Class 12 | MATHS |
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA | Section II - Assertion Reason Type |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Consider the planes `3x-6y-2z=15a n d2x+y-2z=5.` Statement 1:The parametric equations of the line intersection of the given planes are `x=3+14 t ,y=2t ,z=15 tdot` Statement 2: The vector `14 hat i+2 hat j+15 hat k` is parallel to the line of intersection of the given planes.
Consider three planes `P_(1):x-y+z=1`
and `" "P_(3):x-3y+3z=2`
Let `L_(1),L_(2),L_(3)` be the lines of intersection of the planes `P_(2)` and `P_(3),P_(3)` and `P_(1),P_(1)` and `P_(2)` respectively.
Statement I Atleast two of the lines `L_(1),L_(2)` and `L_(3)` are non-parallel.
Statement II The three planes do not have a common point.
Statement 1: Let A,B,C be the image of point `P(a,b,c)` in `YZ,ZX` and`XY` planes respectively. Then, the equation of the plane passing through points A,B,C cuts intercepts a,b,c on the coordinate axes. Statement 2: The image `(alpha, beta, gamma)` of a point `(x_(1),y_(1),z_(1))` in the plane `ax+by+cz+d=0` is given by `(alpha-x_(1))/a=(beta-y_(1))/b=(gamma-z_(1))/c=-(2(ax_(1)+by_(1)+cz_(1)+d))/(a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2))`
Consider the plane `pi:x+y-2z=3` and two points `P(2,1,6)` and `Q(6,5,-2)`.
Statement 1: PQ is parallel to the normal to the plane.
Statement 2: `Q` is the image of point `P` in he plane `pi`
Statement 1: Lthe cartesian equation of the plane `vecr=(hati-hatj)+lamda(hati+hatj+hatk)+mu(hati-2hatj+3hatk)` is `5x-2y-3z=7`
Statement 2: The non parametric form of the plane `vecr=veca+lamdavecb+muvecc` is `[(vecr,vecb,vecc)]=[(veca,vecb,vecc)]`
Statement 1: If the vectors `veca` and `vecc` are non collinear, then the lines `vecr=6veca-vecc+lamda(2vecc-veca)` and `vecr=veca-vecc+mu(veca+3vecc)` are coplanar.
Statement 2: There exists `lamda` and `mu` such that the two values of `vecr` in statement -1 become same
Statement 1: If `a` is an integer the the straight lines
and `vecr=2hati+3hatj+hatk+mu(3hati+hatj+2hatk)` intersect at a point for `a=-5`.
Statement 2: Two straight lines intersect if the shortest distance between them is zero.
Statement 1: The lines `(x-1)/1=y/(-1)=(z+1)/1` and `(x-2)/2=(y+1)/2=z/3` are coplanar and the equation of the plnae containing them is `5x+2y-3z-8=0`
Statement 2: The line `(x-2)/1=(y+1)/2=z/3` is perpendicular to the plane `3x+5y+9z-8=0` and parallel to the plane `x+y-z=0`
Statement 1: A point on the line `(x+2)/3=(y+1)/2=(z-3)/2` at a distance `3sqrt(2)` from the point `(1,2,3)` lies on the lne `(x+7)/5=(y+t)/4=(z-2)/1`
Statement 2: If `d` is the distance between the point `(-1,-5,-10)` and the point of intersectionof the line `(x-2)/3=(y+1)/4=(z-2)/12` with the plane `x-y+z=5` then `d=13`
Consider the line `L:vecr(hati+3hatj-hatk)+lamda(hatj+2hatk)` and the plane `pi:vecr(hati+4hatj+hatk)+6=0`
Statement 1: The line `L` intersects the plane `pi` at the point (1,0,-7).
Statement 2: The angle `theta` between the line `L` and the plane `pi` is given by `theta=1/2cos^(-1)(1/5)`.
Statement 1: The plane `5x+2z-8=0` contains the line `2x-y+z-3=0` and `3x+y+z=5`, and is perpendicular to `2x-y-5z-3=0`. Statement 2: The plane `3x+y+z=5`, meets the line `x-1=y+1=z-1` at the point (1,1,1)
Statement 1: The point `A(3,1,6)` is the mirror image of the point `B(1,3,4)` in the plane `x-y+z=5`.
Statement 2: The plane `x-y+z=5` bisects the line segment joining `A(3,1,6)` and `B(1,3,4)`
Statement-1 : The point A(1, 0, 7) is the mirror image of the point B(1, 6, 3) in the line : `x/1=(y-1)/2=(z-2)/3` Statement-2 : The line : `x/1=(y-1)/2=(z-2)/3` bisects the line segment joining A(1, 0, 7) and B(1, 6, 3). Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
The equations of two straight lines are
`(x-1)/2=(y+3)/1=(z-2)/(-3)` and `(x-2)/1=(y-1)/(-3)=(z+3)/2`
Statement 1: The given lines are coplanar.
Statement 2: The equations
are consistent.
Given two straight lines whose equations are
`(x-3)/1=(y-5)/(-2)=(z-7)/1` and `(x+1)/7=(y+1)/(-6)=(z+1)/1`
Statement 1: The line of shortest distance between the given lines is perpendicular to the plane `x+3y+5z=0`.
Statement 2 : The direction ratios of the normal to the plane `ax+by+cz+d=0` are proportonal to `a/d,b/d,c/d`.
Statement 1: The shortest distance between the lines `x/2=y/(-1)=z/2` and `(x-1)/(-2)=(y-1)/-2=(z-1)/4` is `sqrt(2)`. Statement 2: The shortest distance between two parallel lines is the perpendicular distance from any point on one of the lines to the other line.
Section II - Assertion Reason Type questions and complete solutions for chapter PLANE AND STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12