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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 36 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 36
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. While correcting the biology paper of a student , the teacher found that the had written the scientific name of mango in four place as follows. Which one out of these is the correct way to writing the scientific name ?

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  2. Which of these gases were not used by Stanley Miller in his electric discharge experiment ?

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  3. Which of the following disease is caused by bacteria ?

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  4. The salt concentration is 30 -35 ( salinity in parts per thousand ) in

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  5. In a trihybrid cross, the different types of genotypes obtained in the `F_2` generation is

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  6. In these following correct statement about the heart are
    I. The sino-atrial node (SAN) is present in the right top corner of the right atrium
    II. Ligamentum arteriosum connects the aorta and pulmonary trunk.
    III. Purkinje fibres constituent a portion of the bundle of His .
    IV. The pulmonary trunk connects the right ventricle to the lungs

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  7. According to the central pollution control Board PM 2.5 are responsible for causing the greatest harm to human health. PM 2.5 stands for

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  8. Arrange the following types of soil in increasing order based on the size of the mineral particles in them.

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  9. Alpha thalassemia is controlled by

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  10. How many time dose a molecule of urea have to pass through the heart in its journey from liver to kidney ?

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  11. A subspecies of plains zebra that lived in South Africa has recently become extinct is

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  12. The number of nephrons present in a human being is about

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  13. Zoospores are

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  14. Chipko movement in which local women showed enormous bravery in protecting trees by hugging them occurred in

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  15. In Litchi, the third integument which develops from the funicle at the base of the ovule is

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  16. By the process of leaching ,……..... nutrients go down into the soil horizon and get precipitated .

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  17. Which layer of the anther wall is the not derived from archesporium ?

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  18. Which of these are common to hydrach succession and xerarch succession ?

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  19. The given below punnet squares represents

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  20. The first biosphere reserve established in india is

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  21. Select the incorrect statement.
    ( i ) The essence of the Darwinian theory of evolution in natural selection
    (ii) Evolution is a directed process in the sense of determinism
    (III) The geological history of the earth is not related to the biological history of the earth
    (IV ) During evolution ,the rate of appearance of new forms is linked to the life cycle

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  22. The part of the embryosac which help in guiding the pollen tube towards it is m……. ( P) ….....and it is through……..(Q) ……….

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  23. Observed the following image of a chromosome. It has two dominant genes A and B located as depicted . What will be the correct gene placement at position i and ii ?

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  24. Osmotrophs are components of

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  25. Osmotrophs are components of

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  26. Which of these characters cannot be transferred from a male parent to a male progeny in Drosophila ?

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  27. All of the following are drawbacks of Darwin's theory except

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  28. An animal species has 40 chromosomes in its somatic cells. The number of chromosomes present in the somatic cells of a monosomic individual of the same species is

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  29. India's share of the global species diversity is

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  30. A red colour flower with long corolla tubes, copious amount of nectar and without fragrance would mostly be

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  31. From the organisms given below, select the odd one on the basis of symmetry shown by them.

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  32. The microbe associated with root nodule formation is

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  33. Determine the correct sequence of the process of nutrition in a human being .
    A. Mastication of food and formation of bolus
    B. Production of chyme
    C. Deglutition
    D. Passage of unabsorbed ‌, undigested substances to the caecum
    E. Digestion in the most coiled part of alimentary canal

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  34. Match the name of bones with their respective number and select the correct option from the codes given below .
    `{:(No,"Name of bones",No,"Number of bones"),(I,"Carpals",A,14),(II,"Metacarpals",B,5),(III,"Tarsals",C,8),(IV,"Phalanges",D,7):}`

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  35. The nerve centres which control the body temperature and the urge for eating are contained in

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  36. A 35 year old man has extremely long limbs and digits. He also has. Severe disfigurement of the facial features . Which of the following could be a probable cause for it ?

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  37. Which of the following statements regarding infertility is incorrect ?

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  38. Read the given Statements regarding immunization and select the option that identifies the correct ones .
    I. The principal of vaccination is based on the memory of the immune system .
    II.The antibodies produced in the body against antigens neutralise the pathogenic agents before the actual infection.
    III. Hepatitis B vaccine is prepared by using a virus in recombination DNA technology.
    IV. Antibiotics are given directly in elicit a quick immune response.

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  39. Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct options for the blanks A , B ,and C the structural and functional unit between the embryo and the maternal body. It is connected to the embryo by ........B....... It also acts as an ..........C........ tissue and secretes many hormones essential for maintaining pregnancy.

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  40. How many of the following are examples of hormones which interact with intracellular receptors ?
    ( Cortisol, testosterone, estradiol , thyroxine ,insulin , epinephrine )

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  41. Determine the incorrect statement regarding the process of female gamete production .
    I. The oogonia keep on adding in the overy till menopause .
    II. The primary oocytes are halted are prophase -I of meiotic division .
    III. The fluid-filled cavity present in the secondary follicles is called the atrium.
    IV. The secondary oocyte forms a membrane called zone glomerulosa around it.

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  42. Read the following statements. Identify which of them are true and which of them are false and select the correct option.
    I. Ascaris, commonly known as pinworm, is responsible for causing ascariasis.
    II. The acid present in the stomach acts as a physiological barrier and prevents microbial growth.
    III. The pathogen responsible for causing elephantiasis is a fungus belonging to genus Microsporum.
    IV Infection diseases like tetanus and pneumonia have been largely controller using vaccines.

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  43. Select the correct option for blanks A and b and complete the following sentence.
    .........A....... and .......B....... . are alcoholic beverages obtained without distillation.

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  44. Read the following statements about adrenal hormones. Select the correct one.

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  45. In sponges, the water entres the body through minute pores known as

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  46. In a myofibril , the band which contains only actin filament is also known as

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  47. Observe the diagram given below.

    Which of the following is a correct match ?

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  48. Which of the following methods can prove to be useful to avoid pregnancy caused as a result of rape or casual unprotected sexual intercourse?

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  49. The organ which acts as a filter of blood is

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  50. The 1-3 coiled structures present within the testicular lobules are

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  51. From the following, how many amino acids contain sulphur in their chemical structure?
    Methionine, histidine, threonine, cysteine, alanine, tryptophan, valine

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  52. Mark the correct statement/s about arithmetic growth.

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  53. Which of the following reactions does not release `CO_2` ?

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  54. In light reaction, pigments are organised into two photochemical complexes called

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  55. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Deuteromycetes?
    I. Deuteromycetes are called perfect fungi.
    II. Members of Deutermycetes mycetes were often moved to ascomycetes or basidiomycetes once their sexual stages were studied.
    III. Large number of (No Suggestions) are decomposers that help in nutrient cycling.
    IV. Their mycelium is aseptate and unbranched.

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  56. Read the following statements about xylem elements. Which ones are true?
    I. The gymnosperms lack xylem vessels, instead they possess tracheids.
    II. Xylem parenchyma is involved in upward movement of water.
    III. Tyloses occurs in xylem fibers.

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  57. Choose the incorrect statement about gymnosperms.

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  58. Cell A and B are adjacent to each other . Analyse the below table and the choose the correct result.
    `{:("Parameters","Cell A","Cells B"),("Osmotic pressure ",10,8),("Turgor pressure ",8,4):}`

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  59. Identify the correct match between the types of stem modification and their examples.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("i. Epigyny","a.Peach"),("ii.Perigyny","b.China rose"),("iii.Hypogyny","c.Cucumber"):}`

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  60. Chlamydomonas and chlorella were categorized under which kingdom in the five - kingdom classification ?

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  61. Which of the following is an example of the type of placentation given below ?

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  62. What are the two main components of assimilatory energy produced in Hill's reaction ?

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  63. The chemiosmotic hypothesis suggests that the ATP are produced on the inner membrane of mitochondria due to :

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  64. In humans, the activation of sympathetic nervous system stimulates the adrenal medulla to release certain hormones that help in fight and fight response. A similar type of response in plants can be given by

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  65. Slipper animalcule is an example of

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  66. Which of the following family can be associated with the characteristics given below?
    (i) Racemose inflorescence.
    (ii) Vexillary aestivation in corolla.
    (iii) Bracteate, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic flower.

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  67. Which of the following is not a characteristic features of meristematic cell ?

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  68. Identify the correct sequence of stages involved in the reproductive cycle of fungi.

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  69. Which of the following shows a correct difference between monocots and dicots ?

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  70. In which of the following would you find retained endospermic tissue even after the formation of the seed ?

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  71. Bt toxin is produced by a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt for short). These Bt toxin crystals contain by a gene named cry which has many variants. Which one from the following produces a toxin that controls corn borer ?

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  72. Read the following statements about animal tissue . Identify the true and false ones and select the correct option .
    I. Adhering junctions along with cementing cell together facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the plasma
    II. Compound epithelium covers the moist surface of the buccal cavity. Pharynx and lining of ducts of salivary glands.
    III. The striated muscle fibre is a thin elongated with point ends and multiple nuclei
    IV . Cartilage is present in the tip of the nose and between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.

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  73. The drawing is of a magnified human liver cell.

    Which of the following is true about structure labeled X ?

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  74. In eukaryotes , which of these rRNA is not synthesized by RNA Polymerase I ?

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  75. Read the given statements and select the option that correctly sorts these with respect to A and B in the given flow chart.
    (i) Molecular weight ranging from 18 to 800 daltons (Da) approximately
    (ii) Proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and lipids
    (iii) Contain chemicals that have molecular weight more than 800 Da
    (iv) Has monomers
    (v) Generally has polymers

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  76. Colchicine is a chemical that stop chromatids from separating during mitosis. If a cell is treated with colchicine , at which stage of mitosis will this cell reach but not complete ?

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  77. Study the given diagram below of the stirred tank fermenter. What is the function of part labeled A ?

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  78. A molecule of oxygen diffuses from the alveolar air space into an erythrocyte to from oxyhaemoglobin. How many time dose it need to diffuse through the cell membranes to reach the haemoglobin ?

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  79. Which of the following is incorrect about a bacterial cell ?

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  80. One E . Coli bacterium contains a hybrid DNA with one heavy `N^(15)` Strand and one light `N^(14)` Strand. It was allowed ti replicate for 3 hours in a medium containing `N^(14)` What proportion of E. coli which will neither float nor sink in the test tube on ultra - centrifugation with CsCl ?

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  81. Exonucleases, a type of nucleases that degrade nucleic acids, remove nucleotides from

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  82. The brain of the cockroach is

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  83. Select the features that are common to animal and plant cells ?

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  84. Which of these statements about the living state is correct ?

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  85. Read the following statements about genetically engineered plants. Select the ones that are advantageous .
    I. The increased yield from genetically engineered plants allows a smaller area of land to be farmed.
    II. Generally engineering plants may have improved nutritional value .
    III. Some plants can be genetically modified to give resistance to diseases.
    IV. There is more research needed on the long term effects of genetically engineered crops on the environment
    V. The use of genetically engineered crops may explain the increase in allergies in children

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  86. The diagram shows the cell cycle. During which phase do chromosomes condense and become visible ?

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  87. Which of these will be seen in our respiratory system ?
    I. The absence of cartilage in small bronchioles allows them to expand .
    II. The walls of the alveoli are made of cuboidal epithelium .
    III. The recoil of the elastic fibres surrounding the alveoli helps to move air out during expiration.
    IV. The trachea and bronchi are supported by circles of cartilage.

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  88. The following statements describe the process of translation.
    I. An amide linkage is formed between adjacent amino acids.
    II. Hydrogen bonds are formed between the anticodon and the codon.
    III. mRNA binds to the ribosome.
    IV. tRNA enters the ribosome carrying a specific amino acid.
    In which order does this process take place?

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  89. Which of the following option justify that why bacteria are useful in genetic engineering ?

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  90. The diagram shows the effect of an enzyme working in the human digestive system .
    `underset("and temperature at" 37^@C)overset("enzyme at PH1.5)rarr`
    What would reduce the rate of production of amino acids ?

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 36 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 36