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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 97 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 97
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An individual affected by phenylketonuria lacks an enzyme that converts the amino acid `"_____"` into `"_____"`

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  2. In which one pair both the plants can be vegetatively propagated by leaf?

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  3. Fusion product of polar nuclei is

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  4. Failure of segregation of chromatids during cell division results in the gain or loss of chromososmes, this is called as

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  5. Which among the following statements are correct ?
    (i) A – T rich region of DNA denature at low temperature and are less stable than G – C rich regions.
    (ii) RNA is more stable than DNA .
    (iii) SNP are present at about 1 billion locations in humans.
    (iv) DNA polymerase I have both 5' `rarr` 3' and `3' rarr5'` exonuclease activity.
    (v) Rifampicin inhibits RNA synthesis by inhibiting RNA polymerase.

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  6. Which one of the following pairs is WRONGLY matched ?

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  7. Himgiri variety of wheat, which was developed by hybridisation and selection is mainly resistance to

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  8. Different factors affecting population density are given below . I ,B ,D and E represent :

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  9. Select the CORRECT difference between standing crop and standing state .

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  10. Mutation is :

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  11. Fill in the blanks:
    1. India has a greater …..a…… diversity than a Scandinavian country like Norway.
    2. The western Ghats have a greater …..b….. Diversity than the eastern Ghats.
    3. It has taken millipons of years of evolution to accumulate the rich diversity in nature,but we would lose all the wealth in less than .....c..... if the present rates of species lossess continue.
    4. For many taxonomic groups, species inventories are more complete in .....d..... than in ....e..... countries.

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  12. How many of the following statements regarding thermal pollution are INCORRECT ?
    a. Heated wastewaters flowing out of electricity-generating units , e.g., thermal power plants , constituent an important category of pollutants.
    b. Thermal wastewater eliminates or reduces the number of orgenisms sensitive to high temperatures.
    c. It may enhance the growth of plants and fish in extremely cold areas but. Only after causing damage to the indigenous flora and fauna.
    d. Thermal wastewater increases the number of orgenisms sensitive to high temperatures.

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  13. The ploidy level is not the same in:

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  14. If linkage was known at the time of Mendel then which of the following laws, he would not have been able to explain ?

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  15. Which of the following is a wrong match ?

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  16. Find the INCORRECT statement.

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  17. The proportion of young individuals is highest in :

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  18. Select the INCORRECT statement from the following.

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  19. The most delicate stage in the life cycle of an angiosperm where maximum mortality observed is the

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  20. The pattern of biodiversity is affected by

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  21. Air pollutants that produce photochemical smog include

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  22. A triploid angiosperm is

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  23. More than two alternate forms of a gene present on the same locus are called (i) . They are produced due to repeated (ii) of the same gene but in different directions. The well-known example is (iii) .

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  24. The Lac operon gets switched on when

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  25. Choose the correct sequence of biotic succession for hydrosere.

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  26. Amongst the animal groups given below, which one has the highest percentage of endangered species?

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  27. Endosperms in angiosperms is:

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  28. Select the incorrect function w.r.t gibberellin.

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  29. Which of the following can be related to the tissue called blood ?

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  30. Match the column.

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  31. Which of the following are the reason(s) for Rheumatoid arthritis? Choose the correct option.
    (i) Lymphocytes becomes more active
    (ii) Body attacks self cells
    (iii) More antibodies are produced in the body
    (iv) The ability to differentiate pathogens or foreign molecules from self cells is lost

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  32. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the figure given below ?

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  33. During repolarization of nerve

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  34. Glucagon characteristically increase all the following except

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  35. ATPase enzyme needed for muscle contraction is located in
    " " Or
    The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving ATPase activity is

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  36. In the IVF technique , which of the following is transferred into the fallopian tube ?

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  37. In a accordance with the study of industrial melanism in England , which of these is NOT correct ?

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  38. Which of the following is CORRECT match.

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  39. Read the following statements and find the incorrect one.

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  40. ..... activates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone .

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  41. Which of the following metal ions act as the co-factor for carboxypeptidase ?

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  42. A person suffers punctures in his chest cavity in an accident, without any damage to the lungs its effect could be

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  43. Person with blood group AB is considered as universal recipient because he has

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  44. What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph

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  45. Given below are a few statements related to exgternal fertilisation. Choose the correct statements.
    (i) The male and female gametes are formed and released simultaneously.
    (ii) Only a few gametes are released into the medium.
    (iii) Water is the medium in a majority of organisms exhibiting external fertilisation.
    (iv) Offspring formed as a result of external fertilisation have better chance of survival than thos formed inside an organism.

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  46. Which of the following species cause the most fatal form of malaria?

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  47. Read the characteristics given below of a chordate:
    a) two-chambered heart
    b) poikilotherms
    c) exclusively marine
    e) oviparous with direct development
    e) separate sexes
    Which of the following possess all of the above features?

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  48. In the spinal cord, white matter is

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  49. Parathyroid hormone secretion increases in response to

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  50. Muscular dystrophy can be associated with

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  51. Vasectomy prevent

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  52. Stanley Miller in his experiment to prove the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis used ……….and…… the spark chamber.

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  53. Identify the correct match for the given apparatus.

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  54. Read the following statements and find out the INCORRECT statement .
    (a) During urine formation, the tubular cells secrete substance like `H^+, Na^+ and HCO_3^-` into the filtrate.
    (b) As glomerular filtrate move down in descending limb of Henle it gets concentrated and as concentrated filtrate pass upward in ascending limb of HL it gets diluted.
    (c) Conditional reabsorption of `Na^+` and water takes place in PCT.
    (d) Reabsorption in ascending limb of HL is minimum.

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  55. Living state is a …………. state able to perform work.

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  56. Which of the statement about human respiratory system is INCORRECT?

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  57. Which of the following statements about the cardiac cycle is CORRECT?

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  58. Extrusion of second polar body from egg nucleus occurs

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  59. Match the columns I and II, and choose the CORRECT combination from the options given.

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  60. Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)

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  61. The correct sequence of the of the substances appearedduring the course of origin of life on earth was:

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  62. Find the INCORRECT match.

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  63. On analysis of a protein chain , it was found that it is made up of just a peptide bond. The possible structure of the protein is its

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  64. The most important feature in a plasmid to be used as a vector is :

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  65. How many recombinant therapeutic have been approved for human - use all over the world ?

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  66. Which of the following are true with reference to taxonomical aids?
    1. Separate taxonomic keys are requried for each taxonomic category.
    2. Herbarium is a store house of collected plant and animal specimens.
    3. Each statement in the key is called couplet.
    4. Keys are used for identification purpose.

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  67. A common structural feature of vessel elements and sieve tube elements is

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  68. Members of kingdom Protista are primarily ………….

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  69. Match the columns I and II, ad choose the correct combination from the options given.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),((a)"Haplontic life - cycle","(i) Gymnosperms and Angiosperms"),((b)"Diplontic life - cycle.","(ii) Spirogyra"),((c)"Haplo- diplontic life","(iii) Bryophytes and pteridophytes"):}`

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  70. A cell organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes is :

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  71. Select the CORRECT option, for a somatic cell with 2n = 4.

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  72. In neem, the leaf is

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  73. Which of the following determines the diffusion of water from one cell to another ?

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  74. Read the following statements and choose the correct one from the options given below.
    (i) Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants in nutrient - enriched water , without soil.
    (ii) Hydroponics has been successfully employed as a technique for the commercial production of vegetables such as tomato.
    (iii) Hydroponics methods require purified water and non - mineral nutrient salts.
    (iv) The nutrient solutions should not be aerated to obtain optimum growth.

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  75. Kranz anatomy in one of the characteristics of the leaves of

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  76. Select the INCORRECTLY matched pair.

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  77. Read the following statements and find out the INCORRECT statement.
    a. Plant growth is unique because plants retain the capacity for unlimited growth throughout their life.
    b. Growth, at a cellular level , is principally a consequence of the increase in the amount of protoplasm.
    c. One single maize root apical meristem can give rise to more than 3,50,00 new cells per hour , whereas cells in watermelon may increase in size by up to 17, 500 times.
    d. Environmental signals such as light , temperature and gravity also affect certain phases or stages of growth.
    e. In geometric growth, following mitotic cell division , only one daughter cell continues to divide while the other differentiates adn matures.

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  78. In plants , mosaic formation and yellowing of plant parts are the symptoms of ………

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  79. Which of the following is the unique feature of brophytes ?

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  80. RNA is absent in :

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  81. Disjunction is

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  82. Peneumetophores are common in plants growing in saline marshy/ swampy area along seashores and estuaries. Select the CORRECT statement about such roots.

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  83. In dicot stem, vascular bundles are

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  84. Incomplete dominance is found in

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  85. In photorespiration , the first stable product is

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  86. Bending of stem/coleoptile towards light or shoot of potted plant placed near a window is due to

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  87. The smallest living cell is :

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  88. Cell wall shows

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  89. The main edible part of coconut fruit is

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  90. Read the given statements about lichens and select the incorrect ones.
    (i) They represent an example of commensallism.
    (ii) Algal partner obtains water and mineral salts from the fungus and the fungal partner obtains food prepared by the aiga.
    (iii) These do not grow in polluted areas.
    (iv) The mycobiont is usually an Ascomycetes or a Basididiomycetes.
    (v) The phycobiont is mostly a green alga or a cyanobacterium.
    (vi) These constitute the pioneer community in case of hydrosere.

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 97 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 97