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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The angle of elevation of the top of the tower observed from each of three points A,B , C on the ground, forming a triangle is the same angle `alpha.` If R is the circum-radius of the triangle ABC, then find the height of the tower R `tan alpha. `

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  2. A flag staff of 5m high stands on a building of 25m high. At an observer at a height of 30 m. The flag staff and the building subtend equal angles . The distance of the observer from the top of the flag staff is

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  3. ABC is a triangular park with AB = AC = 100 m. A block tower is situated at the midpoint of BC.The angles of elevation of the top of the tower at A and B are `cot^-1(3.2)` and `cosec^-1(2.6)` respectively.The height of the tower is:

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  4. If a flag-staff of 6 m height placed on the top of a tower throws a shadow of `2sqrt(3)` m along the ground, then what is the angle that the sun makes with the ground?

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  5. The angle of elevation of the top of an incomplete vertical pillar at a horizontal distance of 50 m from its base is `45^@`. If the angle of elevation of the top of the complete pillar the same point is to be `60^@`,then the height of the incomplete pillar is to be increased by

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  6. The top of a hill observed from the top and bottom of a building of height `h` is at angles of elevation `p` and `q` respectively. The height of the hill is

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  7. The angles of elevation of a cliff at a point A on the ground and at a point B 100 mt vertically above A are `alpha` are `beta` respectively.The height of the cliff in metres is

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  8. The angle of elevation of a cloud from a point h mt. above is `theta^@` and the angle of depression of its reflection in the lake is `phi`. Then, the height is

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  9. On the level ground, the angle of elevation of a tower is `30^(@)`. On moving 20 m nearer, the angle of elevation is `60^(@)`. The height of the tower is

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  10. Each side of a square substends an angle of `60^@` at the top of a tower h metres h metres high standing in the centre of the square . If a is the length of each side of the square , then

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  11. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower at any point on the ground is `30^@` and moving 20 metres towards the tower it becomes `60^@`. The height of the tower is

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  12. Form the top of a light house 60 m high with its base at the sea-level the angle of depression of a boat is `15^(@)`. Find the distance of the boat from the foot of light house.

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  13. A person standing on the bank of a river observes that the angle subtended by a tree on the opposite of bank is `60^(@)`. When he retires 40 m.from the bank, he finds the angle to be `30^(@)`. What is the breadth of the river ?

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  14. AB is a vertical pole. The end A is on the level ground .C is the middle point of AB. P is a point on the level ground . The portion BC subtends an angles `beta` at P. If AP = nAB, then tan `beta`=

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  15. A tree is broken by wind, its upper part touches the ground at a point 10 metres from the foot of the tree and makes an angle of `45^@` with the ground . The entire length of the tree is

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  16. An aeroplane flying at a height 300 metre above the ground passes vertically above another plane at an instant when the angles of elevation of the two planes from the same point on the ground are `60^@` and `45^@` respectively. Then the height of the lower plane from the ground in metres is

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  17. A tower subtends an angle `alpha` at a point in the plane of its base and the angle of depression of the foot of the tower at a point b ft. just above A is `beta`. Then , height of the tower is

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  18. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower standing on a horizontal plane from a point A is `alpha`. After walking a distance d towards the foot of the tower, the angle of elevation is found to be `beta`. The height of the tower is

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  19. From an aeroplane vertically over a straight horizontal road, the angles of depression of two consecutive milestones on opposite sides of the aeroplane are observed to be `alpha` and `beta`. The height of the aeroplane above the road is

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  20. A vertical tower stands on a declicity which is inclined at `15^@` to the horizon. From the foot of the tower a man ascends the declivity for 80 feet and then finds that the tower substends an angle of `30^@` . The height of the tower is

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  21. The angle of elevation of an object on a hill from a point on the ground is `30^@`. After walking 120 metres the elevation of the object is `60^@`. The height of the hill is

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  22. A tower of x metres height has flag staff at its top. The tower and the flag staff subtend equal angles at a point distant y metres from the foot of the tower. Then, the length of the flag staff in metres is

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  23. .A house of height 100 m substends a right angle at the window of an opposite house. If the height of the window is 64 m, then the distance between the two houses is

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  24. A tower of height b substends an angle at a point O on the leavel of the foot of the tower and at a distance a from the foot of the tower. If a pole mounted on the lower also subtends an equal angle at O, the height of the pole is

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  25. A man of height 6 ft. observes the top of a tower and the foot of the tower at angles of `45^@` and `30^@` of elevation and depression respectively. The height of the tower is

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  26. If the elevation of the sun is `30^@` , then the length of the shadow cast by a tower of 150 ft. height is

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  27. A ladder rests against a vertical wall at angle `alpha` to the horizontal . If is foot is pulled away from the wall through a distance 'a' so that it slides a distance 'b' down the wall making the angle `beta` with the horizontal , then a =

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  28. From the top of a cliff 300 metres high, the top of a tower was observed at an angle of depression `30^@` and from the foot of the tower the top of the cliff was observed at an angle of elevation `45^@`, The height of the tower is

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  29. The angles of elevation of the top of a tower at the top and the foot of a pole of height 10 m are `30^@and 60^@` respectively. The height of the tower is

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  30. A person standing on the bank of a river finds that the angle of elevation of the top of a tower on the opposite bank is `45^@`, then which of the following statements is correct ?

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  31. A tower subtends an angle of `30^@` at a point on the same level as the foot of the tower. At a second point h meter above the first, the depression of the foot of the tower is `60^@`. The horizontal distance of the tower from the point is

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  32. AB is a vertical pole and C is its mid point. The end A is on the level ground and P is any point on the level ground other than A the portion CB substends an angle `beta` at P. If AP:AB=2:1, then `beta`=

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  33. The angle of depression of a point situated at a distance of 70 metres from the base of a tower is `45^@`. The height of the tower is

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  34. The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical tower from two points distance a and b from the base and in the same line with it, are complimentary .If `theta` is the angle subtended at the top of the tower by the line joining these points then sin `theta` =

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  35. An aeroplane flying horizontally , 1km above the ground , is observed at an elevation of `60^@` ,after 10 seconds , its elevation is observed to be `30^@` . Find the speed of the aeroplane in km/hr.

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  36. At the foot of the mountain the elevation of its summit is `45^@`, after ascending 100 m towards the mountain up a slope of `30^@` inclination, the elevation is found to be `60^@`. The height of the mountain is

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  37. At a distance 12 metres from the foot A of a tower AB of height 5 metres, a flagstaff BC on top of AB and the tower subtend the same angle. Then, the height of flagstaff is

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  38. A tower 50 m high , stands on top of a mount, from a point on the ground the angles of elevation of the top and bottom of the tower are found to be `75^@` and `60^@` respectively. The height of the mount is

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  39. A person on a ship sailing north sees two lighthouses which are 6 km apart, in a line due west . After an hour's tailing one of them bears south west and the other southern south west. The ship is travelling at a rate of

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  40. An observer finds that the elevation of the top of a tower is `22.5^@` and after walking100 m towards the foot of the tower, he finds that the elevation of the top has increased to `67.5^@.` The height of the tower in metres is:

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  41. A vertical lamp-post, 6m high, stands at a distance of 2 m from a wall, 4 m high . A 1.5 m tall man starts to walk away from the wall on the other side of the wall, in line with the lamp-post the maximum distance to which the man can walk remaining in the shadow is

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  42. The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical pole when observed from each vertex of a regular hexagon is `pi/3`. If the area of the circle circumscribing the hexagon be A `metre^2`, then the area of the hexagon is

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  43. The upper `(3/4)^(th)` portion of a vertical pole subtends an angle `"tan"^(-1)3/5` at a point in the horizontal plane through its foot at a distance 40 m from the foot . A possible height of the vertical pole is

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  44. A person standing on the bank of a river observes that the angle of elevation of the top of a tree on the opposite bank of the river is `60^@` and where he retires 40 meters away from the tree the angle of elevation becomes `30^@`. The breadth of the river is

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  45. A tower subtends angles `alpha,2alpha,3alpha` respectively, at point `A , B ` and `C` all lying on a horizontal line through the foot of the tower. Then `(A B)/(B C)`=

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12