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Complete Solutions to SINGLE CHOICE of chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY TEST of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The coagulating power of electrolytes having ions `Na^"2+" > Al^"3+" and Ba^"2+"` for arsenic sulphide sol increase in the order,

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  2. Which of the following charecteristics is not correct for physical adsportion?

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  3. One desires to prepare a poditively charged charged silver iodide sol. This can be achieved by

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  4. 5 mL of 0.3 acetic acid is shaken with 5 g active charcole. The concentration of acetic acid is reduced to `1//3` oforiginal molarity. The weight of acetic acid adsorbed per g of charcol is

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  5. A cationic collodial electrolyte forms micelle at `10^-4 M` concentration in water. If `1 mm^3` solution contains `10^12` micelle structure, then the number of cations involved in one micelle are (`N_A=6 xx 10^23`),

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  6. Which of the folloeing processes are based on adsorption?
    a. Separation of noble gases using coconut charcoal
    b. Thin layer chrematography
    c. Concentration of sulphide ore by front flotation
    d. Reduction of ethene using `Ni -A1` Allow/`NaOH`
    e. Foemation of delta where the river meets the sea

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  7. Jellies are an example of:

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  8. Lyophilic sols are

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  9. Which of the following surfactant has the lowest CMC in ambient conditions?

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  10. 500 mL of 0.3 M `AgNO_3` are added to 600 mL of `0.5 M KI` solution. The ions which will move towards the cathode and anode, respectively, are

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  11. Which of the following impurity can be separated from a solution by electrodialysis?

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  12. Potassium stearate in an example of

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  13. Volume of a colloidal particle, `V_C` as compared to the volume of a solute particle in a true solution, `V_S` could be

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  14. The disperse phase in colloidal iron (III) hydroxide and colloidal gold is pasitively and negatively charged, respectively. Ehich of the following statement is not correct?

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  15. A chlloidal sol of substance 'X' is a reversible sol and is highly stable towards coagulation by addition of electrolyte. 'X' may be colloidal sol of

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  16. To coagulate 100 ml of a colloid, 1 litre of `0.03N` `MgCl_2` is required. Then, The flocculation value of `MgCl_2` is

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  17. Under the influence of an electric field, The particles in a sol migrate towards cathode. The coagulation of the same sol is stupid using `NaCl, `Na_2SO_4` and `Na_3PO_4` solutions of the same molatrity. Coagulation value would be

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  18. Milk can be preserved for long by adding a few dropsn of `HCHO`, which acts as

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  19. Colloidal solution `A underset("process") overset("Physical") to B+C.` Osmotic pressure of B and C are found to be higher and lower than A, respectively. Then

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  20. A freshly perpared `Fe(OH)_3` perecipitate is paptised by adding `FeCl_3` solutioin. The charge on the colloidel particle is due to preferential absorption of

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  21. Sulphu colloid is prepred by:

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  22. The simplets way, To check whether a system is a colloid, is by

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  23. The fresh percipitate can be transformed in colloibal state by

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  24. Cow milk, anexample of natural emulsion is stabilised by

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  25. A positively charged solution can be formed by

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  26. Chemical adsorption

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  27. In the adsorption on a solid surface in Langmuir's model

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  28. The most a adsorbed gas on activated charcoal is:

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  29. Which is correct in case of Van der Waals' absorption?

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  30. `2.0 g` of charcoal is placed in `100 mL` of `0.5 M` `CH_3` `COOH` to form an adsorbed mono-acidic acid molecules and thereby, the molarity of `CH_3` `COOH` reduces to `0.49 M`. The surface area of charcoal is `3 xx 10^2 m^2 g^-1.` The surface area of charcole adsorded by each molecule of acetic acid is `("Take" N_A=6 xx 10^23)`

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SINGLE CHOICE questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY TEST of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12