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Complete Solutions to CHEMISTRY of chapter NTA NEET SET 99 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 99
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a photoelectric experiment , the stopping potential `V_s` is plotted against the frequency v of the incident light . The resulting curve is a straight line which makes an angle `theta` with the v - axis. Then `tan theta` will be equal to (Here `E_0` = work function of the surface_

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  2. What is not applicable to `TeCl_4` ?

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  3. Which one of the following compounds does not show tautomerism ?

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  4. 0.5 gm of fuming `H_(2)SO_(4)` (Oleum) is diluted with water. This solution is completely neutralised by 26.7 ml of 0.4 M `NaOH` solution. Calculate the percentage of free `SO_(3)` in the given sample. Give your answer excluding the decimal places.

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  5. Arrange the following metals in the increasing order of their densities. K,Sc, Ti and Ca

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  6. Which of the following has maximum angle strain ?

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  7. The root mean square velocity of helium gas becomes the same as that of methane molecule at `327^@C` , when the temperature is

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  8. How many cyclic alcohols are possible with molecular formula `C_4H_8O` ?

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  9. Which of the oxides is strong oxidizing agent ?

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  10. A compound AB has a rock salt type structure with A:B=1:1 . The formula weight of AB is 6.023 y amu and the closest A-B distance is `y^(1//3)` nm. Calculate the density of lattice (in `kg//m^(3))`

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  11. The formula of sulphamic acid is

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  12. A haloalkane can be reduced to an alkane with the help of HI in presence of red phosphorus. Red phosphorus

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  13. What is the hybrid state and oxidation state of sulphur in Caro's acid ?

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  14. A 550 K, the `K_(c)` for the following reaction is `10^(4) mol^(-1) L`
    `X(g)+Y(g) hArr Z (g)`
    At equilibrium, it was observed that
    `[X]= (1)/(2)[Y]=(1)/(2)[Z]`
    What is the value of [Z] ( in mol `L^(-1))` at equilibrium ?

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  15. The ratio of areas within the elctron orbits for the first excited state to the ground sate for hydrogen atom is

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  16. Reagent (s) used for the conversion of propanol into propane is

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  17. Among the following ions, which one has the highest paramagnetism ?

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  18. In the given reaction `CH_3-C-=Choverset(HOBr)rarr[X]`
    [X] will be

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  19. Which of the following is a correct plot of the volume of fixed amount of ideal gas as a function of temperature (at constant pressure)

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  20. The emf of the following three galvanic cells :`1. Zn//Zn^(2+) ( 1M) || Cu^(2+) (1 M) //Cu`
    `2. Zn//ZN^(2+ ) (1 M)|| Cu^(2+) //cu
    `3. Zn//Zn^(2+) (1 M) || Cu^(2+) (0.1 M) Cu`
    are repersented by `E_1, E_2, E_3` which of the following statement is true ?

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  21. The bond having the highest bond energy is :

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  22. An acid type indicator, H In differs in colour from its conjugate base `(In^(-))` . The human eye is sensitive to colour differences only when the ratio `[In^(-)]//[H In]` is greater than 10 or smaller than `0.1`. What should to observe a complete colour change ? `(K_(a)= 1.0xx10^(-5))`

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  23. The colour of transition metal ion is attributed to:

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  24. The vapour pressure of a pure liquid 'A' is 70 torr at `27^(@)C`. It forms an ideal solution with another liquid B. The mole fraction of B is 0.2 and total pressure of the solution is 84 torr at `27^(@)C`. The vapour pressure of pure liquid B at `27^(@)C` is :

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  25. Cannizzaro reaction is given by ____________.

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  26. In the complex, potassium pentacyanonitrosylvandate (0), the number of potassium atoms per molecule and the coordination number of central metal ion are respectively

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  27. The total molarity and normality of all the ions present in a solution containing 0.1 M of `CuSO_4` and 0.1 M of `Al_2(SO_4)_3` is

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  28. Assign the IUPAC name for the following compound.
    `{:(H_2C-COOH),(" "|),(HOC-COOH),(" "|),(H_2C-COOH):}`

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  29. When acetone and chloroform are mixed together, H - bonding takes place between them. Such a liquid pair shows

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  30. In the given reaction
    [X] will be:

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  31. Linear polyenes on ozonolysis gives two moles of acetaldehyde and one mole of propanedinal. Linear polyene will be

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  32. `CH_3-C-=Noverset(H_2"O"//Delta)rarr(A)overset(H_2"O"//H^+)rarr(B)(A) and (B)` respectively are

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  33. The movement of sol particles under and applied electric field is called

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  34. `K_(a)` for `HCN` is `5 xx 10^^(-10)` at `25^(@)C`. For maintaining a constant `pH` of `9.0`, the volume of `5M KCN` solution required to be added to `10mL` of `2M HCN` solution is

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  35. In the reaction sequence `CH_3-C-=C-Hoverset(NaNH_2)rarr[X]overset(HCHO)rarr[Y]`
    [Y] will be

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  36. When a lead storage battery is discharged

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  37. Hydride of certain non - metallic element X is amphoteric in nature. It also reacts with sodium hydride as well with metallic sodium to liberate dihydrogen gas. The element X can be

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  38. In the reaction sequence `CH_3CHOoverset(NH_2OH//overset(o+)H)rarr(A)overset(P_2O_5//Delta)rarr(B)`, B will be

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  39. At 300 K, half life of a gaseous reactant initially at 58 KPa is 320 min. When the pressure is 29 KPa, the half life is 160 mm. The order of the reaction is

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  40. If an endothermic reaction is non - spontaneous at freezing of water and becomes feasible at its boiling point, then

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  41. Which one of the following compounds is non - benzenoid ?

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  42. Match the thermodynamic properties (List - I) with their relation (List - II)

    Select the correct answer from the given codes

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  43. Which among the following compounds will form intra - molecular hydrogen bond ?

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  44. Which of the conformers of n - butane has maximum potential energy ?

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  45. Pick out the incorrect statement about ATP.

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CHEMISTRY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 99 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 CHEMISTRY NTA NEET SET 99