Class 12 | MATHS |
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA | Section I - Solved Mcqs |
Number Of Questions | 53 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Which of the following is a proposition ?
Let p and q be two propositions given by p: The sky is blue, q :milk is white.
Then ` p ^^ q` is
Let p and q be two propositions given by
p : I play cricket during the holidays.
q : I just sleep throughout the day.
Then, the compound statement ` p vv q` is
Let p and q be two propositions given by
p : It is hot, q : He wants water
Then the vebal meaning of `p to q` is
Let there be two propositions :
p : I take only bread and butter in breakfast.
q : I do not take any thing in breakfast.
Then, the compound proposition " I take only bread and butter in breakfast or I do not take any thing " is represented by
Consider the following propositions :
P : I take medicine , q : I can sleep
Then , the compound statement ` ~ p to ~ q` means
Consider the following propositions : p : To become on airfore officer one should be a graduate. q: one should have good health propositions:- To become an airfore officer one should be a graduate and should have good health " is represented by
Conider the following is statements :
p : A parallelogram is a rhombus.
q : the diogonals are at right angle.
The compound proposition " A parallelgram is a rhombus iff its diagonals are a right angle " is representd by
Consider the following statements
P : I have the raincoat q : I can walk in the rain.
The propositions " If have the raincoat , then I can walk in the rain " is represented by
Which of the following is true for the propositions p and q ?
Consider the following propositions :
P : It rains ,q : Then street gets flooded.
the propostion " If it does not rain, then the street not get flooded," is represented by
The logically equivalent proposition of ` p harr q ` is
` ~ ( p vv q) vv ( ~ p ^^ q) `is logically equivalent to
If the inverse of implication ` p to q ` is defined as ` ~ p to ~q` , then the inverse of the proposition ` ( p ^^ ~ q) to r ` is
Logical equivalent propostion to the proposition ` ~ ( p ^^ q)` is
Which of the following is logically equivalent to ( p^q) ?
Let p and q be two propostions. Then , the contrapositive of the implication ` p to q` is
`(~pvv~q)` is logically equivalent to
The logically equivalent proposition of ` p harr q` is
If ` p to q ( q vv r)` is false, then the truth values of p,q,r are respectively
The compound statement `p to ( ~ p ^^ q)` is false, then the truth values of p and q are respectively.
The false statement in the following is
Which of the following is not a proposition ?
`(p ^^ ~q) ^^ (~p vv q)` is
The proposition `(p to ~p) ^^ (~p to p)` is a
Which of the following statements is a tautology?
Negation of the statement `p to ( q ^^ r)` is
Negation of the statement `(p ^^ r) -> (r vv q) ` is-
The negation of ` q vv ~ ( p ^^ r)` is
Which of the following is always true ?
Negation of the statement ` ~ p to (q vv r)` is
The negation of the propostion " if a quadrillatcral is a square, then it is a rhombus" is
The contrapositive of `(pvvq) to r` is
The contrapositive of ` p to ( ~ q to ~ r) ` is
The contrapositive of the statement ` "if 2^(2) =5` then I get first class is
If x = 5 nad y = -2 , then x -2y =9, the contrapositive of this proposition is
The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular. The contrapositive of the above statement is
Which of the following is wrong?
The symbolic form of logic of the circuit given below is :
`(RDS_MATH_V01_C08_S01_066_Q01.png" width="80%">
Which of the following statements is a tautology ?
The statement `p to(q to p)` is equivalent to
Let S be non-empty subset of R. consider the following statement:
P: There is a rational number ` x ne S " such that " x gt 0`
Which of the following statements is the negation of the statement P ?
Consider the following statements
P: Suman is brilliant
Q: Suman is rich
R: Suman is honest
The negation of the statement "Suman is brilliant and dishonest if any only if Suman is rich" can be expressed as
The only statement among the following i.e. a tautology is
Let p and q be two statements. Amongst the following , the statement that is equivalent to ` p to q` is
The statement `~(p harr ~q)` is
The negation of `~ svv(~ r^^s)` is equivalent to :
The Bolean Expression ` ( p ^^ ~ q) vv q vv ( ~ p ^^ q vv ( ~ p ^^ q)` is equivalent to
Consider the following statements.
p : if 7 is an odd number , then 7 is divisible by 2.
Q : If 87 is a prime number , then 7 is an odd number .
if ` V_(1)` is the truth value of contrapositive of p and `V _(2)` is the truth value of conirapositive of Q, then the ordered pair `( V_(1) , V_(2))` equals.
The negation of ` A to (A vv ~ B) `is
The following statement `(p to q) to [(~p to q) to q]` is
Which of the following is a tautology ?
The proposition ` ~p vv( p ^^ ~ q)` is equivalent to
Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter MATHEMATICAL REASONING of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12