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Complete Solutions to Problems Based On structure and properties of chapter SATURATED ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

OP TANDONProblems Based On structure and properties
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. what volume of methane (NTP) is formed from 16.4 g of sodium acetane by fucioon with sodalime ?

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  2. If a rocket was fuelled with Kerosene and liquid oxygen , what mass of oxygen would be requird every litre of kerosene ?
    (assume kerosene to have average compostion `C_(14)H_)30).` the density of ker sone is 0.764 g,/mL )

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  3. Write the struture of all the alkanes that can be hydrogenated to from 2- methpyloentane .

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  4. In the syudy of cholrinatio of propane , four products (A,B Cand D of the formula `C_(3)H_(6)Cl_(2)` were isolated Each was Futher chorinated to prove trichloro products `(C_(3)H_(5)Cl_(3))` it was found that A provided one trichoro Product ,B gave two and C and D each gave three whatt are the structural formula of A, B ,C and D?

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  5. Calculate the heat of combustion of methane at room temperature from the given bond eneries:
    `C-H=98.7 kcal /mol
    o=O = 119.1 kcal /mol
    C=o = 192.0 kcal /mol
    o-H = 110.6 kcal /mol

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  6. N-Butane is produced by monobromination of ethane followed by the Wurtz reaction , calculate the volume of ethane at NTP required to prduce 55 g n- butane ,if the brominatiin takes place with 90% yield and the Wrtz reaction with 85% yield .

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  7. An alkane ,`C_(7)H_(16)` , is produced by the reaction of litthium di-(3 -pentyl ) cuprate with ethyl bromide ,. What is the structure of akane ?

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  8. The alkane ,(a) `C_(5)H^(12)and (B) C_(8) h_(18)`, on treatment with chorine give only one monochloride ,Give the structures of each alkane and its cholride .

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  9. Calclate the `Delta` H for two propagation steps in the reaction of methane with chorine , the bond eneries for `CH_(3) -H,CH_(3)-Cl,and Cl -Cl ` are respectivley 105,85,103 and 58 kcal / mol

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  10. The relateive reactivity of `1^(@):2^(@):3^(@)` hydrogens to cholrination is 1:3:8:5 respectivity Calculate the percentage of isomers formed during monochlorrination of 2- methybultane.

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  11. The relative of `1^(@):2^(@):3^(@)` hydrogen to bromination is 1:82 :1600 . Calculate relative amount of each product on monobromination of iso- butane .

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  12. (A) what are the different products obtained on insertion of n- pentane using diazomethane ?

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  13. Give the major products of monobromination of following compounds .

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  14. Complete the following reaction :

    (ii)` (CH_(3_(2))) CHBrunderset( (2) Cul)overset( (1)Li)to (A) overset ((CH_(3))_(2)CHCH_(2)Br) to (B) `
    (iii) (A) alkane `underset(573K) overset( (1) Li) (B) (CH_(3))_(3) CBr underset((2) C u l) (1) Li( C) overset( (CH_(3)_(2) CHBr) to (B) `

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  15. (A) An alkane ,`C_(6) H_(14)` gives two monochoro derivative give its strutuire
    ( B) `C_(6) H_(12) ` (A) has chrial centre , when it is hydrogented gives `C_(6) H_(14)` (B) in which there is no chrial centre identify (A) and (B)
    (C ) `C_(5) H_(11) Cl ` gives 2,2,5,5-tetramethylexane as maoin products on Wurtz reaction Give the struture of `C_(5)H_(11)Cl'`

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  16. How many monpocarboxylic acids are possible which one decarboxylation from iso - pentane ?

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  17. How many monocarboxylic acids are Possible , which one decarboxylation give neopentane ?

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  18. Suggest a combination of organic halide and cuprate regent appropriate for the prepane of each of the following compounds :
    (a) 2- methybutane (B) i- Butylcyclohexene

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  19. Complete the following reaction :

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  20. Indicate the reactivity of vinylic allylic and aliphatic hydrogen in cyclhexene.

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Problems Based On structure and properties questions and complete solutions for chapter SATURATED ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12