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Complete Solutions to CHEMISTRY of chapter NTA TPC JEE MAIN TEST 124 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The formal charge on the O-atoms in the ion `[: overset( * *) (O) = N = overset( * *) (O) :] ^(+)` is

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  2. Which option does not represent the correct order of species, according to the properties given?

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  3. The electronic configuration of central atom of complex `[MnO _(4) ] ^(2-)` is

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  4. What is the depressant used in the metallurgy of galena?

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  5. `H _(3) BO _(3)` is :

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  6. x moles of `Co (NH _(3)) _(5). SO _(4). Cl` reacts with excess of` AgNO_(3)` solution and `BaCl_(2)` solution separately in two test tubes. The precipitate obtained in each case respectively are :

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  7. The diamagnetic complex which has two geometrical and 4 optically active isomers is

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  8. Select the correct option with respect to the given orders:
    (I) Thermal stability
    `: Be SO _(4) lt Mg SO _(4) lt Ca SO _(4). lt Sr SO _(4)`
    (II) Basic nature
    `: Zn O gt Be O gt MgO gt CaO. `
    (III) Solubility in water
    `: LiOH gt NaOH gt KOH gt RbOH`
    (IV) Melting point `: NaCl gt KCl gt RbCl gt CsCl gt LiCl.`

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  9. Find the correct product (A) after completion of reaction

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  10. An organic compound with a molecular formula `C _(6) H _(12) O _(6)` forms pentaacetyl derivative on reduction with HI. In the presence of red P it gives n-hexane. It gives positive test on reaction with Tollen's reagent and Fehling's solution. It forms osazone with excess `C _(6) H _(5) NHNH _(2).` On oxidation with HN03, it gives tartaric acid and glycolic acid. It is reduced to mixture sorbitol and mannitol. What is the compound?

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  11. Propanol is more volatile as compared to glycerol because of

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  12. In an `E_(2)` reaction with hydroxide ion, which pair has the later alkyl halide more reactive than former?

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  13. Among the following which is true about Hyperconjugation?

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  14. Molar conductance of 0. 1 molar aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is
    `9.54 ohm ^(-1) cm ^(2) mol ^(-1).` Molar conductance at infinite dilution of ammonium hydroxide is
    `238 ohm ^(-1) cm ^(2) mol ^(-1) .` The degree of ionisation of ammonium hydroxide at 0.1 M concentration is:

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  15. Among the following aqueous solutions, which has a lowest boiling point?

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  16. Given below is the chemical reaction responsible for removing the temporary hardness of water
    `C a (HCO _(3)) _(2) + Ca ( OH) _(2) to Ca CO _(3) + H _(2) O `
    What amount of `Ca(OH)_(2)` in gram required to produce 5. 9 g of equimolar mixture of calcium carbonate and water.

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  17. Consider the following reaction :
    `Cu O (s) + H _(2) (g) hArr Cu (s)`
    `+ H _(2) O (g) , K _(1) = 2 xx 10 ^(15)`
    `H _(2) (g) + (1)/(2) O _(2) (g) hArr H _(2) O (g), K _(2) = 5 xx 10 ^(22)`
    The equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `CuO (s) hArr Cu s + (1)/(2) O _(2) (g)` would be :

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  18. The heat of formation `(Delta H ) _(f)` of `XY is - 200 kJ mol ^(-1)` and the ratio of bond dissociation energy of `XY, X _(2) and Y _(2)` are `1:1:0.5` then what will be the bond dissociation energy of `X _(2)` ?

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  19. The total number of sigma and pi bonds in naphthalene is ____

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  20. What is the molecular mass (in amu) of the product X in the following unbalanced chemical equation?
    `P_(4) + ` hot and conc. `HNO (3) to X + NO _(2) + H _(2) O`
    [Given Atomic weights. : `P = 31 u, H = 1 u, N = 14 u, O`]= 16 u

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  21. Among the following compounds, the number of compounds that give positive iodoform test is-----.
    i) `CH _(3) - CH (OH ) - CH _(3)`
    ii) `CH _(3) - overset( O) overset (||) (C) - CH _(3)`
    iii) `CH _(3) - CH _(2) - CHO`
    iv) `CH _(3) - CH _(2) - OH`
    v) `CH _(3) - CH _(2) - overset( O ) overset( ||) (C) - CH _(2) - CH _(2) `
    vi) `CH _(2) - CHO `

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  22. What is the ratio of the number of a`sigma ` to `pi` bonds in cyclooctatetraene?

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  23. Total number of methyl groups present in 5 - ( 1, 2 - dimethylpropyl) nonane are ____ .

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  24. For the reaction,
    `N _(2 (g)) + O _(2 (g)) hArr 2 NO _((g))` the value of `K _(c)` at `80^(@) C is 0.1.` What is the value of `K _(p)` at the same temperature ?

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  25. How many carbon atoms are there in one molecule of product X?
    Starch (aq) `overset( "Diastase") to X _((aq))`

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  26. Copper (atomic mass = 63. 5 u) has fee lattice with edge length of `x Å`The approximate density of copper in
    `g cm ^(-3) is ((y)/( x ^(3))).` Find the value of y (Avogadro's constant `= 6. 0 xx 10 ^(23), ` Atomic weight of `Cu = 63 . 5 u`)

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  27. Assuming that the mass of an electron is `9 xx 10 ^(-31)` kg, and the value of Planck's constant is `6. 62 xx 10^(-34 )`Js, calculate the wavelength (in angstrom) of the electron travelling with a speed of `2.65 xx 10 ^(6) m//s` ?

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  28. The order of reaction for the decomposition of gaseous ammonia on the hot platinum surface is _____ .

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CHEMISTRY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA TPC JEE MAIN TEST 124 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12