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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 37 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 37
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following pairs is incorrect matched ?

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  2. Cornea transplantation is outstandingly successful because

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  3. Neo - Darwinism is

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  4. Substances which originate at the tip of the stem and control growth elsewhere are

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  5. Which one of the following floral formula represents the mustard plant ?

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  6. Which of the following is not a cell inclusion ?

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  7. A linear graphic representation of the sequence and relative distances of the various genes present in a chromosome is

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  8. The two statements I and II are regarding cell theory . Identify the statements that were given by which of the following scientists ?
    I. The bodies of animals and plants are composed of cells and products of cells .
    II. All cells from pre - existing cells.

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  9. Sclerenchyma are

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  10. Vascular bundles of roots are

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  11. Identify the process taking place in this experiment.

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  12. Choose the correctly matched pair :

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  13. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) refers to :

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  14. Identify the cell division events happening in these mammalian cells.

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  15. In the Calvin cycle for the fixation of molecules of `CO_2` how many ATP and NADPH are required in the reduction step ?

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  16. Cervical vertebrae are located in

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  17. Statement I : National parks are meant for the welfare of the wild life.
    Statement II : National parks are controlled by state Governments .

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  18. Heroin is obtained from which plant family ?

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  19. Perigynous flowers and diadelphous condition are found in the family ?

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  20. Which type of forests has become net carbon emitters ?

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  21. In a fully turgid cells, the values of DPD,OP and TP will be

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  22. If you squeeze a seed of orange you might observe many embryos of different sizes. It is because of :

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  23. The tertiary structure of proteins can be destroyed by

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  24. Cell junctions called tight , adhering and gap junctions are found in

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  25. Skin sores become skin ulcers during

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  26. The study of communities of various genera and species is called

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  27. The genes controlling seven traits in pea studied by Mendel were later found to be located on following number of chromosomes

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  28. Pheretima and its close relatives derive nourishment from

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  29. During glycolysis in cytoplasm, the decarboxylation reactions

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  30. When placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are borne on this ridge forming two rows, the placentation is termed as

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  31. Gene and cistron words are sometimes used synonymously because -

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  32. Which of the following statements is not true for retroviruses

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  33. How many times meiosis will take place for the formation of 80 wheat grains ?

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  34. Which of the following secrets leutenizing hormone

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  35. Which one of the following strongly threatens biodiversity ?

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  36. The action of jelly and Cream in compilation is :

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  37. Which of the following statements is right ?

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  38. A few statements are made about the characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
    Mark the correct statement .

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  39. Single cell protein can be useful in all, except

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  40. Which of the following is not an important step in the event of parturition ?

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  41. Based on the Hatch and slack pathway , which of the following compounds are found in mesophylls and bundle sheath cells, respectively ?

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  42. Auxin was first isolated from

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  43. A common biocontrol agent for the control of plant disease

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  44. Which of the following is the function of lymph ?

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  45. Which of the following has been recently used for increasing productivity of super milch cow

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  46. Which of the following is not the function of androgen in males ?

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  47. Which of the following ratio is correct regarding dehydrogenation : decarboxylation : substrate - level phosphorylation steps in the TCA cycle ?

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  48. Which of the following is the correct sequence in the food chain?

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  49. Respiratory climactic is brought about by which of the following hormones ?

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  50. Given below is a representation of a kind of chromosomal mutation. What kind of mutation is represented ?

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  51. Haemophilia is more commonly seen in human males than in human females because

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  52. Which of the following is not true for a species ?

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  53. Select the correct set from the following statements with respect to the salient features of the human genome.
    i. The human genome contains 3164.7 billion nucleotides.
    ii. The function is unknown for over 50 % of the discovered gene.
    iii. Less than 20% of the genome code for Proteins.
    iv chromosomes -1 has the most genes ( 2968 ) and y has the fewest ( 231 ) .
    V. The total number of genes estimated is 30,000.

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  54. The nitrogen - fixing bacteria Rhizobium is ……….... in nature.

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  55. Consider the following four statements whether they are correct or wrong.
    (A) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses.
    (B) Salvinia is heterosporous.
    (C ) The life cycle in all seed-bearing plants is diplontic.
    (D) In Pinus, male and female cones are borne on different trees.
    The two wrong statements together are

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  56. Which of the following is not a helminth ?

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  57. In a cross in Drosophila , the heterozygous member with grey body `(b^(+))` and long wings `(vg^(+))` was crossed with had the following ratio grey vestigial 24 : grey long 126: black long 26 : black vestigial 124 . What is the frequency of recombinant in the population ?

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  58. Which one of the following figures represents the placentation on primrose ?

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  59. Which of the following statements are correct regarding muscle proteins ?
    (i) Actin is a thin filament and is mde up to two F-actin
    (ii) The complex protein, tropomyosin is distributed at regular intervals on the troponin
    (iii) Myosin is a thick filament which is also a polymerised protein.
    (iv) The globular head of meromyosin consists of light meromyosin (LMM).

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  60. Which of the following is the correct statement for respiration in human ?

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  61. In flowering plants, double fertilization and triple fusion is a unique phenomenon. For a given plant, during the study of the endosperm, it was found that it has 24 chromosomes. What will the number of chromosomes in microspore mother cells be?

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  62. ATP is usually referred to as the energy currency of a cell. It is chemically.......(A)....... and the set of elements.............(B)........... forms its structure.

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  63. The structural adaptions observed in placental mice, in North America, are very similar in appearance to marsupial mice in Australia. It is an example of

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  64. The eighth cranial nerve is

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  65. Identify A and B.

    (i) - Tetanus Toxoid
    (ii) - Anti-tetanus serum
    (iii) - Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine
    (iv) - Antitoxin diphtheria serum
    (v) - Bacillus Chalmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine

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  66. According to 2011 census, Indian population was:

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  67. When we ligate a foreign DNA at the sa/l site of pBR322, the …....a…....plasmid will lose tetracycline resistance due to the insertion of foreign DNA but can still be selected out from …..b….. ones by plating the …...c…..... on ampicillin containing medium.

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  68. Which of the following is incorrect about the transport of gases by blood?

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  69. The iodine derivative of amino acid tyrosine brings about effects on target cells by

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  70. Which one of the following is correct?

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  71. Shark is

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  72. RER synthesises a plams -membrane protein. Membrane protein becomes slightly different while passing through another cell organelle. Identify the organelle in the given diagram

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  73. Which of the following is incorrectly matched ?

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  74. Match the following .
    `{:(,"Column-I (Mineral)",,"Column-II (Role)"),(a.,K,(i),"Water splitting "),(b.,Zn,(ii),"Energy metabolism"),(c.,Mg,(iii),"Auxin synthesis"),(d.,Mn,(iv),"Stomatal movement"):}`

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  75. Which of the following characteristics is mainly responsible for diversification of insects on land?

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  76. Identify the likely organisms (1), (2), (3) and (4) in the food web shown below.

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  77. Which of the following statements regarding species interdependence are true?
    1. An association of two species where one is benefited and other remains unaffected is called mutualism.
    2. An interspecific association where both partners derive from each other is called commensalism.
    3. A direct food relation between two species of animals in which one animals kills and feeds on another is referred as predation.
    4. A relationship between two species of organism where both the partners are benefited from each other is called symbiosis.

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  78. A lake near a village suffered heavy mortality of fishes within a few days Consider the following reasons for this?
    (a) Lots of urea and phosphate fertilizers were used in the crops in the vicinity.
    (b) The area was sprayed with DDT by an aircraft.
    (c) The lake water turned green and stinky.
    (d) Phytoplankton population in the lake declined initially thereby greatly reducing photosynthesis. Which two of the above were the main causes of fish mortality in the lake?

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  79. Which of the following blocks the entry of additional sperm, once a single sperm cell encounters ova?

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  80. Assertion : The honey bee queen copulates only once in her life time.
    Reason : The honey bee queen can lay fertilized as well as unfertilized eggs.

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  81. How does carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas emitted by automobiles, prevent the transport of oxygen into the body tissues?

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  82. During urine formation, which of the following process helps in maintaining osmotic pressure in the uriniferous tubule?

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  83. Vasopressin is produced and secreted by

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  84. A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers but never produces fruits and seeds. The most probable cause for the above situation is

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  85. Release of pancreatic juice is stimulated by

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  86. Assertion : Sponges do not show any animal nature.
    Reason : Sponges are sessile with no apparent way of capturing food or eliminating water

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  87. In bacteria , the wavelength of light that is required to carry out photosynthesis is

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  88. The main objective of the use of herbicide - resistant GM crops is to

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  89. Match the items in colour I with items in column II and choose the correct option.
    `{:("Column-I","Column-II"),("(A) Triglyceride","(1) Animal hormones"),("(B) Membrane lipid","(2) Feathers and leaves"),("(C) Steroid","(3) Phospholipids"),("(D) Wax","(4) Fat stored in the form"):}`

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  90. Zygospore is formed from

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 37 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 37