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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 76 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 76
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statement is incorrect for opioid drugs ?

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  2. How many petals are present in one flower of Makoi ?

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  3. Select the correct match from the following :
    I. Humoral mediated immunity : Given by killer T - cells
    II. – Anamnestic immune response : slow immune response.
    III . Antigen binding site : variable region of both heavy and light chain .

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  4. How many hot spots of biodiversity in the world have been identified till date by Norman Myers ?

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  5. The two most dreadful and fatal disease throughout world are :

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  6. Which of the following is true about phenylketonuria ?

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  7. A taxon is

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  8. Which of the following is not the function of placenta in human female

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  9. In eukaryotic cells , the Proteins will function as ribonucleoprotein are made by

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  10. Deficiency of zinc, in a plant , shows its effect on the biosynthesis of which plant growth regulator ?

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  11. In a human female , if the duration of her menstrual cycle is of 34 days . What is the duration of the luteal phase and at what day ovulation occurs in this woman ?

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  12. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

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  13. The boundaries of which of the following kingdom is not well defined ?

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  14. The clitoris is a tiny finger like structure which liens at the upper junction of the two .......X ….... above the …....Y….... Opening / orifice . Select the correct option for X and Y.

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  15. The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to

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  16. The industry which is devoted to the catching , processing or selling of fish , shellfish or other aquatic animals is called

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  17. Which of the following statements not true for restriction enzyme which is used in genetic engineering ?

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  18. Which of the following assisted reproductive technique is used toe cure infertility due to very low sperm count in the ejaculates ?

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  19. For isolated of DNA , cells are treated with the specific lysine enzyme. Which of the following is not correct matched for the organism and its cell wall degrading enzyme ?

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  20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ideal contraceptives ?

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  21. When a vector takes up foreign DNA segment then it is known as ?

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  22. How many of the following statements are incorrect ?
    (i) Decomposition is largely an anaerobic process .
    (ii) Fragmentation , leaching , and catabolism occur simultaneously on detritus.
    (iii) The vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels is called stratification .
    (iv) The pond is a deep water body .
    (v) The rate of decomposition is controlled by the chemical composition of detritus and climatic factors.

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  23. Read the following matches about chordates and it's characteristics.
    I. Petromyzon - belongs to cyclostomata and are endoparasites on some fishes.
    II. Scoliodon - a Chondrichthyes in which teeth are modified placoid scales.
    III. Hippocampus - a cartilaginous aquarium fish known as a sea horse.
    IV. lchthyophis is a limbless viviparous amphibian with direct development.
    Select the incorrect statements ?

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  24. Measurement of biomass is more accurate in terms of

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  25. Which of the following will be least adversely affected by predation ?

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  26. Read the following statements and select the true ((T)) or false ((F)) statement .
    A. The notochord is an ectodermal derived rod-like structure in chordates.
    B. Platyhelminthes are triploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals.
    C. The alternation of generation in Obelia is called Metagenesis .
    D. In ctenophora , only sexual mode of reproduction is observed.

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  27. Which among the following is the most crucial step of the Calvin cycle ?

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  28. Which of the following tissue exerts the greatest control over the body's responsiveness to changing conditions?

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  29. In which group of plant kingdom gametophyte is depend on sporophyte ?

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  30. Brood pouch is formed in female Cockroach by

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  31. Match the column and select the correct option from following .

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  32. In the structure of a human neuron, the nodes of Ranvier are present on

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  33. If the filiform apparatus has 28 chromosomes , then what will be their number in the nucellus and funicle of the cell , respectively ?

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  34. With reference to different structure of the human brain , which one is an incorrect match ?

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  35. Which of the following is a primary metabolite ?

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  36. Match the column I with column II :

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  37. How many of the following statements given are incorrect ?
    (i) Pusa Gaurav , a variety of Brassica , is disease resistant for bacteria .
    (ii) Jaya and Ratna are varieties of wheat .
    (iii) Method of producing thousands of plants through tissue culture is called micropropagation.
    (iv) pusa Sawani is a variety of Brassica .
    (v) Capacity to generate a whole plant from any cell explants is called totipotency.

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  38. Which of the following is an age-related bone disorder characterized by decreased bone mass and increased chances of fracture ?

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  39. In castor plant :

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  40. Which of the following structure of the human brain contains neurosecretory cells to produce hormones ?

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  41. The most common type of ovule found in angiospermic plants is

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  42. Select the odd out with respect to increased of decreased secretion of hormones .

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  43. According to R.H. Whittaker's five - kingdom classification , how many of the following are placed in Kingdom Protista ?
    Chlorella , Riccia, Pisum , chlamydomonas, cycas, pteridium , Capsella , Gonyaulax , Euglena Amoeba , physarum , Fucus chara .

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  44. Which of the following sets of hormones are lipid-soluble and given a physiological response by changing the gene expression ?

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  45. Bacteriophages are generally:

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  46. About …...X…... volume of blood is filtered by the kidney per minute during urine formation to form…...Y…... amount of filtrate in the Bowman's capsule per minute .
    Select the correct option for X and Y from the following

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  47. Which of the following is the most abundant of all the cells found in the blood of humans ?

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  48. In which of the following plants is a tricarpellary syncarpous gynoecium found ?

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  49. Which one of the following is correct for the mitral valve of the human heart ?

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  50. Which cells of the gastric glands of the stomach secrete Castle's intrinsic factor , essential for the absorption of vit . `B_(12)` ?

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  51. Lateral branches originate from tha basal & underground portion of the main stem , grow horizontally beneath the soil & then come out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots. This condition does not belong to which plant ?

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  52. Which of the following conditions is found in the alveoli which is favourable for the formation of oxyhaemoglobin ?

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  53. Read the following statement (I - IV)
    I. The machine that is used to obtain ECG of a patient is called an electrocardiograph .
    II. The volume of blood pumped out by each ventricle per cardiac cycle is called the cardiac output .
    III. The second heart sound is associated with the opening of both semilunar values .
    IV. Hypertension is denoted by the ratio of systolic and diastolic pressure in mm of mercury pressure.
    How many statement (s) is/ are correct from the above ?

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  54. Read the following statement carefully.
    A. The diffusion membrane is made up of three major cellular layers.
    B . The partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases in mmHg are the same for both deoxygenated blood and tissue.
    Select correct option about the above statements .

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  55. Which of the following is a living cell which lacks nucleus on maturity ?

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  56. Which of the following examples can be considered as homologous organs or examples of homology ?

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  57. Given figure is a transverse section of dicot stem showing secondary growth in stellar and extra stellar region . Select the correct option for the parts labeled as a, b, c & d are respectively.

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  58. In the primary structure of a protein , amino acids are linked due to the presence of

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  59. Branching descent and natural selection are the two key concepts of

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  60. Select the option having all correct statements .
    (a) ER divide the intercellular space two distinct compartments.
    (b) The cis and the trans face of the Golgi body are entirely different but interconnected.
    (c) Lysosomes are the single membrane - bound vesicular structures formed by the process of packaging in the Golgi body.
    (d) In plant cells, the vacuole can occupy up to 90 percent of the volume of the cell .

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  61. Identify the correct statement .

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  62. Formation of fruit without involving gametic fusion is called

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  63. How many mitotic division takes place for complete development of female gametophyte in an angiosperm ?

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  64. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyzes transcription on one strand of the DNA which is called the `:`

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  65. During gamete formation, the enzyme recombinate participates during

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  66. Which enzyme of the TCA cycle or Kreb's cycle is present in the inner mitochondrial membrane ?

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  67. Which one of the following element is important for nitrogen fixation ?

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  68. During the electron transport in mitochondria which of the following changes are observed .
    (1) The pH of the matrix increases.
    (2) ATP synthase synthesizes one molecule of ATP when a pair of the proton is transferred back to the matrix.
    (3) `NAD^(+)` is oxidised.

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  69. If water potential of a cell is - 30 bar and osmotic potential is - 62 bar then what is the value of the TP developed in the cell.

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  70. For fixation of one `CO_2` molecule in `C_3` plants the energy required in the form of ATP and `NADPH_2` are

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  71. Phytochrome is involved in

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  72. Select the option which is not correctly matched for mode of reproduction and its example.

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  73. Most of the biological activities of proteins are due to :

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  74. Holoenzyme is composed of :

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  75. Select the incorrect statement.

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  76. The toxin produced by Bacillus thurigiensis gets activated in

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  77. BOD values of different samples of water are given.
    Sample A BOD = 5, Sample B BOD = 12 , Sample C BOD = 2, Sample D BOD = 7
    Which of the above - given sample will have the least number of Daphnia ?

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  78. The blood group of the father is B and that of a daughter is AB. The genotype of the mother be :

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  79. In the human genome project, the method that is involved in identifying all the genes that are expressed as RNA is referred to as

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  80. Which of the following seed characters of Pisum sativum were studied by Mendel in his hybrization experiments ?
    1. Seed shape
    2. Seed weight
    3. Seed coat colour
    4. Seed starch grain size
    5. Seed number

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  81. Which one of the following conditions in human is correctly matched with is chromosomal abnormality ?

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  82. When a single gene expresses more than one effect the, phenomenon is called

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  83. At a particular locus, frequency of 'A' allele is `0.6` and that of 'a' is `0.4.` What would be the frequency of heterozygotes in a random mating population at equlibrium -

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  84. Lambda bacteriophage has ……….base pairs in genetic material .

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  85. An organism used as a biofertilizer for raising soyabean crop is

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  86. The process of development of pollen mother cell into a mature pollen grain includes.

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  87. Montreal protocol was signed in

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  88. In a cross between AABB `xx`aabb, the ratio of `F_(2)` genotype between AABB, AaBB,Aabb and aabb would be

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  89. Which one of the following is an example of In - situ conservation ?

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  90. Select the correct statement about human evolution.

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 76 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 76