membrane
    III. Ribosome

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  36. The diagram shows the relationship between some biological molecules.
    Which row is correct for this relationship?

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  37. The diagram shows part of a carbohydrate molecule formed by glucose monomer. What is the name of the molecule?

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  38. What is the effect of an enzyme in an enzyme-catalysed reaction?

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  39. How many copies of each different DNA molecule will be found in a cell at the beginning of each of these stages of the mitotic cell cycle ?

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  40. For successful cell replacement during tissue repair, the chromosome content of each daughter cell must be identical to that of the mother cell. Which stages of mitosis make sure that each daughter cell receives one chromatid from each chromatid pair?

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  41. The process of exchange of ……..A…….from the atmosphere with `CO_2` produced by the cells is called …….B……., commonly known as ………..C….. . Choose the alternative that will correctly replace A, B and C in the above statement and make it meaningful.

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  42. Observe the given diagram . Identify the label A, B and C.

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  43. Identify the correct DNA triplet on the original DNA template that will code for the amino acid histidine based on the following table.

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  44. From the following, Identify the statements that are correct regarding tRNA.
    I. Hydrogen bonds between bases temporarily hold tRNA against mRNA.
    II. The base sequences in the tRNA molecules are the same as the base sequences in the mRNA that is being translated.
    III. The specificity of the tRNA moleucle for glycine and the specificity of the enzyme that loads glycine are both necessary for correct loading.

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  45. DNA polymerase catalyses condensation reactions between molecules during semi-conservative replication of DNA. Which two molecules are joined by DNA polymerase?

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  46. The diagram shows the structure of a bacterial cell.

    The presence of structure C in the bacterial cell is one reason why bacteria are used in genetic engineering . In the cloning vector pBR322, which gene is responsible for the replication of structure X ?

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  47. Which of the following statement/s is/are and example of genetic engineering?
    I. Inserting a gene for human insulin production into bacteria.
    II. Selective breeding to produce cattle with high milk yields.
    III. Using methods like crop rotation with leguminous plants to increase the fertility of the soil.
    IV. Vegetative propagation and grafting are practised to ensure higher yield.

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  48. Ligase enzymes are used in gentic engineering to :

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  49. To produce insulin via a non-human cell, which of the following would be required to be inserted in the vector's plasmid?

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  50. In some area, farmers who grow genetically modified (GM) corn have to make sure there is a gap between GM and non - GM crops. What is the reason for leaving a gap between the crops?

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  51. Which of the following organisms is an odd one out with respect to mode of nutrition?

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  52. Dikaryophase is commonly seen in members of:

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  53. Which of these statement/s about lichens is/are ture?
    I. Lichens are mutually beneficial symbotic associations.
    II. They grow extensively in area with high pollution, hence called as pollution indicators.
    III. The phycobiont member, algae, is an autotroph and the mycobiont member, fungi, is a heterotroph.
    IV. Fungi help the algae harvest sunlight for photosynthesis.

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  54. Fill in the blanks A, B, C and D with the correct choice of words.
    Viruses are (A), protected by a protein coat called (B). The protein coat is made up of the assembly of small units called the (C ). It protects the internal (D)of the viruses.

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  55. Observe the below diagram. Identify the option suggesting the correct function of A, B and C.

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  56. Roots of which of the following plants are involved in nitrogen fixation?

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  57. Identify the correct match between the types of aestivation and their examples.

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  58. A plant with racemose inflorescene, zygomorphic flowers, five sepals and petals showing vexillary aestivation, monocarpellary and unilocular superior ovary, androecium consisting of ten stamens.
    The above- listed conditions are characteristics of the which family of plants?

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  59. In some plants, the leaves are shortlived and small. The petioles of such plants expand and become green. One such plant is:

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  60. The edible part of coconut fruit is :

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  61. Read the following statements about monocot root. Which amongest them are correct?
    I. It shows a polyarch condition of xylem.
    II. Central pith is less or absent.
    III. The monocot root does not undergo secondary growth.

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  62. Arrange the below four layers in proper order starting from the outermost to the innermost layer after secondary growth has already occurred in a dicot stem.
    I. Phellem
    II. Wood
    III. Phelloderm
    IV Vascular cambium

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  63. Which of the following is correct with respect to uphill transport using channel pumps?

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  64. The process of nitrogen cycling by microbes involves multiple steps of oxidation and simultaneous reduction. The following reaction occurring during one such step is brought about by which bacteria?
    `2NO_2^- + O_2 to 2NO_3^_`

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  65. According to Blackman's law of limiting factor, which of the following is the most important limting factor in the process of photosynthesis?

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  66. How many cycles of cyclic and non-cyclic photophorylation would be required in order to generate enough energy for the production of one glocose molecule?

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  67. How many of the following are the substrates involved in the Kreb's cycle?
    Citric acid, succinic acid, hydrochloric acid, a-ketoglutaric acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, pyruvic acid, phosphoglyceric acid, acetic acid

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  68. In which of the following form, glycerol can enter the cell as a cellular substrate?

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  69. Read the given statements about auxins and state whether they are true or false :
    a. Auxin promotes apical dominance.
    b. Auxins have a negative impact on cytokinin levels.
    c. F.W went isolated auxins from the coleoptiles of the coleptiles of the oat plant.
    d. Auxin promotes flowering in the pineapple plants.

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  70. Growth of vascular cambiun is an example of :

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  71. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding organisms of phylum Chordata?

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  72. How many of the following organisms belong to the second-largest phylum?
    Apple snail, Pearl, oyster, Anopheles, Culex, Aedes, Starfish, Sea urchin, Cuttlefish, Sea cucumber, Squid, Devil fish

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  73. A 2 year old child shows stunted growth and slow brain development. He has thin limbs and also shows wasting of muscles. There is great oedema and swelling present over his body parts. He has very less amount of fat present beneath his skin. Which of the following could be a reason for the development of this condition in him?

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  74. Select the correct statements regarding the human skeletal from the statements given below:
    I. There are a total of 12 ribs in the human skeletal system.
    II. Each limb is made up of 30 bones.
    III. The axia skeleton consists of 80 bones.
    IV. The wrist bones are 8 in number

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  75. Which of the following joint permits only limited movements ?

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  76. Column - I lists the parts of the human brain and column - II lists the functions. Match the two columns and identify the correct choice from those given

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  77. Which of the following statement regarding forebrain in correct?

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  78. Which of the following hormone helps in maintaining body temperature, metabolism, pigmentation, and defense capabilities?

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  79. The hormones A and B secreted by Islet of Langerhans cause hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, respectively

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  80. Read the following statements about the parathyroid gland and identify the true and false ones. Select the correct option after referring to the given table.
    I. Human beings have a pair of parathyroid glands, situated in each lobe of the thyroid gland.
    II. The secretion of PTH is regulated by the levels of circulating calcium ions.
    III. PTH is a hypocalcemic hormone.
    PTH plays a major role in maintaining calcium balance in the body along with TCT.

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  81. Identify the functions/characteristics of parts labelled as A, B, C, D and E in the given diagram. Select the correct option after referring to the given table.

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  82. Which of the following cells are responsible for the secretion of the hormone that stimulates muscular growth, growth of facial and axillary hair, aggressiveness, low pitch of voice, males?

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  83. Which of the following parts of the sperm provides energy for its motility?

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  84. Choose the right one among the statements given belowL

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  85. which of the following processes is involved in the assisted reproductive technology known as 'GIFT'?

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  86. Identify the organism which causes dry, scaly lesions on the skin, nails and scalp of human is

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  87. Which of the following is an example of a disease caused by the attack of the body on its own cells?

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  88. Which of the following drugs is capable of producing a state of euphoria or increased energy ?

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  89. Match the microbes given in column I with the major role played by them given in column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

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  90. Given below are the steps involved in sewage treatment. Arrange them in proper sequence and select the correct option.
    A. Passage of primary effluent into large aeration tanks for mechanical agitation and pumping of air.
    B. Passage of secondary effluent and formation of activated sludge.
    C. Physical removal of particles through filtration and sedimentation
    D. Release of effluent from the secondary treatment plant into natural water bodies.
    E. Growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocs which significantly reduce the BOD.

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 30 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 30