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Complete Solutions to Illustrations of Objective Questions of chapter Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterChemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
OP TANDONIllustrations of Objective Questions
Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `5mol` of an ideal gas at `27^(@)C` expands isothermally and reversibly from a volume of `6L` to `60L`. The work done in `kJ` is

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  2. 10 moles of an ideal gas confined to a volume of 10 L is released into atmosphere at 300 K where the pressure is 1 bar.
    The work done by the gas is: ltBrgt `(R=0.083L" bar "K^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  3. One litre-atmosphere is approximately equal to

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  4. A system absorbs `20kJ` heat and also does `10kJ` of work. The net internal enegry of the system

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  5. One mole of a gas is heated at constant pressure to raise its temperature by `1^(@)C`. The work done in joules is

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  6. In open system:

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  7. `DeltaH^(Theta)underset(f)' 298K` of methanol is given by the chemical equation

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  8. The standard molar heats of formation of ethane, carbon dioxide, and liquid water are `-21.1, -94.1`, and `-68.3kcal`, respectively. Calculate the standard molar heat of combustion of ethane.

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  9. When ethyne is passed through a red hot tube, then formation of benzene takes place:
    `H_(f(C_(2)H_(2))(g))^(@)=230kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    `DeltaH_(f(C_(6)H_(6))(g))^(@)=85kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    calculate the standard heat of trimerisation of ethyne to benzene.

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  10. For the reaction `F_(2)(g)+2HCL(g)rarr2HF(g)+C1_(2)(g)`
    `DeltaH^(@)` at `298K` is `-84.4Kcal` , `DeltaH^(@)f(HF)=-64.2Kcal//mol`
    `DeltaH^(@)f` for the `HCL(g)` per gram is

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  11. Given two processes:
    `(1)/(2)P_(4)(s) +3CI_(2)(g) rarr 2PCI_(3)(l), DeltaH =- 635 kJ`
    `PCI_(3) (l) +CI_(2)(g) rarrPCI_(5)(s), DeltaH =- 137 kJ` The value of `DeltaH^(Theta)` of `PCI_(5)` is

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  12. The enthalpy of combustion of `H_(2)` , cyclohexene `(C_(6)H_(10))` and cyclohexane `(C_(6)H_(12))` are `-241` , `-3800` and `-3920KJ` per mol respectively. Heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is

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  13. Given:
    i. `2Fe(s) +(3)/(2)O_(2)(g) rarr Fe_(2)O_(3)(s), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 193.4 kJ`
    ii. `Mg(s) +(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) rarr MgO(s), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 140.2kJ`
    What is `DeltaH^(Theta)`of the reaction?
    `3Mg +Fe_(2)O_(3)rarr 3MgO +2Fe`

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  14. Given that:
    i. `C(s) + O_(2)(g) rarr CO_(2)(g) , DeltaH =- 94.05 kcal`
    ii. `H_(2)(g) +(1)/(2) O_(2)(g) rarr H_(2)O(l), DeltaH =- 68.32 kcal`
    iii.`C_(2)H_(2)(g) +(5)/(2) O_(2)(g) rarr 2CO_(2)(g) +H_(2)O(l), DeltaH =- 310.62 kcal`
    The heat of formation fo acetylene is

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  15. The enthalpy changes for two reactions are given by the equations:
    `2Cr(s) +(3)/(2)O_(2)(g) rarr Cr_(2)O_(3)(s), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 1130 kJ`
    `C(s) +(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)rarr CO(g), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 110 kJ`
    What is the enthalpy change in `kJ` for the following reactions?
    `3C(s) +Cr_(2)O_(3)(s) rarr 2Cr(s) +3CO(g)`

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  16. The enthalpy change `DeltaH` for the neutralisation fo `1M HCI` by caustic potash in dilute solution at `298 K` is

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  17. Enthalpy of neutralisation of the reaction between `CH_(3)COOH(aq)` and `NaOH(aq)` is `-13.2kcal Eq^(-1)` and that of the reaction between `H_(2)SO_(4)(aq)` and `KOH (aq)` is `-13.7 kcal Eq^(-1)`. The enthalpy of dissociation of `CH_(3)COOH(aq)` is

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  18. Calculate the enthalpy change when `50 mL` of `0.01 M Ca(OH)_(2)` reacts with `25mL` of `0.01 M HCI`. Given that `DeltaH^(Theta)` neutralisaiton of strong acid and string base is `140 kcal mol^(-1)`

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  19. Equal volumes of `1M HCI` and `1M H_(2)SO_(4)` are neutralised by `1M NaOH` solution and `x` and `y kJ//` equivalent of heat are liberated, respectively. Which of the following relations is correct?

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  20. Which of the following acid will release maximum amount of heat when completely neutralised by strong base `NaOH`?

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  21. Determine the heat of the following reaction:
    Given informations:
    `2Fe(s)+O_(2)(g)to2FeO(s)," "DeltaH^(@)=-544kJ`
    `4Fe(s)+3O_(2)(g)to2Fe_(2)O_(3)(s)," "DeltaH^(@)=-1648.4kJ`

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  22. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of `Delta_(f)H` for `C_(2)H_(5)OH` from tabulated data and its heat of combustion as represented by the following equaitons:
    i. `H_(2)(g) +(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) rarr H_(2)O(g), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 241.8 kJ mol^(-1)`
    ii. `C(s) +O_(2)(g) rarr CO_(2)(g),DeltaH^(Theta) =- 393.5kJ mol^(-1)`
    iii. `C_(2)H_(5)OH (l) +3O_(2)(g) rarr 3H_(2)O(g) + 2CO_(2)(g), DeltaH^(Theta) =- 1234.7kJ mol^(-1)`
    a. `-2747.1 kJ mol^(-1)` b. `-277.7 kJ mol^(-1)`
    c. `277.7 kJ mol^(-1)` d. `2747.1 kJ mol^(-1)`

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  23. Given that `C+O_(2)rarrCO_(2),DeltaH^(@)=-xKJ` and `2CO+O_(2)rarr2CO_(2),DeltaH^(@)=-yKJ` The enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide will be

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  24. The enthalpies of combustion of diamond and graphite are - 395.4 kJ and - 393.5 kJ respectively calculate the enthalpy of transformation from diamond to graphite.

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  25. For the reaction
    If `DeltaH_(f)^(@)[NH_(3)(g)]=-45.9kJ" "mol^(-1)`,
    `DeltaH_(f)^(@)[H_(2)O(g)]=-241.8kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    Then `DeltaH_(f)^(@)[N_(2)O(g)]` will be:

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  26. The bond energies of `C=C` and `C-C` at `298 K` are `590` and `331 kJ mol^(-1)`, respectively. The enthalpy of polymerisation per mole of ethaylene is

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  27. For the reaction:
    `2H_(2)(g) +O_(2)(g) rarr 2H_(2)O(g), DeltaH =- 571 kJ`
    bond enegry of `(H-H) = 435 kJ` and of `(O=O) = 498 kJ`. Then, calculate the average bond enegry of `(O-H)` bond using the above data.

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  28. Use the bond energies in the table to estimate `DeltaH` for this reaction:
    `CH_(2) = CH_(2) + Cl_(2) rarr CICH_(2) -CH_(2)CI`

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  29. Heat of formation of `2 mol` of `NH_(3)(g)` is `= -90 kJ`, bond energies of `H-H` and `N-H` bonds are `435kJ` and `390 kJ mol^(-1)`, respectively. The value of the bond enegry of `N-=N` will be

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  30. If `DeltaH_(f)^(@)` of `Icl(g)`, `Cl(g)` and `I(g)` is `17.57`, `121.34` and `106.96 J mol^(-1)` respectively. Then bond dissociation energy of `I-Cl` bond is

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  31. Calculate the `DeltaH` in joules for
    from the following data:
    `C("graphite")+O_(2)(g)toCO_(2)(g):" "DeltaH^(@)=-393.5kJ`
    `C("diamond")+O_(2)(g)toCO_(2)(g)," "DeltaH^(@)=-395.4kJ`

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  32. The enthalpy change for the following process are listed below`:`
    `(a)` `Cl_(2(g)) rarr 2Cl_((g)), DeltaH=242.3kJ mol^(-1)`
    `(b)` `I_(2(g))rarr 2I_((g)), DeltaH=151.0kJ mol^(-1)`
    `(c)` `ICl_((g)) rarr I_((g))+Cl_((g)), DeltaH=211.3kJ mol^(-1)`
    `(d)` `I_(2(s)) rarr I_(2(g)), DeltaH=62.76kJ mol^(-1)`
    If standard state of iodine and chloride are `I_(2(s))` and `Cl_(2(g))` , the standard enthalpy of formation for `ICl_((g))` is `:`

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  33. Given that:
    `2C(s)+O_(2)(g)to2CO_(2)(g)" "(DeltaH=-787kJ)` . . . (i)
    `H_(2)(g)+1//2O_(2)(g)toH_(2)O(l)" "(DeltaH=-286kJ)` . . . (ii)
    `C_(2)H_(2)+2(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)to2CO_(2)(g)+H_(2)O(l)" "(DeltaH=-1310kJ)` . . .(iii)
    The heat of formation of acetylene is:

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  34. The bond energies of `H--H` , `Br--Br` and `H--Br` are `433,, 192` and `364KJmol^(-1)` respectively. The `DeltaH^(@)` for the reaction
    `H_(2)(g)+Br_(2)(g)rarr2HBr(g)` is

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  35. For liquid enthalpy of fusion is `1.435 kcal mol^(-1)` and molar entropy change is `5.26 cal mol^(-1) K^(-1)`. The melting point of the liquid is

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  36. Latent heat of vaporisation of water is `540cal` `g^(-1)` at `100^(@)C` calculate the entropy change when 1000 g water is converted to steam at `100^(@)C`

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  37. Enthalpy of fusion of water is 6.01 kJ `mol^(-1)`. The entropy change of 1 mole of ice at its melting point will be:

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  38. For spontaneous process:

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  39. Melting point of a solid is x K and its latent heat of fusion is 600 cal `mol^(-1)`. The entropy change for fusion of 1 mol solid is 2 cal `mol^(-1)K^(-1)`. The value of x will be:

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  40. The entropy change involved in the conversion of 1 mole of liquid water at 373 K to vapour at the same temperature will be:

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  41. The free energy for a reaction having `DeltaH=31400` cal, `DeltaS=32" cal "K^(-1)mol^(-1)` at `1000^(@)C` is:

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  42. `F_(2)C=CF-CF = CF_(2) rarr F_(2)underset(FC=)underset(|)(C)-underset(CF)underset(|)(CF_(2))`
    For this reaction (ring closure), `DeltaH =- 49 kJ mol^(-1), DeltaS =- 40.2 J K^(-1) mol^(-1).Up` to what temperature is the forward reaction spontaneous?

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  43. For the equilibrium reaction, the value of Gibbs free energy change is:

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  44. At `0^(@)C` ice and water are in equilibrium and `DeltaH=6kJ" "mol^(-1)` for this process:
    The values of `DeltaS and DeltaG` for conversion of ice into liquid water at `0^(@)C` are:

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  45. For a reaction,
    `DeltaH,DeltaS and T ` are 40.63 kJ `mol^(-1)`, 108.8 J `K^(-1)mol^(-1) and 373.3K` respectively. Predict the feasibility of the reaction:

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  46. For the homogeneous reactions:
    `DeltaH=-30kJ" "mol^(-1),DeltaS=-100JK^(-1)" "mol^(-1)`
    At what temperature the reaction is at equilibrium?

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  47. For the reaction
    `CO (g) + (1)/(2) O_(2) (g) rarr CO_(2) (g)`
    `Delta H` and `Delta S` are `-283 kJ` and `-87 J K^(-1)`, respectively. It was intended to carry out this reaction at 1000,1500,3000, and 3500 K. At which of these temperatures would this reaction be thermodynamically spontaneous?

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  48. For a reaction
    `DeltaH=+29kJ" "mol^(-1),DeltaS=-35KJ^(-1)" "mol^(-1)`
    at what temperature, the reaction will be spontaneous?

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  49. What is `DeltaG^(@)` for the reaction?
    `(1)/(2)N_(2)(g)+(3)/(2)H_(2)(g) to NH_(3)(g)` `K_(p)=4.42xx10^(4) at 25^(@)C.`

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  50. What is the sign of `DeltaG^(Theta)` and the values of `K` for an electrochemical cell for which `E^(Theta)underset(cell)` = 0.80volt`?

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  51. The free energy of formation of NO is `78 kJ mol^(-1)` at the temperature of an authomobile engine `(1000 K)`. What is the equilibrium constant for this reaction at `1000 K`?
    `1/2 N_(2)(g)+1/2 O_(2)(g) hArr NO(g)`

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  52. Equilibrium constant for the reaction:
    `H_(2)(g) +I_(2) (g) hArr 2HI(g) is K_(c) = 50 at 25^(@)C`
    The standard Gibbs free enegry change for the reaction will be:

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  53. Standard Gibbs free enegry change `DeltaG^(Theta)` for a reaction is zero. The value of the equilibrium constant will be:

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  54. The standard free energy change of a reaction is `DeltaG^(@)=-115` at 298K. Calculate the equilibrium constant `K_(P)` in log `K_(P).(R=8.314JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  55. For which of the following reactions, the entropy change will be positive?

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  56. If an endothermic reaction occurs spontaneously at constant `T` and `P`, then which of the following is true

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  57. Which is the correct expression that relates changes of entropy with the change of pressure for an ideal gas at constant temperature, among the following?

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  58. The correct statement regarding entropy is:

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Illustrations of Objective Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12