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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 89 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 89
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In our biosphere, immense diversity or heterogeneity exits at

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  2. The UN conference of Parties on climate change in the year 2012 was held in

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  3. Which of the following is incorrect for forewings of cockroach ?

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  4. Testosterone is synthesized by

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  5. In which one of the following options the two examples are correctly matched with their particular type of immunity ?

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  6. Which sponge is given as a gift in Japan

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  7. MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer ) is a method of

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  8. Find the INCORRECT statement :

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  9. The diagram given below represents

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  10. Which among the following secondary metabolites is a lectin?

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  11. The pathway of blood from left ventricle of the heart to the right atrium is

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  12. The correct function of hormones of gastrointestinal tract is

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  13. Sebaceous glands eliminate certain substances like.... through sebum.

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  14. The alien species (Nile perch) introduced into Lake Victoria in

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  15. Minamata disease was caused due to the consumption of

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  16. Choose the INCORRECT statement in reference to the unstriated muscles.

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  17. The uterus open into vagina through a narrow

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  18. Active immunity means

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  19. Triploblastic undegmented acoelomate exhibiting bilateral symmetry and reproducting both asexually and sexually with parasitic forms The above description is characteristic of phylum

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  20. Arrange the following in decreasing order of their number .
    (i) Number of phalanges in each hand is 14
    (ii) Total number of wrist bones in a human is 16
    (iii) Total number of metacarpals in human body is 10
    (iv) Number of bones in each upper limb is 30

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  21. Which of the following statements are CORRECT ?
    I. A specialized center present in the medulla region of the brain called respiratory rhythm center is primarily responsible for the regulation of respiration.
    II. A Chemosensitive area is situated adjacent to the rhythm which is highly sensitive to `O_2,CO_2` and hydrogen ions .
    III . Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid artery also can recognize changes in `CO_2 and H^+` concentration and send necessary signals to the rhythm center for remedial actions.
    IV The neural signal from the pneumatic center can increase the duration of inspiration and thereby alter the respiratory rate .

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  22. Which of the following bonds are formed by removal of water molecule ?
    I. Peptide bond II. Glycosidic bond III phosphodiester bond IV. Hydrogen bonds

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  23. Erthroblastosis foetalis can never occur in any child born parents having blood groups
    I. Mother : Rh-ve, Father: Rh+ve
    II. Mother : Rh-ve, Father: Rh-ve
    III. Mother : Rh+ve, Father: Rh-ve
    IV . Mother : Rh+ve, Father: Rh+ve

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  24. The fluid coming out of proximal convoluted tubule has a concentration of about

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  25. Which of the following does not occur between 15-28 days fo menstrual cycle?

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  26. Which of the following events are not associated with the phase /cycle of malarial parasite in man ?

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  27. In a nerve , is sodium pump is blocked , which of the following is most likely to happen ?

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  28. Which one of the following pituitary hormones does not have a target gland to act upon ?

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  29. Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation?

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  30. The permissible use of amniocentesis is for

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  31. In after cutting through the dorsal root of a spinal nerve of a mammal, an associated receptor in the skin were simulated, the animal would

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  32. Match List I and II and select the correct answer with the help of the codes given below the lists
    `{:("List I","List II"),("A. Somatotropin","1. Neurophypophysis"),("B. Oxytocin","2. Cretinism"),("C. Thyroxine","3. Rickets"),("D. Vitamin D","4. Gigantism"):}`

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  33. Find the INCORRECT match from the following .

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  34. Which of the following is a method of birth control ?

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  35. Which of the following is an example of negative feedback ?

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  36. The suffix - aceae indicates

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  37. The Archaebacteria that can survive in extreme salty areas are called .....

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  38. Recognize the figure and find out the CORRECT match.

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  39. Polysome is formed by

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  40. Identify the mitotic stage from the given features .
    (i) Nuclear envelope degenerates completely .
    (ii) Chromosomes are spread throughout the cytoplasm .
    (iii) Fully formed spindle apparatus consists of fine fibres .

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  41. Fungi show asexual reproduction by all of the following kinds of spores except

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  42. Rhizoids of Funaria are

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  43. Which of the following organelles is present exclusively in plants?

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  44. For a somatic cell with 2n = 4 which of the following is true ?
    Note :- `G_1` -growth phase 1, `G_2` - growth phase 2, M - Metaphase , P - Prophase and T - Telophase)

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  45. Substance 'X' is the charged molecule of small molecular weight . It is found at higher concentrations outside of cells than inside . How can substance 'X' entre the cells ?

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  46. Go through the following matches regarding the flower and ovary position .
    (i) Mustard - Epigynous
    (i) Plum - perigynous
    (iii) Hibiscus - Epigynous
    (iv) Peach - perigynous
    Which of these is /are CORRECT ?

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  47. Select the CORRECT pair out of the following .

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  48. Which of the following conlusions can be drawn from the girdling experiment?

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  49. If male plan is hexaploid and female plant is tetraploid , the endoderm will be :

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  50. An apocarpous ovary is that in which all carpels are free. It is found in

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  51. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
    (i). Phloem parenchyma is absent in most monocots.
    (ii). Gymnosperms lack tracheids and vessel.
    (iii). Gymnosperms lack companion cells.

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  52. Choose the option with the correct labels for the diagram given below .

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  53. Whorled, simple leaves with reticulate venation are present in

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  54. When a tetraploid individual is crossed with a diploid individual it producess triploid embryo, 5n endosperm and 4n fruit. In this cross the male individual is:

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  55. Match Column - I with column - II and select the CORRECT option from the codes given below

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  56. Read the given Statements and select the CORRECT one.

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  57. GAATTC is a recognition site for the restriction endonuclease

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  58. DNA probe is used for

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  59. Complete the given table showing different possibilities of genotypes and their corresponding blood group , by selecting the CORRECT option.

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  60. Sequence annotation in human genome project refers to

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  61. Match the products obtained by biotechnology in Column I with column-II and choose the correct alternative

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  62. Experimental verificatuion of chrosmosomal theory of inheritance was done by

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  63. X' is physiologically and biologically active from of DNA . The pitch of its helix is `34Å` with a distance between two adjacent base pair of about `3.4Å` It shows right-handed coiling. Identify 'X'

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  64. Nucleic acid segment tagged with a radioactive molecule is called

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  65. The following compounds are intermediates in the Pathway of photorespiration
    I. phosphglycolate II. serine III.glyoxylate IV. glycine
    The correct sequence their appearance in the pathway is

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  66. Study the following statements regarding chemiosmotic hypothesis in mitochondria and select the correct ones.
    (i) `F_(1)` headpiece contains the site for the synthesis of ATP from `ADP + Pi`.
    (ii) `F_(0)` par forms the channel through which protons cross the inner membrane.
    (iii) For each ATP produced, `2H^(+)` pass through `F_(0)` from the intermembrane space to the matrix down the electrochemical proton gradient.

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  67. Internodal elongation is stimulated by

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  68. Oestrus cycle is seen in

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  69. Give the example of C4 plants

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  70. Select the correct sequence of formation of given intermediates of Krebs' cycle.

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  71. Fill in the blanks
    1. . In ....a.... growth, both the progeny cells following 19 mitotic cell division retain the ability to divide and continue to do so.
    2.In ......b growth, following mitotic cell division, only one daughter cell continues to divide while the other differentiates and matures.
    3.Arithmetlc growth is mathemancally expressed as ….c...
    4.The exponential growth can be expressed as….d…

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  72. Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),"Potassium ",(i),"Constituent of ferredoxin"),((B),"Sulphur",(ii),"Involved in stomatal movement"),((C),"Molybdenum",(iii),"Needed in the synthesis of Auxin"),((D),"Zinc",(iv),"Component of nitogenase"):}`

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  73. Methanogens are commonly found in

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  74. A population that not has to reached the carrying capacity is likely to :

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  75. Food chain in which microorganisms breakdown the food formed by primary producers is

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  76. The majority of Baculo viruses are used as biological control agents because

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  77. Read the following statements w.r.t predation and select the two wrong statement
    (i) Predators help in maintaining species diversity in a community.
    (ii) Predators in nature are prudent .
    (iii) Predators cannot reduce the intensity of competition among competing prey species .
    (iv) Predators do not act as conduits for energy transfer across trophic levels .

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  78. Consider the following statements .
    A. The productivity and distribution of plants have nothing to do with water.
    B. Next temperature , water is the most important factor influence the life of organisms.
    C. Mammals from colder climates generally have longer ears and limbs to minimize heat loss.
    D. Life on Earth originated in water and is unsustainable without water.
    Of the above statements:

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  79. Which of the following statements about biodiversity is incorrect ?

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  80. Sugar and amino acids are

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  81. Which of these animals has not evolved from Sauropsids ?

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  82. Which of these pairs is correctly matched ?

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  83. …………….... classified animals into two groups, those which have red blood and those that did not.

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  84. The polar nuclei are present in

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  85. In which region of pBR322 , 5' GAATTC 3' sequence will be present ?

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  86. The productivity of the oceans is approximately ....the annual net primary productivity of the whole biosphere .

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  87. For a son to be haemophilic,

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  88. Which of the following diseases in plants is different from the others ?

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  89. In all the following the gynoecium is unilocular with multiple ovules except

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  90. The following blanks can be filled only by numbers.
    1. Gregor Mendel conducted hybridisation experiments on garden peas for (P) years .
    2. Mendel selected (Q) true - breeding pea plant varieties.
    3. In a human population , there are (R) alleles for ABO Blood group.
    4. In Drosophila, genes for white eye and yellow body show (S) % recombination
    The correct arrangement is

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 89 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 89