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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS TEST -1 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. For a hypothetical reaction ` A to B` then activation energy for forward and backward reactions are 19 kJ/mol and 9 kJ /mol respectively. The heat of reaction is

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  2. The rate law for reaction between the substances A and B is given by Rate `= k [A] ^(n) [B] ^(m)`
    On doubling the concentration of A and having the concentration of B, the ratio of the new rate of the earlier rate of reaction will be

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  3. If a homogeneous catalytic reaction can take place through three alternative paths as depicated below, the catalytic efficiency of P , Q, R representing the relative case would be,

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  4. At the point of intersection of the two curves shown, calculate the concentration of B in the first order reaction `A to nB.`

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  5. Benzene diazonium chlride in aqueous solution decomposes as :
    `C _(6) H _(5) - N = N ^(+) Cl _((aq)) ^(-) + H _(2) O _((aq))`
    `to C _(6) H _(5) OH _((aq)) + N _(2 (g)) + HCl _((aq))`
    The reaction follows first order kinetics. If p is the pressure of `N _(2)` at constant volume and temperture corresponding to time t and pf that after completion of the reaction , then which of the following graphs conforms to the kinetics of the reaction ?

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  6. For the reaction mechanism of the reaction.
    `2 NO (g) + 2 H _(2) (g) to N _(2) (g) + 2 H _(2) O (g).`
    `{:("Step l", 2 NO , overset(k _(1)) hArr, N _(2) O _(2):, K _(eq) ("fast")), ("Step ll", N _(2) O _(2) + H _(2), overset( k_(2)) to , N _(2) O + H _(2) O , ("slow")), ("Step lll", N _(2) O + H _(2), overset( K _(3)) to ,N _(2) + H _(2) O , ("fast")):}`
    Expresson of rate of reaction is
    (Take `k _(eq) xx k _(2) = k`)

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  7. The half-life of two samples of same compound is 0.1 s and 0.4 s. Their initial concentration is 200 M and 50 M respectively. What is the order of reaction ?

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  8. `2 N _(2) O _(5) hArr 4 NO _(2) + O _(2)`
    For the reaction above, which of the following is not the correct rate of reaction ?

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  9. Rate of reacton depens upon

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  10. For the two gaseous reactions following data is given,
    `A to B, k _(1) =10^(10) e ^(- 20, 000//T)`
    `C to D , k _(2) = 10 ^(12) e ^(-24, 606//T)`
    The temperature at which `k _(1)` becomes equal to `k _(2)` is ,

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  11. The rate law for the chemical reaction
    `2 NO _(2) Cl to 2 NO _(2) + Cl _(2)`
    Rate `= k [ NO _(2) Cl]` is The rate determining step is

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  12. Observe the following reaction,
    `2 A + B to C`
    The rate of formation of C is ` 2.2 xx 10 ^(-3) mol L ^(-1) "mtextn"^(-1),` then rate of disappearance of A is

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  13. For a reaction `(1)/(2) A to 2B,` the rate of disappearance of 'A' is related to the rate of appearance of 'B' by the expression-

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  14. 1 g of `""_(79) Au ^(198) (t _(1//2) = 65h)` give stable marcury by `beta-`emission. What amount of mercury will left after 260 h ?

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  15. If the instantaneous rate of appearance of `NO _(2) (g)` is `0.0400M//s` at same moment of time, what is the reate of disappearence of `N _(2) O _(5) (g) ` in M/s?
    `[N _(2) O _(5) (g) to 2 NO _(2) (g) + (1)/(2) O _(2) (g) ].`

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  16. For the reaction ,
    `2 NO (g) + 2 H _(2) (g) to N _(2) (g)`
    ` + 2 H _(2) O (g)`
    The rate expression can be written in the following ways,
    `(d [N _(2)])/( dt ) = k _(1) [ NO ] [H _(2) ] , (d [H _(2) O ])/(dt)= k _(2) [ NO ] [H_(2)]` The relationship between `k _(1), k_(2), k _(3), k _(4)` is ,

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  17. The reaction
    `2 NO _(2) + F_(2) to 2 N _(2) F,` occurs in the following steps given below,
    `NO _(2) + F _(2) overset("slow")to NO _(2) F + F`
    `NO _(2) + F overset("fast")to NO _(2) F`
    Thus rate expression of the above reaction can be written as,

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  18. By what factor does the rate of reaction increases when the temperature is increased from `30^(@)C` to `60^(@)C` ?

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  19. For reaction `A + 2 B to C + D` rate law `R = k [A] ^(1) [B] ^(2).` By what factor would the rate change if concentration of A is doubled & that of B is halved ?

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  20. For a gaseous reaction , following data is given:
    `A to B, k _(1) = 10 ^(15) e ^( - 200 //T)`
    `C to D, k _(2) = 10 ^(14)e ^( - 100 //T)`
    The temperatuer at which `k _(1) = k _(2)` is :

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  21. At 500 K, the half life period of a gaseous reactio at an initia pressrue of 80 kPa is 350 s. When the pressure is 40 kPa, the half life period id 175 s, the order of the reaction is :

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  22. For the zero order reaction, ` A to B + C,` initial concentration of A is 0.1 M If [A] = 0.08 M after 10 minutes, then it's half life and completion time are respectively

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  23. A catalyst is a substance which

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  24. The half-life period for catalytic decomposition of `AB _(3)` at 50 mm of Hg is found to be 4 hrs and at 100 mm of Hg it is 2 hrs. The order of the reaction is :

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  25. `99%` of a first order reaction was completed in 32 min. When will `99.9%` of the reaction complete ?

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  26. The rate constant (K') of one reaction is double the rate constant (K'') of another reaction. Then the relationship between the corresponding activation energies of the two reactions `(E _(a) ' and E _(a) '')` will be -
    (Assume the pre-exponential factor & temperature to be same)

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  27. Which of the following curve represent zero order reaction of `A to` products ?

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  28. When `log _(e)` k is plotted against `(1)/(T)` using the Arrhenius equation a straight line is expected with a slope equal to ,

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  29. By 10 K increase in temperature, the rate of reaction becomes double. How many times the rate of reaction will be if the temperature is increased from 303 K to 353 K ?

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  30. Consider the following reaction in aquous solution.
    `5 Br ^(-) (aq) + Br O _(3) ^(-) (aq) + 6 H ^(+) (aq)`
    `to 3 Br _(1) (aq) + 3 H _(2) O (l)`
    If the rate of appearance of `Br _(2)` at a particular time during the reaction is `0.025 "M sec" ^(-1),` what is the rate of disppearance (in `"Msec"^(-1)`) of `Br ^(-)` at that time ?

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS TEST -1 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12