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Complete Solutions to CHEMISTRY of chapter NTA NEET SET 114 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 114
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Enthalpy of `CH_(4)+(1)/(2)O_(2)rarrCH_(3)OH` is
    negative. If enthalpy of combustion of `CH_(4)` and `CH_(3)OH` are `x` and `y` respectively, then which relation is correct?

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  2. Which of the following has the highest boiling point?

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  3. Which will form lactone on treatment with NaOH?

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  4. 1.245 g of a sample of `CuSO_4.xH_2O` was dissolved in water and `H_2S` passed till CuS was complete precipitated. The filtrate contained liberated `H_2SO_4`, which required 20 " mL of " `(N)/(2)` NaOH for complete neutralisation. Calculate x, the number of molecules of water associated with `CuSO_4(Cu=63.6)`

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  5. When NaOH pallets are left in the open air they acquire a fluid layer around each crystal as

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  6. Which of the following pairs of Lewis structure represent resonance contributor to the species?

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  7. Graph for specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas

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  8. `(X), (Y), (Z)` are elements in third short period. Oxide of `(X)` is ionic, `(Y)` is amphoteric and `(Z)` is a giant molecule. `(X), (Y)` and `(Z)` will have atomic number in the order :

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  9. On reaction of ozone with hydrogen peroxide if we start with one volume of ozone. How many volumes of oxygen will form?

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  10. The number of atoms in `100 g` of an fcc crystal with density `= 10.0g cm^(-3)` and cell edge equal to `200 pm` is equal to

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  11. Which of the following solvent will be able to dissolve dioxygen appreciable?

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  12. In the given reaction

    (X) will be

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  13. Which oxide of nitrogen condenses to a bluish liquid at `-30^@C`, but on warming it changes into reddish brown gas ?

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  14. The melting point of most of the solid substances increases with an increase of pressure acting on them . However , ice melts at a temperature lower than its usual melting point when the pressure increases . This is because :

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  15. The `pK_(a)` of acetic acid and `pK_(b)` of ammonium hydroxide are `4.76` and `4.75` respectively. Calculate the pH of ammonium acetate solution.

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  16. The final product 'D' of the reaction

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  17. Which of the following metal carbonyl has structure in the diagram?

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  18. What is the final product of the reaction?
    `(CH_3)_(2) = CHCH_2CH_(3) overset((i) BH_3//THF)(rarr)overset(PCC)(rarr) underset((ii)H_2O^+)overset((i) CH_3MgBr)(rarr)`

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  19. An energy of `24.6 eV` is required to remove one of that electrons from a neutral helium atom. The energy (in `eV`)required to remove both the electrons from a neutral helium atom is

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  20. Given `E_(Ag^(o+)|Ag)^(@) = + 0.80V , E_(Co^(2+)|Co)^(@) = -0.28 V, E_(Cu^(2+)|Cu)^(@) = + 0.34V, E_(Zn^(2+)|Zn)^@ = -0.76 V`
    Which metal will corrode fastest?

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  21. In which of the following molecules all A - X bond lengths are identical? [A = central atom and X = surrounding atom]

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  22. Which of the followin g orbits of hydrogen atom should have the value of their radius in the radius `1:4`?

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  23. By starting with 0.5 moles of sodium peroxide how many moles of dioxygen gas can be obtained by dropping excess of acidified potassium permanganate solution on it ?

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  24. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide, then:

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  25. What is the product of intramolecular aldol condensation reaction?

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  26. Arrange following compounds in decreasing order of reactivity for hydrolysis reaction

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  27. The rate reaction is expressed as
    `1/2 (+d)/(dt)[C] = 1/3 (-d)/(dt)[D] = 1/4(+d)/(dt)[A] = -d/(dt)[B]`
    The reaction is

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  28. Which of the following molecule/species is having minimum number of lone pair on its central atom?

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  29. Calculate the solubility product of `Co_(2)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` in water at `25^(@)C`.
    Given, conductivity of saturated solutions of `Co_(2)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` is `2.06 xx 10^(-6) Omega^(-1)cm^(-1)` and that of water used is `4.1 xx 10^(-7) Omega^(-1)cm^(-1)`. The ionic molar conductivities of `Co^(2+)` and `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4)` are `86.0 Omega cm^(2)mol^(-1)` and `444.0 Omega^(-1) cm^(2)mol^(-1)`, respectively.

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  30. The acid from of an acid base indicator is yellow in acid and red in basic from. What is the change in `pH` in order to change the indicator form `80%` yellow to `80%` red.

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  31. What is true regarding free radical polymerization of ethylene?

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  32. Which acid can be oxidised by `H_2O_2` ?

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  33. In the adsorption of oxalic acid on activated charcoal, the activated charcoal is called

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  34. Consider a reaction `X + Y rarr` Products. If the initial concentration of `X` increased to four times of its original value, keeping the concentration of `Y` constant, the rate of reaction increases four-fold. When the concentration of both `X` and `Y` becomes four times their original values the rate of reaction becomes `16` times its original values. The observed rate law is

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  35. What is the product C of the reaction?

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  36. What is the product of the reaction sequence?

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  37. Which of the following co-ordination compound has three stereoisomers /

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  38. In the given reaction sequence
    `CH_3CHO underset((ii)H_2O^+)overset((i) NaCN//HCl)(rarr)(A) underset("reagent")overset("Fenton")(rarr)(B)`, B will be

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  39. Choose the increasing order of the activity of compounds shown.

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  40. Arrange dipole moments of these compounds in decreasing order

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  41. Which of the following structures is a D-aldotetrose that gives a meso diacid upon oxidation with dilute aq. `HNO_3` ?

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  42. The ratio of packing fraction in fcc, bcc, and cubic structure is, respectively,

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  43. Which of the aromatic compounds reacts fastest with methoxide ion?

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  44. Which of the following is the major solute species in a solution of lysine at `pH=10.5` ?

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  45. `Mg_(3)B_(2) overset(aq. HCl)(rarr) underset(y+H_2)underset(darrH_2O)x + MgCl_2`
    for (X) and (Y) the incorrect choice is?

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CHEMISTRY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 114 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 CHEMISTRY NTA NEET SET 114