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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET TEST 79 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which or the following specialized connective tissues . intercellular material is solid , pliable , and resists compression ?

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  2. Which green algae shows only oogamous type sexual reproduction ?

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  3. The ……..(i) …... very in colour from olive green to various shades of brown depending upon the amount …....(ii)……..

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  4. All of the following structure in a cockroach has jointed segmental or filamentous structure except ,

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  5. A tap roots is always

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  6. The structure which holds the leaf blades and help to flutter in wind known as a ................

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  7. Which of the following is not a part of brain stem of human brain?

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  8. In……... the leaflets are attached at a common point i.e. at the tip of petiole.

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  9. Read the following statements carefully :
    (i) Urge for eating and drinking as well as body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus.
    (ii) The limbic system along involved in the regulation of sexual behavior, expression of emotions , and excitement.
    (iii) The presence of four round swellings called corpora quadrigemina on the ventral portion of the midbrain is the characteristics feature of the human brain.
    (iv) Cerebellum has a very convoluted surface in order to provide additional space for many neurons.
    How many statements from the above is/are correct ?

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  10. The seed of Pinus sp. Is

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  11. Which of the following features is not applicable for red muscle fibres ?

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  12. The elongated or tube-like cells, with thick , lignified walls and tapering ends are

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  13. Which of the following given the structure of the human body can possess maximum type of synovial joints?

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  14. Which among the structure has an elongated , unbranched, pointed , and needle-like apices ?

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  15. In some prokaryotes, some membranous extensions are present in the cytoplasm which contain pigments , known as ....

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  16. Mesosomes are formed by the extension of plasma . membrane into the cytoplasm and help in many functions except

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  17. Which of the following endocrine structure synthesizes and secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones to control another endocrine structure ?

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  18. Select the wrong statements.
    (i) All eukaryotic cells are identical.
    (ii) All eukaryotic cells show compartmentalization.
    (iii) Centrioles are absent in almost all plant cells.
    (iv) Animal cells contain no larger central vacuoles.

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  19. Which one of the following function is not related two hormones of adrenal cortex of adrenal gland?

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  20. The structure of the protein that is absolutely necessary for its biological activity is

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  21. Which of the the following assisted reproductive technique is applicable in a woman who cannot ovulate regularly but can provide suitable environment for fertilization ?

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  22. Select the incorrect statement with respect to adult human hemoglobin.

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  23. Select the wrong statements with respect to DNA .
    (i) The backbone of DNA is formed by the sugar-phosphate chain.
    (ii) The two strands of the Polynucleotide are anti-parallel.
    (iii) The nitrogen bases are parallel to the backbone .
    (iv) The backbone contains a hydrogen bond.

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  24. Intentional or voluntary termination of pregnancy before full term is called

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  25. The sequence of events by which a cell duplicates its genome , cell constituents, and finally divides into two cells is termed as a cell cycle , and which of the following is not a part of this process ?

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  26. The given group of animals belong to Gnathostomata and bear limbs are :

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  27. …...... is a taxonomic category and identified on the basis of aggregates of characters.

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  28. Read the following match about phylum and it's one character :
    I. Annelida : First- time true coelom (schizocoelom) present in them.
    II. Arthropoda : Only metamerically segmented animals with hemocoel.
    III. Echinodermata : Have exoskeleton of calcareous ossicles and spines .
    IV. Hemichordata : Small worm-like marine animals with the notochord.
    How many from the above is/ are the correct

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  29. Archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in having different……..

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  30. Select the correct match from the following :

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  31. Cyanobacteria or blue – green algae contain some specialized cells , known as ………….. .

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  32. Single step large Mutation is named as ……… X ……… by ………..Y …………… .
    Find out the correct option for X and Y

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  33. Choose the correct Statement about DNA packaging from the following.

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  34. Read the following statements and choose the correct option.
    (i) Mycoplasma lacks a cell membrane.
    (ii) Mycoplasma are the smallest living cells to exist on the planet.
    (iii) Mycoplasma survives only without oxygen.

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  35. Select the incorrect statement with respect to mitotic anaphase .

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  36. …… / are liable to saturation , respond to inhibitor and is under hormonal regulation and moves only along a concentration gradient .

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  37. Which one the following factors does not affect the Hardy-Weinberg law of genetic equilibrium ?

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  38. … present in cysteine and methionine and is the main constituent of several coenzymes .

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  39. Which of the following pigments absorbs light and prevents photo-oxidation of chlorophyll ?

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  40. Which of the following is not related to the non-cyclic process of light reaction ?

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  41. List the set of factors from the following , which are responsible for dissociation of oxygen from the oxyhaemoglobin ?

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  42. During aerobic respiration, the passing on of the electrons removed as a part of the hydrogen atom to molecular `O_2` occurs in the……..

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  43. After , the second decarboxylation of the Krebs cycle ,.....(i)…...will produce and it goes …....(ii)……... times dehydrogenation .

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  44. Which of the following is not correct the thoracic chamber in humans ?

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  45. Which of these plant hormones allows the plant to withstand extremely dry climates ?

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  46. The abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of fecal discharge is known as

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  47. The internodal segments of tobacco stem the callus proliferated only if it contains ……..(i)………in addition to ………..(ii)……..

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  48. Which of the following is incorrect match about human excretory system?

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  49. Choose the incorrect statement in reference to the male reproductive organs of angiosperms

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  50. Which of the following Statement is correct about heart failure ?

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  51. The pollen grain viability is highly variable Select the least viable pollen grain from the following list of choices.

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  52. A typical angiosperm embryo sac contains 8 nucleus and 7 cells. These 8 nucleus are formed by ………..

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  53. Read the following statement and choose the correct option.
    A. The first heart sound (lub) is associated with the closure of both semilunar valves.
    The duration between the adjacent second heart sound and first heart sound is 0.3 seconds
    C. The cardiac output is the stroke volume multiplied by the number of heartbeats per minute.

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  54. Read the following statements and select the correct statements.
    (i) DFC begins with dead inorganic matter.
    (ii) DFC is the major conduit for energy flow in a terrestrial ecosystem
    (ii) GFC of aquatic ecosystem is longer than a terrestrial ecosystem.
    (iv) DFC and GFC are completely separate chains.

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  55. Select the correct match from the following :

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  56. The entire sequence of communities that succesively change in a given area are called

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  57. Which of the following statement is correct for the mechanism for oxytocin hormone ?

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  58. During an ecological succession, many changes occur. Select the wrong statement with respect to succession.
    (i) Some species colonies and some species disappear
    (ii) Diversity will not change during succession.
    (iii) The total biomass increases .
    (iv) The species number increases.

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  59. All of the following are tiger subspecies which have recently gone extinct , except

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  60. Choose the correct statement from the following .

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  61. Which of the following is the reason for Dodo extinction ?

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  62. Biochemical oxygen demand represents :

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  63. …………refers to the increase in the concentration of toxicant like mercury at a successive level.

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  64. In the fully organized Polygonum type of embryo sac, what is the ratioof haploid, diploid and triploid nuclei?

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  65. In which of the following plant flowers are invariably autogamous ?

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  66. Which of the following disorders can’t be studied by pedigree analysis ?

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  67. The size of the seed grain in pea is an example of :

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  68. In which of the following organism , males are heterogametic and have chromosome number different than females ?

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  69. Taylor and his colleagues proved the semi - conservative model of replication by performing experiments on ………(a) …………. Using (b) ……….

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  70. MacLeod, McCarty and Avery determined that R strain bacteria transforming into S strain bacteria because of :

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  71. Find the correct match

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  72. …………is used to produce a bioactive molecule which is used as an immunosuppressive agent in organ - transplant patients.

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  73. Select the incorrect statement with respect to aeration tank of the sewage treatment plant.

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  74. The rat in North American deserts is capable of meeting all its water requirements through its internal fat oxidation . It is an example of

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  75. In Brood parasitism :

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  76. In a plant , red fruit (R) dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). If a plant with RRTT genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt. Then

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  77. A family of five daughters only is expecting sixth issue. The chance of its beings a son is

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  78. Flowering plants have developed many devices to discourage self - pollination and to encourage cross - pollination except

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  79. Which of the following method of animal breeding , superior male of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed to form progeny hydrid ?

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  80. Which of the following cells of human testis are present in the regions outside the seminiferous tubules but in the testicular lobules ?

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  81. Which of the following reproductive structure is divided into cortex and medulla ?

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  82. Read the following sentences about human reproduction:
    A. The process of childbirth or parturition is induced by a complex neuroendocrine mechanism involving oxytocin.
    B. The reproductive cycle of all primate mammals is called the menstrual cycle.
    C. Most of the major organ systems of the foetus including genital organ systems of the foetus including genital organs are developed by the end of 24 weeks.
    D . The second meiotic division of secondary oocyte is unequal and results in the formation of an ovum and a second polar body.
    How many from the above is/ are incorrect ?

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  83. Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease but is not a reproductive tract infections ?

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  84. Find out the incorrect match about allergy and inflammatory reactions.

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  85. Read the following statement carefully:
    A . Smack is chemically diacetylmorphine which is a white , ordourless, bitter crystalline compounds.
    B. Crack is a coca alkaloid , is obtained from coca plant Thebroma cocoa, and is usually snorted .
    C. Smoking is associated with an increased risk of cancer of the lung .
    D . The chronic use of drugs and alcohol damages the nervous system and liver.
    Choose the correct statement only.

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  86. Select the incorrect match.

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  87. Which tissue is not correctly related to its fate during the secondary growth ?

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  88. The given structure of protein corresponds to :

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  89. Match the column - I with column - II
    `{:(,"Column - I",,"Column - II"),(1., "Micronutrients",A.,Fe),(2.,"Macronutrients ",B.,"Nitrosomonas"),(3.,"Nitrification",C.,S),(4.,"Denitrification",D.,"Thiobacillus"):}`

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  90. In which of the following case, mice will remain alive in Griffith's transforming experiments ?

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET TEST 79 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET TEST 79