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Complete Solutions to Linked comprehension type questions passage of chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

OP TANDONLinked comprehension type questions passage
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The high reactivity of alkyl halides can be explained in tems of nature of C-X bond which is highly polarised covalent bond due to large difference in the electronegativities of carbon and halogen atom. This polarity is responsible for the nucleophilic substitution reaction of alkyl halides which mostly occur by `S_(N^(1))` and `S_(N^(2))` mechanisms. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a two step process and in the first step R-X ionises to give carbocation (slow process). In the second step the nucleophilic attacks the carbocation from either side to form the prodcut (fast process) . In `S_(N^(1))` reaction there can be reacemization and inversion . `S_(N^(1))` reaction is favoured by heavy (bulky) groups on the carbon atom attached to halogens.
    i.e., `R_(3)C-Xgt R_(2)CH-Xgt R_CH_(2)X gt CH_(3)X. " In " S_(N^(2))` reaction the strong nucleophilie `OH^(-)` attacks from the opposite side of the chlorine atom to give an inyermediate (transition state).
    which breaks to yield the product (alcohol) and leaving `(X^(-))` group. The alcohol has a configuration opposite to that of the bromide and is said to proceed with inversion of configuration. `S_(N^(2))` reaction is favoured by small groups on the carbon atom attached to halogen i.e., `CH_(3)-X gt R-CH_(2)X gt R_(2) CHX gt R_(3) C-X`
    Which among the following will not give `S_(N^(1))` reaction?

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  2. The high reactivity of alkyl halides can be explained in tems of nature of C-X bond which is highly polarised covalent bond due to large difference in the electronegativities of carbon and halogen atom. This polarity is responsible for the nucleophilic substitution reaction of alkyl halides which mostly occur by `S_(N^(1))` and `S_(N^(2))` mechanisms. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a two step process and in the first step R-X ionises to give carbocation (slow process). In the second step the nucleophilic attacks the carbocation from either side to form the prodcut (fast process) . In `S_(N^(1))` reaction there can be reacemization and inversion . `S_(N^(1))` reaction is favoured by heavy (bulky) groups on the carbon atom attached to halogens.
    i.e., `R_(3)C-Xgt R_(2)CH-Xgt R_CH_(2)X gt CH_(3)X. " In " S_(N^(2))` reaction the strong nucleophilie `OH^(-)` attacks from the opposite side of the chlorine atom to give an inyermediate (transition state).
    which breaks to yield the product (alcohol) and leaving `(X^(-))` group. The alcohol has a configuration opposite to that of the bromide and is said to proceed with inversion of configuration. `S_(N^(2))` reaction is favoured by small groups on the carbon atom attached to halogen i.e., `CH_(3)-X gt R-CH_(2)X gt R_(2) CHX gt R_(3) C-X`
    `S_(N^(1))` reaction of optically active alkyl halide leads to :

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  3. The high reactivity of alkyl halides can be explained in tems of nature of C-X bond which is highly polarised covalent bond due to large difference in the electronegativities of carbon and halogen atom. This polarity is responsible for the nucleophilic substitution reaction of alkyl halides which mostly occur by `S_(N^(1))` and `S_(N^(2))` mechanisms. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a two step process and in the first step R-X ionises to give carbocation (slow process). In the second step the nucleophilic attacks the carbocation from either side to form the prodcut (fast process) . In `S_(N^(1))` reaction there can be reacemization and inversion . `S_(N^(1))` reaction is favoured by heavy (bulky) groups on the carbon atom attached to halogens.
    i.e., `R_(3)C-Xgt R_(2)CH-Xgt R_CH_(2)X gt CH_(3)X. " In " S_(N^(2))` reaction the strong nucleophilie `OH^(-)` attacks from the opposite side of the chlorine atom to give an inyermediate (transition state).
    which breaks to yield the product (alcohol) and leaving `(X^(-))` group. The alcohol has a configuration opposite to that of the bromide and is said to proceed with inversion of configuration. `S_(N^(2))` reaction is favoured by small groups on the carbon atom attached to halogen i.e., `CH_(3)-X gt R-CH_(2)X gt R_(2) CHX gt R_(3) C-X`
    An `S_(N^(2))` reaction at an asymmetric carbon of a compound always gives:

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  4. The high reactivity of alkyl halides can be explained in tems of nature of C-X bond which is highly polarised covalent bond due to large difference in the electronegativities of carbon and halogen atom. This polarity is responsible for the nucleophilic substitution reaction of alkyl halides which mostly occur by `S_(N^(1))` and `S_(N^(2))` mechanisms. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a two step process and in the first step R-X ionises to give carbocation (slow process). In the second step the nucleophilic attacks the carbocation from either side to form the prodcut (fast process) . In `S_(N^(1))` reaction there can be reacemization and inversion . `S_(N^(1))` reaction is favoured by heavy (bulky) groups on the carbon atom attached to halogens.
    i.e., `R_(3)C-Xgt R_(2)CH-Xgt R_CH_(2)X gt CH_(3)X. " In " S_(N^(2))` reaction the strong nucleophilie `OH^(-)` attacks from the opposite side of the chlorine atom to give an inyermediate (transition state).
    which breaks to yield the product (alcohol) and leaving `(X^(-))` group. The alcohol has a configuration opposite to that of the bromide and is said to proceed with inversion of configuration. `S_(N^(2))` reaction is favoured by small groups on the carbon atom attached to halogen i.e., `CH_(3)-X gt R-CH_(2)X gt R_(2) CHX gt R_(3) C-X`
    The main product formed in the following reaction is

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  5. The high reactivity of alkyl halides can be explained in tems of nature of C-X bond which is highly polarised covalent bond due to large difference in the electronegativities of carbon and halogen atom. This polarity is responsible for the nucleophilic substitution reaction of alkyl halides which mostly occur by `S_(N^(1))` and `S_(N^(2))` mechanisms. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a two step process and in the first step R-X ionises to give carbocation (slow process). In the second step the nucleophilic attacks the carbocation from either side to form the prodcut (fast process) . In `S_(N^(1))` reaction there can be reacemization and inversion . `S_(N^(1))` reaction is favoured by heavy (bulky) groups on the carbon atom attached to halogens.
    i.e., `R_(3)C-Xgt R_(2)CH-Xgt R_CH_(2)X gt CH_(3)X. " In " S_(N^(2))` reaction the strong nucleophilie `OH^(-)` attacks from the opposite side of the chlorine atom to give an inyermediate (transition state).
    which breaks to yield the product (alcohol) and leaving `(X^(-))` group. The alcohol has a configuration opposite to that of the bromide and is said to proceed with inversion of configuration. `S_(N^(2))` reaction is favoured by small groups on the carbon atom attached to halogen i.e., `CH_(3)-X gt R-CH_(2)X gt R_(2) CHX gt R_(3) C-X`
    Which of the following is an example of `S_(N^(2))` reaction ?

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  6. Karl Ziegler reported that alkenes react with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in presence of light to give products resulting from substitution of hydrogen by bromine at the allylic position i.e., the position next to the double bond.
    Let us consider the halogenation of cyclohexane.

    Energy level diagram for allylic vinylic and alkylic free redicals is given below:

    Select the correct statement(s) among the following :

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  7. Karl Ziegler reported that alkenes react with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in presence of light to give products resulting from substitution of hydrogen by bromine at the allylic position i.e., the position next to the double bond.
    Let us consider the halogenation of cyclohexane.

    Energy level diagram for allylic vinylic and alkylic free redicals is given below:

    Consider the three types of C-H bonds in cyclohexene.

    Which of the following `is // are `correctly matched?

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  8. Karl Ziegler reported that alkenes react with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in presence of light to give products resulting from substitution of hydrogen by bromine at the allylic position i.e., the position next to the double bond.
    Let us consider the halogenation of cyclohexane.

    Energy level diagram for allylic vinylic and alkylic free redicals is given below:

    Which of the following sequences is correct about C-H bond energy ?

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  9. Karl Ziegler reported that alkenes react with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in presence of light to give products resulting from substitution of hydrogen by bromine at the allylic position i.e., the position next to the double bond.
    Let us consider the halogenation of cyclohexane.

    Energy level diagram for allylic vinylic and alkylic free redicals is given below:

    Select the correct statement(s) among the following :

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  10. Karl Ziegler reported that alkenes react with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in presence of light to give products resulting from substitution of hydrogen by bromine at the allylic position i.e., the position next to the double bond.
    Let us consider the halogenation of cyclohexane.

    Energy level diagram for allylic vinylic and alkylic free redicals is given below:

    (4,4-Dimethyl cyclohexene)
    Above compound on treatment with NBS gives allylic bromides . How many product (s) will be obtained in this reaction?

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  11. The removal of two atoms or groups one generally hydrogen `(H^(+))` and the other a leaving group `(L^(-))` resulting in the formation of unsaturated compound is known as elimination reaction.

    In `E_(1)` (elimination) reactions the C-L bond is broken heterolytically (in step 1) to form a carbocation `(" as in "S_(N^(1))` reaction) in which `(L^(-))` is lost (rate determining step). The carbocation (in step 2) loses a proton from the `beta-` carbon atom by a base (nucleophile) to form an alkene. `E_(1)` reaction is favoured in compounds in which the leaving group is at secondar `(2^(@))` or tertiary`(3^(@))` Position.
    In `E_(2)` (elimination) reactions two sigma bonds are broken and a `pi-`bond is formed simultaneously.`E_(2)` reactions occur in one step through a transition state.

    `E_(2)` reactions are most common in haloalkanes (particulary `1^(@)`) and better the leaving group higher is the `E_(2)` reaction. In `E_(2)` reactions, both the leaving groups should be antiplaner.
    `E_(1) cb` (Elimination unimolecular conjugate base) reaction involves the removal of proton by a conjugate base (step 1) to produce carbanion which loses a leaving group to form an alkene (step 2) and is a slow step
    Isopropyl chloride on heating with concentrated solution of ethanolic KOH gives mainly:

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  12. The removal of two atoms or groups one generally hydrogen `(H^(+))` and the other a leaving group `(L^(-))` resulting in the formation of unsaturated compound is known as elimination reaction.

    In `E_(1)` (elimination) reactions the C-L bond is broken heterolytically (in step 1) to form a carbocation `(" as in "S_(N^(1))` reaction) in which `(L^(-))` is lost (rate determining step). The carbocation (in step 2) loses a proton from the `beta-` carbon atom by a base (nucleophile) to form an alkene. `E_(1)` reaction is favoured in compounds in which the leaving group is at secondar `(2^(@))` or tertiary`(3^(@))` Position.
    In `E_(2)` (elimination) reactions two sigma bonds are broken and a `pi-`bond is formed simultaneously.`E_(2)` reactions occur in one step through a transition state.

    `E_(2)` reactions are most common in haloalkanes (particulary `1^(@)`) and better the leaving group higher is the `E_(2)` reaction. In `E_(2)` reactions, both the leaving groups should be antiplaner.
    `E_(1) cb` (Elimination unimolecular conjugate base) reaction involves the removal of proton by a conjugate base (step 1) to produce carbanion which loses a leaving group to form an alkene (step 2) and is a slow step
    2-Bromonbutane on heating with concentrated solution of alcoholic KOH gives major product as :

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  13. The removal of two atoms or groups one generally hydrogen `(H^(+))` and the other a leaving group `(L^(-))` resulting in the formation of unsaturated compound is known as elimination reaction.

    In `E_(1)` (elimination) reactions the C-L bond is broken heterolytically (in step 1) to form a carbocation `(" as in "S_(N^(1))` reaction) in which `(L^(-))` is lost (rate determining step). The carbocation (in step 2) loses a proton from the `beta-` carbon atom by a base (nucleophile) to form an alkene. `E_(1)` reaction is favoured in compounds in which the leaving group is at secondar `(2^(@))` or tertiary`(3^(@))` Position.
    In `E_(2)` (elimination) reactions two sigma bonds are broken and a `pi-`bond is formed simultaneously.`E_(2)` reactions occur in one step through a transition state.

    `E_(2)` reactions are most common in haloalkanes (particulary `1^(@)`) and better the leaving group higher is the `E_(2)` reaction. In `E_(2)` reactions, both the leaving groups should be antiplaner.
    `E_(1) cb` (Elimination unimolecular conjugate base) reaction involves the removal of proton by a conjugate base (step 1) to produce carbanion which loses a leaving group to form an alkene (step 2) and is a slow step
    `R_(2)CH-underset(X)underset(|)C-R_(2) '+:B^(-) "(base)" to R_(2)C=CR_(2)`
    this reaction is an example of:

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  14. The removal of two atoms or groups one generally hydrogen `(H^(+))` and the other a leaving group `(L^(-))` resulting in the formation of unsaturated compound is known as elimination reaction.

    In `E_(1)` (elimination) reactions the C-L bond is broken heterolytically (in step 1) to form a carbocation (as in`S_(N^(1))` reaction) in which `(L^(-))` is lost (rate determining step). The carbocation (in step 2) loses a proton from the `beta-` carbon atom by a base (nucleophile) to form an alkene. `E_(1)` reaction is favoured in compounds in which the leaving group is at secondar `(2^(@))` or tertiary`(3^(@))` Position.
    In `E_(2)` (elimination) reactions two sigma bonds are broken and a `pi-`bond is formed simultaneously.`E_(2)` reactions occur in one step through a transition state.

    `E_(2)` reactions are most common in haloalkanes (particulary `1^(@)`) and better the leaving group higher is the `E_(2)` reaction. In `E_(2)` reactions, both the leaving groups should be antiplaner.
    `E_(1) cb` (Elimination unimolecular conjugate base) reaction involves the removal of proton by a conjugate base (step 1) to produce carbanion which loses a leaving group to form an alkene (step 2) and is a slow step
    2-Bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is :

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  15. The removal of two atoms or groups one generally hydrogen `(H^(+))` and the other a leaving group `(L^(-))` resulting in the formation of unsaturated compound is known as elimination reaction.

    In `E_(1)` (elimination) reactions the C-L bond is broken heterolytically (in step 1) to form a carbocation (as in`S_(N^(1))` reaction) in which `(L^(-))` is lost (rate determining step). The carbocation (in step 2) loses a proton from the `beta-` carbon atom by a base (nucleophile) to form an alkene. `E_(1)` reaction is favoured in compounds in which the leaving group is at secondar `(2^(@))` or tertiary`(3^(@))` Position.
    In `E_(2)` (elimination) reactions two sigma bonds are broken and a `pi-`bond is formed simultaneously.`E_(2)` reactions occur in one step through a transition state.

    `E_(2)` reactions are most common in haloalkanes (particulary `1^(@)`) and better the leaving group higher is the `E_(2)` reaction. In `E_(2)` reactions, both the leaving groups should be antiplaner.
    `E_(1) cb` (Elimination unimolecular conjugate base) reaction involves the removal of proton by a conjugate base (step 1) to produce carbanion which loses a leaving group to form an alkene (step 2) and is a slow step Neopentyl bromide undergoes dehydrohalogenation to give alkene even though it has no `beta-`hydrogen.This is due to :

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  16. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution e.g.
    `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-Br+H_(2)Oto CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-OH+HBr`
    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression.
    Reaction rate k[RX]
    In a mulptistep organic reaction , the rate-limiting step is the slowest step . Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an `S_(N^(1))` reaction .The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate:

    In `S_(N^(1))` reaction the hybridization changes in rate determination step. Select the correct change among the following:

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  17. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution e.g.
    `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-Br+H_(2)Oto CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-OH+HBr`
    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression.
    Reaction rate k[RX]
    In a mulptistep organic reaction , the rate-limiting step is the slowest step . Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an `S_(N^(1))` reaction .The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate:

    Select the correct statement (s) about the graph 1:

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  18. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution e.g.
    `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-Br+H_(2)Oto CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-OH+HBr`
    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression.
    Reaction rate k[RX]
    In a mulptistep organic reaction , the rate-limiting step is the slowest step . Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an `S_(N^(1))` reaction .The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate:

    Select the correct statement(s) about the graph 2:

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  19. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution e.g.
    `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-Br+H_(2)Oto CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-OH+HBr`
    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression.
    Reaction rate k[RX]
    In a mulptistep organic reaction , the rate-limiting step is the slowest step . Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an `S_(N^(1))` reaction .The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate:

    In the graph 3 for `S_(N^(1))` reaction the rate limiting step is the spontaneous dissociation of alkyl halide and is given by

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  20. `S_(N^(1))` reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution e.g.
    `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-Br+H_(2)Oto CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)underset(CH_(3))underset(|)C-OH+HBr`
    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression.
    Reaction rate k[RX]
    In a mulptistep organic reaction , the rate-limiting step is the slowest step . Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an `S_(N^(1))` reaction .The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate:

    `S^(N^(1))` reaction is :

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  21. Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (abov 773K.) Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    This reaction is mainly given by those compound which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon.
    Reactivity of `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
    The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    `underset((5))("Tertiary") gt underset((3.8))("Secondary") gt underset((1))("Primary")`
    `" Percentage yield of the prodcut "=("Relative amount"xx100)/("Sum of relative amounts")`
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon `xx` relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas `Br_(2)//hv` gives bromination at benzylic allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Select most reactive compound for chlorination in presence of light :

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  22. Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (abov 773K.) Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    This reaction is mainly given by those compound which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon.
    Reactivity of `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
    The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    `underset((5))("Tertiary") gt underset((3.8))("Secondary") gt underset((1))("Primary")`
    `" Percentage yield of the prodcut "=("Relative amount"xx100)/("Sum of relative amounts")`
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon `xx` relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas `Br_(2)//hv` gives bromination at benzylic allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Percentage yield of 2-chlorobutane will be:

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  23. Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (abov 773K.) Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    This reaction is mainly given by those compound which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon.
    Reactivity of `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
    The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    `underset((5))("Tertiary") gt underset((3.8))("Secondary") gt underset((1))("Primary")`
    `" Percentage yield of the prodcut "=("Relative amount"xx100)/("Sum of relative amounts")`
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon `xx` relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas `Br_(2)//hv` gives bromination at benzylic allylic and alkyl carbon.
    which one of the following compounds will react with NBS?

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  24. Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (abov 773K.) Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    This reaction is mainly given by those compound which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon.
    Reactivity of `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
    The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    `underset((5))("Tertiary") gt underset((3.8))("Secondary") gt underset((1))("Primary")`
    `" Percentage yield of the prodcut "=("Relative amount"xx100)/("Sum of relative amounts")`
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon `xx` relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas `Br_(2)//hv` gives bromination at benzylic allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Arrange decreasing order of reactivity of given compounds with NBS :(N-bromo succinimide)
    `I. C_(6)H_(5)-CH_(3)`
    `III. C_(6)H_(5)-CH_(2)-CH=CH_(2)`
    `IV. C_(6)H_(5)-underset(CH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-CH=CH_(2)`
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below

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  25. Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (abov 773K.) Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    This reaction is mainly given by those compound which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon.
    Reactivity of `sp^(3)-`hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
    The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    `underset((5))("Tertiary") gt underset((3.8))("Secondary") gt underset((1))("Primary")`
    `" Percentage yield of the prodcut "=("Relative amount"xx100)/("Sum of relative amounts")`
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon `xx` relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas `Br_(2)//hv` gives bromination at benzylic allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Chlorinating agent for free radical chlorination may be taken as :

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  26. For a typical nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction to take place .
    1. Nucleophilic atom should be of oxygen nitrogen or sulphur.
    2. Leaving groups should be halide.
    3. There should be strong electron withdrawing at ortho and para position to leaving group.

    Fastest nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction take place in :

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  27. For a typical nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction to take place .
    1. Nucleophilic atom should be of oxygen nitrogen or sulphur.
    2. Leaving groups should be halide.
    3. There should be strong electron withdrawing at ortho and para position to leaving group.

    Find out correct product of following reaction

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  28. For a typical nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction to take place .
    1. Nucleophilic atom should be of oxygen nitrogen or sulphur.
    2. Leaving groups should be halide.
    3. There should be strong electron withdrawing at ortho and para position to leaving group.

    Compare rate of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction in following reactants:

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Linked comprehension type questions passage questions and complete solutions for chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12