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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter THREE DIMENSIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the following figure, if the coordinates of `P` are `(a,b,c)` then the coordinates of `A,B` and `C` are respectively

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  2. In Fig 4 the coordinates of point D are

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  3. In fig. 28.7 if the coordinates of point `P\ a r e\ (a , b , c)` then Write the coordinates of points A, B, C, D, E and F. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendiculars from the point P to the coordinate axes. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendicular from the point `P` on the coordinate planes `X Y ,\ Y Z\ a n d\ Z Xdot` Find the perpendicular distances of point `P` from `X Y , Y Z\ a n d\ Z X-` planes. Find the perpendicular distances of the point `P` fro the coordinate axes. Find the coordinates of the reflection of `P` are `(a , b , c)` . Therefore `O A=a ,\ O B=b\ n d\ O C=cdot`

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  4. In fig. 28.7 if the coordinates of point `P\ a r e\ (a , b , c)` then Write the coordinates of points A, B, C, D, E and F. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendiculars from the point P to the coordinate axes. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendicular from the point `P` on the coordinate planes `X Y ,\ Y Z\ a n d\ Z Xdot` Find the perpendicular distances of point `P` from `X Y , Y Z\ a n d\ Z X-` planes. Find the perpendicular distances of the point `P` fro the coordinate axes. Find the coordinates of the reflection of `P` are `(a , b , c)` . Therefore `O A=a ,\ O B=b\ n d\ O C=cdot`

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  5. In fig. 28.7 if the coordinates of point `P\ a r e\ (a , b , c)` then Write the coordinates of points A, B, C, D, E and F. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendiculars from the point P to the coordinate axes. Write the coordinates of the feet of the perpendicular from the point `P` on the coordinate planes `X Y ,\ Y Z\ a n d\ Z Xdot` Find the perpendicular distances of point `P` from `X Y , Y Z\ a n d\ Z X-` planes. Find the perpendicular distances of the point `P` fro the coordinate axes. Find the coordinates of the reflection of `P` are `(a , b , c)` . Therefore `O A=a ,\ O B=b\ n d\ O C=cdot`

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  6. In Fig if the coordinates of `P` are `(a,b,c)` then the reflections or images of `P` in `XY,YZ` and `ZX`-planes are

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  7. If planes are drawn parallel to the coordinate planes through the points `P(x_(1),y_(1),z_(1))` and `Q(x_(2),y_(2),z_(2))` then the lengths of the eges of the parallelopied formed are

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  8. The perpendicular distance of the point `(6,5,8)` from y-axis is

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  9. If the extremities (end points) of a diagonal of a square are `(1,-2,3) and (2,-3,5)` then find the length of the side of square.

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  10. The point equidistant from the `O(0,0,0),A(a,0,0),B(0,b,0)` and `C(0,0,c)` has the coordinates

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  11. Determine the point in `X Y-p l a n e` which is equidistant from three points `A(2,0,3),B(0,3,2)` and `C(0,0,1)dot`

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  12. The cosine of the angle of the triangle with vertices `A(1,-1,2),B(6,11,2)` and `C(1,2,6)` is

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  13. Let `P(2,-1,4)` and `Q(4,3,2)` are two points and as point `R` on `PQ` is such that `3PQ=5QR`, then the coordinates of `R` are

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  14. Let `A(2,-1,4)` and `B(0,2,-3)` be the points and C be a point on AB produced such that `2AC=3AB`, then the coordinates of C are

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  15. Find the ratio in which the line joining the points `(1,2,3)` and `(-3,4,-5)` is divided by the `xy-p l a n e` . Also, find the coordinates of the point of division.

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  16. In `DeltaABC` the mid points of the sides AB, BC and CA are `(l, 0, 0), (0, m, 0) and (0, 0,n)` respectively. Then, `(AB^2+BC^2+CA^2)/(l^2+m^2+n^2)` is equal to

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  17. The coordinates of the points where the line segment joining `A(5,1,6)` and `B(3,4,1)` crosses the yz-plane are

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  18. The ratio in which the join of the points `A(2,1,5)` and `B(3,4,3)` is divided by the plane `2x+2y-2z=1`, is

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  19. If a line makes angle `alpha, beta` and `gamma` with the axes respectively then `sin^(2)alpha+sin^(2)beta+sin^(2)gamma=`

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  20. If a line makes angle `alpha, beta` and `gamma` with the coordinate axes respectively, then `cos2alpha+cos 2 beta+cos 2gamma=`

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  21. If a line makes angle `(pi)/3` and `(pi)/4` with x-axis and y-axis respectively then the angle made by the line with z-axis, is

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  22. The direction cosines of a vector `vecr` which is equally inclined with OX,OY and OZ ar

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  23. A vector ` vec r` is inclined at equal to `O X ,O Ya n dO Zdot` If the magnitude of ` vec r` is 6 units, find ` vec rdot`

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  24. If OA is equally inclined to OX,OY ,OZ and if A is `sqrt(3)` units from the origin then the cordinates of A are

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  25. If `1/2,1/3,n` are direction cosines of a line, then the value of `n` is

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  26. If the direction ratios of a lines are proportional to `1,-3,2` then its direction cosines are

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  27. The projections of a line segment on the coordinate axes are 12,4,3 respectively. The length and direction cosines of the line segment are

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  28. If `vecr` is a vector of magnitude 21 and has direction ratios proportional to 2,-3,6 then `vecr` is equal to

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  29. If `P(x,y,z)` is a point on the line segment joining `Q(2,2,4)` and `R(3,5,6)` such that projections of `vec(OP)` on the axes are `13/5,19/5,26/5` respectively, then `P` divides `QR` in the ratio

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  30. The direction cosines of the line passing through `P(2,3,-1)` and the origin are

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  31. The projection of the line segment joining the points `A(-1,0,3)` and `B(2,5,1)` on the line whose direction ratios are proportional to 6,2,3 is

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  32. Find the direction cosines of a vector `vecr` which is equally inclined with OX,OY and OZ are

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  33. A vector ` vec r` is inclined at equal to `O X ,O Ya n dO Zdot` If the magnitude of ` vec r` is 6 units, find ` vec rdot`

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  34. Find the angle between two lines whose direction ratios are proportional to `1,1,2a n d(sqrt(3)-1),(-sqrt(3)-1),4` .

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  35. If `P(0,1,2),Q(4,-2,1)` and `O(0,0,0)` are three points, then `/_POQ=`

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  36. If A,B,C,D are (2,3,-1),(3,5,-3),(1,2,3),(3,5,7) respectively, then the angel between AB and CD, is

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  37. Find the acute angle between the two straight lines whose direction cosines are given by `l+m+n=0` and `l^2+m^2-n^2=0`

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  38. ABC is a triangle in a plane with vertices `A(2,3,5),B(-1,3,2)` and `C(lamda,5,mu)`. If the median through A is equally inclined to the coordinate axes, then the value of `lamda^(3)+mu^(3)+5` is

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE DIMENSIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEM of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12