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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 48 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 48
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The circulatory system of cockroach

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  2. Identify the organism given in the diagram .

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  3. A dsDNA found in E. Coli has `N^(15)` labeled nitrogen bases. This organism was provided with `N^(14)` based nitrogen bases for the replication process . The two new DNA molecules synthesized after one round of replication in the `N^14` based medium . Which of the following options correctly describes the comparison between parent DNA and daughter DNA ?

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  4. A set of 6 test tube having same temperature but different pH were setup to conduct an experiment . To each of the tubes, starch and amylase were added in a mix of sterile water . The concentration was kept the same . The following table notes the reaction completion time for each of the six tubes.
    `{:(PH,1,3,5,7,9,11),("Time taken to complete in seconds (s).",94,64,32,5,35,66):}`
    Using the above data , determine the pH where amylase has shown highest rate of activity.

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  5. The following is the labelled representation of a typical plant cell. Among the levelled parts , which of these will also ba observed in a typical animal cell ?

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  6. Meiosis is one of the two cell division process observed to occur in cells . Which statement from below correctly describes the outcome of a successful meiotic division ?

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  7. Breathing, an important step of the respiratory system, is a two-part process involving-inhalation and exhalation. During the process of breathing, the thorax region shows some changes. Identify the statement/s from below that is/are related to the exhalation process.
    I. External intercostal muscles contract
    II. Pressure in the lungs increases
    III. Diaphragm contracts
    IV. The volume of thorax decreases

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  8. Read the following statement regarding DNA recombinant technology. Identify the statements that are true and false and select the appropriate option.
    I. Selectable marker helps in identifying and eliminating non-transformants and selectively permitting the growth of the transformants.
    II. Plasmids have the ability to replicate within bacterial cells independent of the control of chromosomal DNA making it a suitable cloning vector.
    III. The DNA fragments for isolation can be separated by a technique known as thin-layer chromatography.
    IV. A technique where cells are bombarded with high velocity micro-particles of Au or W coated with DNA is known as micro-injection.

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  9. Read the statements below regarding the nucleus of a cell. Identify them as true or false and select the correct combination option.
    I. The nucleus displays an elaborate nucleoprotein fiber called chromatin during the interphase of the cell cycle.
    II. The space between the parallel membranes of the nuclear envelope is called the nucleoplasm.
    III. Nucleus was discovered first by Flemming.
    IV. The nuclear pores within the nuclear envelope are formed by the fusion of both membranes.

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  10. Nucleoside from one of the precursor in the formation of the genetic material within the living system . What is the composition of nucleoside ?

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  11. Match the organism with its related contribution in the field of biotechnology.
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),(1,"Escherichia coli",I,1^(st)rDNA),(2,"Agrobacterium tumefaciens",II,pBR322),(3,"Thermus aquaticus",III,"Ti plasmid"),(4,"Salmonella typhimurium",IV,"Polymerase used in PCR"):}`

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  12. Select the combination of option that will correctly complete the below statements.
    I. A typical eukaryotic cell has membrane bound distinct structures namely,(P).
    II. All the prokaryotes are known to have a layer of cell wall around its cell membrane except (Q)
    III. A special membranous structure found in a bacteria is (R) which is formed by the extensions of the plasma membrane of the cell.
    IV. (S) are thin filamentous extensions from cell wall that helps the bacterial cell with motility.

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  13. Skeletal muscles come under the board category of muscle tissue for the animals. How many of the following statements are correct related to the skeletal muscles.
    I. They are closely attached to bones.
    II. These are involuntary in the activity.
    III. They are typically found within the blood vessel
    IV. Several muscle fibers are enclosed by a sheath of connective tissue.

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  14. According to substrata samhita (600 B. C.), the four division of the plants are,

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  15. Read the following statements. Which of the following statements about RNA molecule is incorrect?
    I. It has a double helical structure.
    II. It contains ribose which is a cyclic aldopentose monosaccharide.
    III. It is the genetic material in all animal viruses.
    IV. It contains the ribothmidylic acid.

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  16. On comparing the proportion of elements found in human tissue and Earth's crust, which one of the following is found to be negligible?

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  17. Plant cell undergoes cell division to form two new cell. The below diagram represents a certain stage of the cell cycle of plant cells. Determine the step/stage of the cell cycle process that will happen just before the represented process starts.

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  18. A balloon is been blown up by a healthy person with no known respiratory disorder. Select the option that correctly provides information about the proportion of gasses of air inside the balloon compared to the proportion of gasses of air outside the balloon.
    `{:(No,"water vapour","oxygen","carbon dioxide"),(1,"More","More","Less"),(2,"Less","More","More"),(3,"More","Less","More"),(4,"less","Less","More"):}`

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  19. DNA fingerprinting is a technique used in generating a profile of an individual . This technique identifies the various satellite DNA found in the sequence and has high degree of

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  20. Sticky ends, observed in the DNA , are due to the action of a particular type of nucleases. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sticky ends of the DNA strand ?

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  21. Which of the following is Gause 's competitive Exclusion principal ?

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  22. Choose the option which accurately represents the characteristics of family Fabaceae .

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  23. Brandy, whiskey , and rum are

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  24. Which of the following statements is true according to the concept of biological classification ?

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  25. Dr. John is a botanist , he is experimenting with exotic species of rose plant Rose polyantha . He started with 40 plants, after a year 22 more plants were added thought reproduction but also 14 plants died during the experimentation .
    Which of the following statements are correct ?
    1. The death rate is 0.35% per year
    2. The birth rate is 0.55 % per rose per year
    3. The birth rate is 0.55 % per year
    4. The death rate is 0.35 % per rose per year

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  26. Observe the diagram given below.

    Which of the following describes the parts labeled as 1,2 and 3 correctly ?
    i. It represents the plumule which further develops into the shoot .
    ii. Large shield shaped cotyledon.
    iii. Further develops into the primary root.

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  27. Babanrao is an organic farmer growing ladyfingers in this field. What are the precautions he will take to control pests in his field ?
    I. Use of ladybird and dragonflies to control butterfly cartepillars .
    II. Use of Nucleopolyhedrovirus to control arthropods .
    III. Use of Bacillus thuringiensis to control butterfly caterpillars .
    IV. Use of Trichoderma to control arthropods .

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  28. Identify the correct match :

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  29. Match the organism with its properties in a food chain :

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  30. In calotropis , the leaves show (X ) phyllotaxy while the petals show (Y) aestivation.

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  31. Match the correct term and meaning .

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  32. Which one of the following statements about ecological succession in incorrect ?

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  33. Identify the group in which the l following fungus is classified. Which of the statement regarding that group is not true?

    1. Mycelium : Unbranched and non - septate
    2. Some members : ustilago and Mucor
    3. Hyphae structure : only monokaryotic
    .4 Grows on : tree. Logs and stumps, soils and also on plant bodies

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  34. Which of the following plants has a zygomorphic flower?

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  35. During encystation, Amoeba withdraws its pseudopodia and secretes a ………... layered hard covering or cyst around itself.

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  36. Choose the incorrect statement about members of the kingdom Fungi.

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  37. Identify 1,2,3,40 and 5 in the cycle given below :

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  38. Match from the column given below :
    `{:("Parts of Dicot Roots","Consists of "),(a."Epiblema","i. Unicellular root hair"),(b."Casparian strips ","ii. Vascular bundle and pith"),(c."Pericycle","iii.Waxy material suberin "),(d. "Stele","iv.Thick walled parenchymatous cells."):}`

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  39. Identify the correct sequence of structure of androecium in chronological order of development .

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  40. Which of these organisms have chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c in their cells and a cellulosic wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating ?

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  41. Identify A , B and C in the image and choose the correct statement.

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  42. The correct option representing the structures forming phellogen , phellem and phelloderm is

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  43. Which of the following statements is true for pollination by water ?

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  44. Identify the following diagram and select the option with correct labels :

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  45. Fill in the blanks (i),(ii) and (iii) with the correct choice of words.
    Biodiversity is a term popolarised by sociobiologist ……..(i)……..
    Medicinal plant …...(ii)..... shows the genetic variation in terms of potency and concentration of ....(iii)..... .

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  46. Identify the correct match from the column given below .

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  47. Which of the following is correct about apomixis?
    I. An apomixis is a form of sexual reproduction.
    II. Apomixis is a mechanism to produce seeds without fertilization.
    III. Apomictic embryos are similar in their genetic nature.
    IV. Examples of apomixis are Citrus and mango.

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  48. The greatest contribution of root pressure is

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  49. There is a forest next to Raju's village which is a natural habitat for an endangered species of lotus. The Government plans to develop a highway through the forest which will cause disturbance in the habitat and may lead to extinction of the endangered species. Being an environmental activist, what must have Raju suggested the Government in order to save the species as the highway project is also important for the development of the village?

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  50. In `C_4` plants , the Calvin pathway takes place in

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  51. Observe the given floral diagram and choose the suitable formula from the following .

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  52. Which of the following statements about the nitrogen cycle are false ?
    1. Rhizobium and Frankia cause nitrogen fixation in their independent free - living stage .
    2. Azotobacter and Anabaena are anaerobic, symbiotic , free - living , nitrogen fixers.
    3. Rhodospirillum is an aerobic , nitrogen -fixing microbe found in the root nodules of legumes .
    4. Nitrobacter oxidizes nitrites to nitrates .

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  53. David is a hardworking environmentalist who has to travel 10 kilometres to his office daily. He drives to and fro from his destination in a sedan which releases a substantial amount of vehicular exhaust into the atmosphere . This concerns David due to the growing pollution in city . Which of the following measures can he take to reduce the emission of pollutants from his car ?

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  54. At what percent of alcohol concentration does the Yeast poison itself to death ?

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  55. Pollen germination can be prominently seen in

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  56. Which of these is not a function of the gaseous hormone ?

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  57. Which of the following is incorrect about ozone ?
    i. The bad ozone is found in the upper part of atmosphere
    ii. Thickness is measured in terms of Dobson units
    iii. Ozone gas is formed by action on UV rays on molecular oxygen
    iv. Ophthalmic problems may increase with ozone depletion

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  58. Given below are the steps involved in the citric cycle . Arrange them correct option.
    i. Formation of alpha - ketoglutaric acid and succinyl - CoA.
    ii. Condensation of acetyl group with oxaloacetic acid.
    iii. Isomerization of citrate to isocitrate.
    iv. Synthesis of GTP.

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  59. Which of these processes involve tissue culture ?
    I. Somatic hybrization to produce a hybrid between potato and tomato called potato .
    II. Mutation breeding to produce a mung bean resistant to yellow mosaic disease .
    III . Cross hybridization to produce insect - resistant rapeseed mustard called Pusa Gaurav.
    IV. Micropropagation to produce a virus - free potato plant.

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  60. Rye has two kinds of varieties: autumn and spring varieties. The correct statement about them is

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  61. In the artery,

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  62. Which of these statements about the counter current mechanism is true ?

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  63. Gene pool can be defined as

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  64. Colour - blindness occurs in

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  65. Which of the following terms doesn't mean one and the same ?

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  66. A patient suffering from Down's syndrome was carefully examined . There were three 21 chromosomes in the patient . The sequence of all the genes and alleles present on two of the three `21^(st)` chromosomes were an exact match with the patient's mother while the third one was an exact match with the patient's father . Which of the following process was faulty to have produced this individual ?

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  67. Arrange the following in the chronological order of their appearance i.e. from oldest to latest.

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  68. Identify the odd one from the list of organisms given below :

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  69. Which one of the following scientists shared the same views about evolution ?

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  70. Match the enzymes given in column I with the substrates they act upon in column II and the product obtained from the reaction given in column III and select the correct. Option from the codes given below .

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  71. Observe the diagram given below :

    Which of the following statements regarding the above diagram is / are correct ?

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  72. A pure pea plant having yellow and round seeds in an inflated pod was crossed with a pure pea plant having green and wrinkled seeds in a constricted pod . The proportion of plants having green round seeds in an inflated pod in the `F_2` generation is

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  73. Which of the following is incorrect about allergy ?

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  74. Which of these statements is incorrect about Platyhelminthes ?

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  75. The longest bone of the human body is

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  76. Given below are the steps involved in the generation and conduction of nerve impulse. Arrange them in proper sequence and select the correct option.
    I. Rapid influx of `Na^+` ions followed by reversal of polarity at the site of application of stimulus.
    II. Reversal of polarity and generation of action potential at a point ahead of the point of application of stimulus.
    III. Development of free permeability to `Na^+` ions at the site of application of stimulus.
    IV. Arrival of the impulse generated at the first site to the second site.
    V. Rise in permeability of `K^+` ions and restoration of the resting potential of the membrane.

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  77. Excess of growth hormone causes acromegaly in adults . In normal individuals, such condition doesn't arise due to inhibition of growth hormone . Which of the following is responsible for secretion of hormone that regulates growth hormone secretion ?

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  78. Read the following statements about male reproductive system and identify the correct ones.
    I . The scrotum helps in maintaining the temperature ideal for spermatogenesis . II. The male germ cells present in the seminiferous tubules undergo mitotic division and lead to the formation of sperms .
    III . The bulbourethral glands secrete substances which help in lubricating the penis and these glands also help in formation of the ejaculatory duct.
    IV. The site of spermatogenesis are highly compartments of the testis .

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  79. The normal body colour of a grasshopper is green . The gene for this character is present on X chromosome. Due to recessive mutation in this gene , grasshoppers with pink body colour are produced . A male grasshopper with green body colour mates with a female grasshopper with pink body colour . Which of these statements is true ?

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  80. Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct options for the blanks A ,B and C from the options given below :
    The most infections human ailment of ......I.... is caused by a group of viruses known as rhinoviruses. They infect the nose and the respiratory tract , but not the. .....II....... The droplets from an infected person are either ......III.... directly , or spread via contaminated objects.

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  81. Read the statements given below. Which of the following statements is / are incorrect ?
    I. Amniocentesis , a procedure which involves the analysis of yolk cells , has been banned by the government to prevent female foeticide.
    II. The oral contraceptives pill ' saheli ' was developed by the central During Research Institute ( CDRI ) situated in the city of Ludhiana .
    III. Spermicidal Creams , jellies , and foams are usually used with natural methods of contraception to increase their efficiency .
    IV . Progesterone or progesterone - estrogen combination can also be used as implants under the skin for contraception purpose .

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  82. Goitre can occur in

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  83. The expression of a phenotype

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  84. Which of these interactions between hormones of menstrual cycle is correct ?

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  85. Which of the given option is incorrect about spleen ?

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  86. Which of the following receptors helps in perception of taste ?

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  87. Which of the following is incorrect about the human endocrine system ?

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  88. A woman had an extreme premature delivery . She gave birth to a dady boy at 23 weeks of gestation . The birth weight of the baby was 950 gm . Which of the following is most likely to be observed in this bady ?

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  89. Read the following properties about two diseases phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria.

    In our body tyrosine is the only precursor for the formation of homogentisic acid.
    Rohit has genotype aapp. His urine will

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  90. The assisted reproductive technology which involves the transfer of zygote or early embryos with unto 8 blastomeres stage into the female accessory duct is called

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 48 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 48