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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter SOLUTIONS TEST of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a `0.2 m` aqueous solution of week acid, HX, the degree of ionization is `0.3.` Taking `K _(f)` for water as
    `1 85 K kg "mole" ^(-1),` the freezing point of the solution will be nearest to :

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  2. The freezing point of equimolar aqueous solutions will be highest for :

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  3. The degree of dissociation `(alpha)` of a weak electrolyte, `K _(2) SO _(4)` is related to Vant Hoff factor (i) by the expression

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  4. At `80^(@)C,` the vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 520 mm Hg and that of pure liquid B is 1000 mm Hg. If a mixture solution of A and B boils at `80^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure, the amount of A in the mixture is:
    (1 atm = 760 mm Hg)

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  5. 1.00 g of a non-electrolyte solute dissolved in 50 g of benzene lowered the freezing point of benzene by 0.40 K. The freezing point depression constant of benzene is 5.12 K kg moll. The molar mass of the solute is

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  6. The molal freezing point depression constant for benzene `(C_(6)H_(6))` is 4.90 K kg `mol^(-1).` Selenium exists as a polymer of the type Sex. When 3.26 g of selenium is dissolved in 226 g of benzene, the observed freezing point is `0.112^(@)C` lower than that of pure benzene. The molecular formula of selenium is:
    (Atomic mass of Se `=78.8 g mol ^(-1))`

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  7. Lowering of vapour pressure: `Deltap,` elevation in boiling point: `Delta T_(b),` and depression in freezing point : `Delta T_(f)` of a solvent for the same molar concentration of each of the three solutes:
    A. sugar, B. NaCl and C. `BaCl_(2 )`follow the sequence

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  8. The ratio of the vapour pressure of two miscible liquids A and B in pure state is 1 : 3 at a certain temperature. `n_(A)` moles of A and no moles of B are mixed to form an ideal solution. If the ratio of moles of A and B in the vapour phase was found to be 4 : 3, the ratio of moles of A and B in the phase they were mixed is:

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  9. 0.5 m aqueous solution of a weak acid (HX) is 20 % ionissed. If `K _(f)` for water is `1. 86 K kg mol ^(-1),` the following in freezing point of the solution is :

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  10. The freezing point depression constant for water is `1. 86^(@)C m^(-1). `If 5 g of `Na2 SO_(4)` is dissolved in `45 g H_(2)O, `the freezing point is changed by `–3.82^(@)C.` Calculate the Van't Hoff factor for `Na2SO_(4).`

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  11. A substance will be deliquescent if its vapour pressure :

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  12. The relative lowering of vapour pressure of an aqueous solution containing a non volatile solute is 0.125. What is the molality of this solution?

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  13. The vapour pressure of water at `20^(@)C` is 17.5 mm Hg.
    If 18 g of glucose `(C _(6) H _(12) O _(6))` is added to `178. 2 ` g of water at `20 ^(@)C,` the vapour pressure of the resulting solution will be

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  14. The frezinng poit of water is depressed by `0. 37 ^(@)C ` in 0. 01 mol al Nacl solution. The freezing point of `0. 02` molal solution of urea is depressed by

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  15. A solution of sucrose (Molar mass = 342 g /mol) is prepared by dissolving 68.4 g of it per litre of solution, what is its osmostic pressure ( R= 0. 0 82 L atm `K ^(-1) mol ^(-1) ) at 273 K ` ?

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  16. At a cosntant temperature, which of the following aqueous solutions will have the maximum vapour pressure ?
    ( Mol. Wt. `Na Cl 58. 5, H _(2) SO _(4) = 98. 0 g mol ^(-1))`

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  17. The osmotic pressure of 0.4% urea solution is 1.66 atm and that of a solution of sugar of 3.42% is 2.46 atm. When equal volumes of both the solutions are mixed then the osmotic pressure of the resultant solution will be?

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  18. If liquids A and B form an ideal solution then

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  19. At `40 ^(@) C,` the vapour pressure (in torr) of methyl alcohol (A) and ethyl alcohol (B) solution is represented by :
    `P = 120 X _(A) + 13 8 , ` where `X _(A)` is mole fraction of methyl alcohol. The valur of
    `underset( X _(A) to 0) ( P _("Limit")) & underset( X _(B) to 0) ( P _( "limit"))` are

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  20. Regarding the solubility of gas which of the following is incorrect?

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  21. Mole fraction of the toluene in the vapour phase which is in equilibrium with a solution of benzene
    `(p ^(@) = 120` Torr) and toluene
    `(p ^(@) = 80` Torr) having 2. 0 moles of each, is

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  22. The correct order of increasing boiling point is

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  23. At `35^(@)C` the vapour pressure of `CS_‌(2)` is 512 mm Hg, and of acetone, `CH _(3) COCH _(3),` is 344 mm Hg. A solution of `CS_(2)` and acetone in which the mole fraction of `CS_(2)` is 0.25 has a total vapour pressure of 600 mm Hg. Which of the following statements about solution of acetone `CS_(2)` is true ?

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  24. The boiling point of pure water is `373. 15 K.` If 32.5 g of KCN is dissolved in 100 mL of `H _(2) O,` then what is the boiling point of the solution ?
    (Assume that molarity = molality)
    `( K _(b)` for `H _(2) O = 0. 52 K kg mol ^(-1))`
    (Molar mass of `KCN = 65 gm mol ^(-1))`

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  25. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide, the

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  26. What will be the mass of a non-volatile solute ( Molar mass ` = 40 g mol ^(-1))`
    Which should be dissolved in 114 g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to `80 %`

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  27. Assuming very dilute aqueous solution of urea, calculate the vapour pressure of solution (in mm of Hg) of 0.1 moles of urea in 180 grams of water at `25^(@)C` is (The vapour pressure of water at `25^(@)C` is 24 mm Hg)

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  28. `0.01` M solution of KCl and `Ca Cl _(2)` are separately prepared in water. The freezing point of KCl is found to be `- 2 ^(@) C.` What is the freezing point of `Ca Cl _(2)` aq. Solution if it is completely ionized ?

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  29. The vapour pressures of pure benzene and toluene are 160 and 60mm Hg respectively. The mole fraction of benzene is vapour phase in contact with equimolar solution of benzene and toluene is

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  30. The freezing point of benzene decreases by `0. 45 ^(@)C` on adding `0.2 g` of acetic acid to 20 g of acetic acid to 20 g of benzene. If acetic acid associates to form a dimer in benzene, then what is the percentage association of acetic acid in benzene ?
    (`K _(f)` for benzene `= 5. 12 K kg mol ^(-1))`

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS TEST of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12