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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions78
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How much coulomb charge is present on 1g ion of` N^(3-)`?

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  2. How much charge is required to reduce (a) 1 mole of `Al^(3+)` to Al and (b) 1 mole of `MnO_(4)^(-)` to `Mn^(2+)` ?

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  3. How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of :
    (a) `1` mol of `H_(2)O` to `O_(2)`,
    (b) `1` mole of `FeO` to `Fe_(2)O_(3)` ?

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  4. Exactly 0.4 faraday electric charge is passed through three electrolytic cells in series, first containing `AgNO_(3)`, second `CuSO_(4)` and third `FeCl_(3)` solution. How many grams of each metal will be deposited assuming only cathodic reaction in each cell ?

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  5. An electric current of 100 ampere is passed through a moltan liquid of sodium chloride for 5 hours. Calculate the volume of chlorine gas liberated at the electrode at NTP.

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  6. A 100 watt, 110 volt incandescent lamp is connected in series with an electrolytic cell containing cadmium sulphate solution. What mass of cadmium will be deposited vy the current flowing for 10 hours ?

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  7. In an electrolysis experiment, current was passed for `5h` through two cells connected in series. The first cell contains a solution of gold and second contains copper sulphate solution. In the first cell, `9.85g ` of gold was deposited. If the oxidation number of gold is `+3`, find the amount of copper deposited at the cathode of the second cell. Also calculate the magnitude of the current in ampere, `(` Atomic weight of `Au` is 197 and atomic weight of `Cu` is `63.5)`.

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  8. How long has a current of 3 ampere to be applied through a solution of silver nitrate to coat a metal surface of `80 cm^(2)` with 0.005 mm thick layer ? Density of silver is `10.5 g//cm^(3)`.

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  9. 19 g of molten `SuCl_(2)` is electrolysed for some time using inert electrodes until 0.119 g of Sn is deposited at the cathode. No substance is lost during electrolysis. Find the ratio of the masses of `SnCl_(2) : SnCl_(4)` after electrolysis.

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  10. A current of `2.68 A` is passed for `1.0` hour through an aqueous solution of `CuSO_(4)` using copper electrodes.
    Which of the following statements is `//` are correct ?

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  11. An ammeter and copper voltmeter are connected in aseries in an electric circuit through which a constant direct current flows. The ammeter shows `0.525` ampere. If `0.6354 g` of `Cu` is deposited in `1` hr, what is the percentge error of ammeter ? `["At. wt. of "Cu = 63.54]`

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  12. A current of 3.7 ampere is passed for 6 hours between platinum electrodes in 0.5 litre of a 2 M solution of `Ni(NO_(3))_(2)`. What will be the molarity of the solution at the end of electrolysis ? What will be the molarity of the solution if nickel electrodes are used ? (1 F=96500 coulomb, Ni=58.7)

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  13. An acidic solution of `Cu^(2+)` salt contaning `0.4` of `Cu^(2+)` is electrolyzed untill all the copper is deposited. The electrolysis is continued for seven more minutes with the volume of solution kept at 100mL and the current at `1.2` amp. Calculate the volume of gases evolved at NTP during the entire electrolysis.

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  14. A current of 1.70 A is passed through 300.0 mL of 0.160 M solution of a `ZnSO_(4)` for 230 s with a current efficiency of 90% . Find out the molarity of `Zn^(2+)` after the deposition Zn. Assume the volume of the solution to remain cosntant during the electrolysis.

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  15. An aqueous solution of `NaCl` on electrolysis gives `H_(2)(g), Cl_(2)(g),` and `NaOH` accroding to the reaction `:`
    A direct current of `25A` with a current efficiency of `62%` is passed through `20L` of `NaCl` solution `(20%` by weight`)`. Write down the reactions taking place at the anode and cathode. How long will it take to produce `1 kg ` of `Cl_(2)`? What will be the molarity of the solution with respect to hydroxide ion ? `(` Assume no loss due to evaporation . `)`

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  16. Chromium metal can be plated out from an acidic solution containing `CrO_(3)` according to the following equation `:`
    `CrO_(3)(aq)+6H^(o+)+6H^(o+)(aq)+6e^(-) rarr Cr(s)+3H_(2)O`
    `a.` How many grams of chromium will be plated out by `24000C` ?
    `b.` How long will take to plate out `1.5g` of chromium by using `12.5 A` current ?

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  17. After electrlysis of `NaCI` solution with inert electrodes for a certain period of time `600mL` of the solution was left. Which was found to be `1N` in `NaOH`. During the same time, `31.75 g` of `Cu` deposited in the copper voltameter in series the electrolytic cell. calculate the percentage yield of `NaOH` obtained.

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  18. Peroxy disulphuric acid `(H_(2)S_(2)O_(8))` can be prepared by electrolytic oxidation of `H_(2)SO_(4)` as :
    `2H_(2)SO_(4) rarr H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)+2H^(+)+2e^(-)`
    Oxygen and hydrogen are by products. In such an electrolysis 9.72 litre of `H_(2)` and 2.35 litre of `O_(2)` were generated at NTP. What is the mass of peroxy disulphuric acid formed ?

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  19. Cadmium amalgam is prepared by electrolysis of a sodium of `CdCl_2` using a mercury cathode. How long should a current of 4 A be passed in order to prepare 10% by mass Cd in Cd-Hg amalgam on cathode of 4.5 g Hg? (atomic mass of Cd=112)

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  20. Assume that impure copper contains only iron, silver and a gold as impurities. After passage of `140A`, for `482.5` sec, of the mass of the anode decreased by `22.260g` and the cathode increased in mass by `22.011g`. Estimate the % iron and % copper originaly present.

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  21. 1.0 N solution of a salt surrounding two platinum electrodes 2.1 cm apart and 4.2 sq cm in area was found to offer a resistance of 50 ohm. Calculate the equivalent conductivity of the solution.

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  22. Specific conductance of a decinormal solution of KCl is 0.0112 `ohm^(-1) cm^(-1)`. The resistance of a cell containing the solution was found to be 56. What is the cell constant ?

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  23. The specific conductivity of 0.02 M KCl solution at `25^(@)C` is `2.768xx10^(-3) ohm^(-1) cm^(-1)`. The resistance of this solution at `25^(@)C` when measured with a particular cell was 250.2 ohm. The resistance of 0.01 M `CuSO_(4)` solution at `25^(@)C` measured with the same cell was 8331 ohm. Calculate the molar conductivity of the copper sulphate solution.

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  24. The equivalent conductances of sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid and sodium acetate at infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and `91.0 ohm^(-1) cm^(2) eq^(-1)`, respectively at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the equivalent conductance of acetic acid at infinite dilution.

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  25. The equivalent conductivity of N/10 solution of acitic acid at `25^(@)C` is `14.3 ohm^(-1) cm^(2) eq^(-1)`. Calculate the degree of dissociation of `CH_(3)COOH` if `Lambda_(oo CH_(3)COOH)` is 390.71.

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  26. A decinormal solution of `NaCl` has specific conductivity equal to `0.0092`. If ionic conductances of `Na^(+)` and `Cl^(-)` ions at the same temperature are 43.0 and `65.0 ohm^(-1)` respectively, calculate the degree of dissociation of NaCl solution.

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  27. At `18^(@)C`, the conductivities at infinite dilution of `NH_(4)Cl, NaOH` and `NaCl` are 129.8, 217.4 and 108.9 mho respectively. If the equivalent conductivity of N/100 solution of `NH_(4)OH` is 9.93 mho, calculate the degree of dissociation of `NH_(4)OH` at this dilution.

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  28. Construct the cells in which the following reactions are taking place. Which of the electrodes shall act as anode (negative electrode) and which one as cathode (positive electrode) ?
    (a) `Zn+CuSO_(4)=ZnSO_(4)+Cu`
    (b) `Cu+2AgNO_(3)=Cu(NO_(3))_(3)+2Ag`
    (c) `Zn+H_(2)SO_(4)=ZnSO_(4)+H_(2)`
    (d) `Fe+SnCl_(2)=FeCl_(2)+Sn`

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  29. Consider the reaction,
    `2Ag^(+)+Cd rarr 2Ag+Cd^(2+)`
    The standard electrode potentials for `Ag^(+) rarr Ag` and `Cd^(2+) rarr Cd` couples are 0.80 volt and -0.40 volt respectively.
    (i) What is the standard potential `E^(@)` for this reaction ?
    (ii) For the electrochemical cell, in which this reaction takes place which electrode is negative electrode ?

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  30. Will Fe be oxidised to `Fe^(2+)` by reaction with 1.0 M HCl? `E^(@)` for `Fe//Fe^(2+)=+0.44` volt.

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  31. The values of `E^(@)` of some of the reactions are given below :
    `{:(I_(2)+2e^(-) rarr 2I^(-),,E^(@)=+0.54" volt"),(Cl_(2)+2e^(-) rarr 2Cl^(-),,E^(@)=+1.36" volt"),(Fe^(3+)+e^(-) rarr Fe^(2+),,E^(@)=+0.76" volt"),(Ce^(4+)+e^(-) rarr Ce^(3+),,E^(@)=+1.60" volt"),(Sn^(4+)+2e^(-) rarr Sn^(2+),,E^(2)=+0.15" volt"):}`
    On the basis of the above data, answer the following questions :
    (a) Whether `Fe^(3+)` oxidises `Ce^(3+)` or not ?
    (b) Whether `I_(2)` displaces chlorine from KCl ?
    (c) Whether the reaction between `FeCl_(3)` and `SnCl_(2)` occurs or not ?

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  32. Calculate the electrode potential at a copper electrode dipped in a 0.1 M solution of copper sulphate at `25^(@)C`. The standard electrode potential of `Cu^(2+)//Cu` system is 0.34 volt at 298 K.

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  33. What is the single electrode potential of a half-cell for zinc electrode dipping in 0.01 M `ZnSO_(4)` solution at `25^(@)C` ? The standard electrode potential of `Zn//Zn^(2+)` system is 0.763 volt at `25^(@)C`.

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  34. The standard oxidation potential potential of zinc is 0.76 volt and of silver is - 0.80 volt. Calculate the emf of the cell :
    `Zn|underset(0.25 M)(Zn(NO_(3))_(2))||underset(0.1 M)(AgNO_(3))|Ag`
    at `25^(@)C`.

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  35. The e.m.f. (`E^(0)` )of the following cells are
    `Ag| Ag^(+)(1M) | | Cu^(2+)(1M) | Cu, E^(0) = -0.46V`,`Zn|Zn^(2+)(1M)| | Cu^(2+)(1M) | Cu : E^(0) = +1.10V`
    Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell `Zn | Zn^(2+)(1M) | | Ag^(+)(1M) | Ag`

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  36. Calculate the emf of the cell.
    `Mg(s)|Mg^(2+) (0.2 M)||Ag^(+) (1xx10^(-3))|Ag`
    `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.8` volt, `E_(Mg^(2+)//Mg)^(@)=-2.37` volt
    What will be the effect on emf If concentration of `Mg^(2+)` ion is decreased to `0.1 M` ?

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  37. To find the standard potential of `M^(3+)//M` electrode , the following cell is constituted : `Pt|M|M^(3+((.001moLL^(-1)|| Ag ^(+) ((0.01moLL^(-1))|` Ag. The emf of the cell is found to be 0.421 volt at 298 K. The standard potential of half reaction `M^(3+)+ 3e^(-) to M` at 298 K will be :
    (Given `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag^(@)` at 298 K = 0.80 Volt)

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  38. A cell contains two hydrogen electrodes. The negative electrode is in contact with a solution of `10^(-6) M` hydrogen ions. The emf of the cell is 0.118 volt at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions at the positive electrode.

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  39. The observed emf of the cell,
    `Pt|H_(2) ("1 atm")|H^(+)(3xx10^(-4) M)||H^(+) (M_(1))|H_(2) ("1 atm")|Pt`
    is 0.154 V. Calculate the value of `M_(1)` and pH of cathodic solution.

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  40. In a fuel cell `H_(2)` and `O_(2)` react to produce electricity. In the process `H_(2)` gas is oxidised at the anode and `O_(2)` is reduced at the cathode. If 6.72 litre of `H_(2)` at NTP reacts in 15 minute, what is the average current produced ? If the entire current is used for electro-deposition of Cu from `Cu^(2+)`, how many g of Cu are deposited ?

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  41. Neglecting the liquid-liquid junction potential, calculate the emf of the following cell at `25^(@)C`
    `H_(2) (1 atm)|0.5 M HCOOH|| 1M CH_(3)COOH | (1 atm) H_(2)`
    `K_(a) " for " HCOOH and CH_(3) COOH` are `1.77 xx 10^(-4) and 1.8 xx 10^(-5)` respectively.

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  42. During the discharge of a lead storage battery, the density of sulphuric acid fell from `1.294 g mL^(-1)` to `1.139 g mL^(-)`. Sulphuric acid of density `1.294 g mL^(-1)` is `39%` by weight and that of density `1.139 g mL^(-1)` is `20%` by weight. The battery hold `3.5` litre of acied and discharge. Calculate the no. of ampere hour for which the battery must have been used. The charging and discharging reactions are:
    `Pb+SO_(4)^(2-) rarr PbSO_(4)+2e` (charging)
    `PbO_(2)+4H^(+)+SO_(4)^(2-)+2e rarr PbSO_(4)+2H_(2)O` (discharging)

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  43. Anodic oxidation of ammonium hydrogen sulphate produces ammonium persulphate.
    `NH_(4) HSO_(4) rarr NH_(4)SO_(4)^(-) + H^(+)`
    `2NH_(4) SO_(4)^(-) rarr (NH_(4))_(2) S_(2) O_(8) + 2e^(-)` (Anodic oxidation)
    `2H^(+) + 2e^(-) rarr H_(2)` (Cathodic reduction)
    Hydrolysis of ammonium persulphate forms `H_(2)O_(2)`
    `(NH_(2))_(2) S_(2)O_(8) + 2H_(2)O rarr 2NH_(4) HSO_(4) + H_(2)O_(2)`
    Current efficiency in electrolytic process is 60%. Calculate the amount of current required to produce 85 g of `H_(2)O_(2)` per hour: Hydrolysis reaction shows 100% yield.

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  44. In a zinc manganese dioxide dry cell, the anode is made up of zinc and cathode of a carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of `MnO_(2)`, carbon `NH_(4)Cl and ZnCl_(2)` in aqueous base.
    The cathodic reaction may be represented as:
    `2MnO_(2) (s) + Zn^(2+) + 2e^(-) rarr ZnMn_(2) O_(4) (s)`
    Let there be 8g `MnO_(2)` in the cathodic compartment. How many days will the dry cell continue to give a current of `4 xx 10^(-3)` ampere ?

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  45. 10g fairly concentrated solution of `CuSO_(4)` is electrolyzed using `0.01F` of electricity. Calculate:
    (a) The weight of resulting solution
    (b) Equivalents of acid or alkali in the solution.

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  46. A current of 40 microampere is passed through silver nitrate solution for 16 minutes using platinum electrodes.
    50% of the cathode is occupied by a single atom thick silver layer. Calculate the total surface area of the cathode if one silver atom occupies `5.5 xx 10^(-16) cm^(2)` surface area.

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  47. A pin of 2 cm length and 0.4 cm diameter was placed in `AgNO_(3)` solution through which a 0.2 ampere current was passed for 10 minute to deposit silver on the pin. The pin was used by a surgeon in lachrymal duct operation. The density of silver and electrochemical equivalent are `1.05 xx 10^(4) kg m^(-1) and 1.118 xx 10^(-6) kg//"coulomb"` respectively. What is the thickness of silver deposited on the pin? Assume that the tip of the pin contains negligible mass of silver.

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  48. The specific conductivity of a saturated solution of silver chloride is `2.30 xx 10^(-6) m ho cm^(-1) " at " 25^(@)C`. Calculate the solubility of silver chloride at `25^(@)C " if " lamda_(Ag^(+)) = 61.9 m ho cm^(2) mol^(-1) and lamda_(Cl^(-)) = 76.3 m ho cm^(2) mol^(-1)`

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  49. The resistance of a solution `A` is `50 ohm` and that of solution `B` is `100ohm,` both solutions are taken in the same conductivity cell. If equal volumes of solution`A` and `B` are mixed, what is the resistance of the mixture using the same cell ? `(` Assume there is no change or increase in the `prop` of `A` and `B` on mixing `)`.

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  50. A big irrengular shaped vessel contained waer the sp conductance of which was `2.56 xx 10^(-5) mho cm^(-1) 500g` of `NaCI` was then added to the water and the specific conductance after the addition of `NaCI` was found to be `3.10 xx 10^(-5) mho cm^(-1)`. find the capacity of the vessel if it is fulfilled with water `(lambda_(oo)NaCI = 149.9)`

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  51. A 0.05 N solution of a salt occupying a volume between two platinum electrodes separated by a distance of 1.72 cm and having an area of `4.5 cm^(2)` has a resistance of 250 ohm. Calculate the equivalent conductance of the solution.

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  52. At `18^(@)C` the mobilities of `NH_(4)^(+)` and `CIO_(4)^(-)` ions are `6.6 xx 10^(-4)` and `5.7 xx 10^(-4)cm^(2)"volt"^(-1)sec^(-1)` at infinite dilution. Calculate equivalent conductance of ammonium chlorate solution.

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  53. For the cell reaction,
    `Mg|Mg^(2+) (aq.)||Ag^(+) (aq.)|Ag`
    calculate the equilibrium constant at `25^(@)C` and maximum work that can be obtained by operating the cell.
    `E_(Mg^(2+)//Mg)^(@)=-2.37` volt and `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.80` volt

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  54. Zinc granules are added in excess to `500mL` OF `1.0m` nickel nitrate solution at `25^(@)C` until the equilibrium is reached. If the standard reduction potential of `Zn^(2+)|Zn` and `Ni^(2+)|Ni` are `-0.75V` and `-0.24V`, respectively, find out the concentration of `Ni^(2+)` in solution at equilibrium.

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  55. The standard reduction potentials of `Cu^(2+)//Cu` and `Ag^(+)//Ag` electrodes are 0.337 volt and 0.799 volt respectively. Construct a galvanic cell using these electrodes so that its standard e.m.f. is positive. For what concentration of `Ag^(+)`, will the e.m.f. of the cell at `25^(@)C` be zero if the concentration of `Cu^(2+)` is 0.01 M.

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  56. The standard reduction potential for the half cell `:`
    `NO_(3)^(c-)(aq)+2H^(c-) +e^(-) rarr NO_(2)(g)+H_(2)O` is `0.78V`.
    `a.` Calculate the reduction potential in `8M H^(o+)`.
    `b.` What will be the reduction potential of the half cell in a neutral solution ? Assume all the other species to be at unit concentration.

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  57. The emf of a cell corresponding to the reaction
    `Zn +2H^(+)(aq) rarr Zn^(2+) (0.1M) +H_(2)(g) 1` atm is `0.28` volt at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the `pH` of the solution at the hydrogen electrode.
    `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@) =- 0.76` volt and `E_(H^(+)//H_(2))^(@) = 0`

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  58. Calculate the solubility product constant of AgI from the following values of standard electrode potentials.
    `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80` volt and `E_(I//AgI//Ag)^(@)=-0.15` volt at `25^(@)C`

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  59. The standard reduction potential of the `Ag^(o+)|Ag` electrode at `298K` is `0.799V`. Given that for `AgI,K_(sp)=8.7xx10^(-17)`, evaluate the potential of the `Ag^(o+)|Ag` electrode in a saturated solution of `AgI`. Also calculate the standard reduction potential of the `I^(c-)`|Agl|Ag` electrode.

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  60. Calculate the pH of the following half-cells solutions :
    (a) `PtH_(2) ("1 atm")|H^(+) (HCl), " "E=0.25" volt"`
    (b) `PtH_(2) ("1 atm")|H^(+) (H_(2)SO_(4))," "E=0.3" volt"`

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  61. The emf of the cells obtained by combining zinc and copper electrodes of the Daniell cell with calomel electrodes are 1.083 volt and -0.018 volt respectively at `25^(@)C`. If the reduction potential of normal calomel electrode is + 0.28 volt, find the emf of the Daniell cell.

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  62. The Edison storage cell is represented as,
    the half-cell reactions are :
    `Ni_(2)O_(3(S))+H_(2)O_((l))+2e^(-)rarr 2NiO_((S))+2OH^(-) , E^(@)=+0.40V`
    `FeO_((S))+H_(2)O_((I))+2e^(-)rarr Fe_((S))+2OH^(-) , E^(@)=-0.87V`
    (i) What is the cell reaction ?
    (ii) What is the cell e.m.f. ? How does ir depend on the concentration of KOH ?
    (iii) What is the maximum amount of electrical energy that can be obtained from one mole of `Ni_(2)O_(3)` ?

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  63. The normal oxidation potential of zinc referred to the standard hydrogen electrode is 0.76 volt and that of copper is -0.34 volt at `25^(@)C`. When excess of zinc is added to a solution of copper sulphate the zinc displace copper till equilibrium is reached. What is the ratio of concentration of `Zn^(2+)` to `Cu^(2+)` ions at equilibrium ?

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  64. An excess of liquid mercury is added to an acidicfied solution of `1.0xx10^(-3) M Fe^(3+)` . It is found that `5%` of `Fe^(3+)` remains at equilibrium at `25^(@)C`. Calculate `E^(c-)._((Hg_(2)^(2+)|Hg))` assuming that the only reaction that occurs is
    `2Hg+2Fe^(3+) rarr Hg_(2)^(2+)+2Fe^(2+)`
    Given `: E^(c-)._((Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+)))=0.77V`

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  65. Prove that for two half reactions having potentials `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` which are combined to yield a third half reaction, having a potential `E_(3)`,

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  66. What is the standard potential of the `Tl^(3+)//Tl` electrode ?
    `Tl^(3+)+2e^(-) rarr Tl^(+)," "E^(@)=1.26" volt"`
    `Tl^(+)+e^(-) rarr Tl," "E^(@)=-0.336" volt"`

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  67. Calculate the minimum mass of NaOH required to be added in RHS to consume all the `H^(+)` present in RHS of the cell of emf + 0.701 volt at `25^(@)C` before its use. Also report the emf of the cell after addition of NaOH.
    `Zn|underset("0.1 M")(Zn^(2+))||underset("1 litre")(HCl)|underset("1 atm")(Pt (H_(2)g)), E_(Zn//Zn^(2+))^(@)=0.760 V`

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  68. For the galvanic cell `:`
    `Ag|AgCl(s)),KCl(0.2M)||KBr(0.001M),AgBr(s)|Ag,` calculate the `EMF` generated and assign correct polarity to each electrode for a spontaneous process after taking into account the cell reaction at `25^(@)C`.

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  69. The following electrochemical cell has been set-up,
    `Pt(1)|Fe^(3+), Fe^(2+) (a=1)||Ce^(4+), Ce^(3+) (a=1) Pt (2)`
    `E^(@) (Fe^(3+) //Fe^(2+))=0.77 V, E^(@) (Ce^(4+)//Ce^(3+))=1.61 V`
    If an ammeter is connected between the two platinum electrodes, predict the direction of flow of current. Will the current increase or decrease with time ?

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  70. Copper sulphate solution `(250 ML)` was electrolyzed using a platinum anode and a copper cathode. A constant current of `2mA` was passed for `16 mi n`. It was found that after electrolysis the absorbance of the solution was reducted to `50%` of its original value . Calculate the concentration of copper sulphate in the solution to begin with.

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  71. A silver electrode is immersed in saturated `AgSO_(4(aq.))`. The potential difference between the silver and the standard hydrogen electrode is found to be `0.711 V`. Determine `K_(SP)(Ag_(2)SO_(4))`. Given `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@) = 0.799 V`.

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  72. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction : `Fe^(2+)+Ce^(4+)hArr Fe^(3+)+Ce^(3+)` Given, `E_(Ca^(4+)//Ce^(3+))^(@)=1.44V` and `E_(Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+))^(@)=0.68V`

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  73. Find the solubility product of a saturated solution of `Ag_(2)CrO_(4)` in water at `298K`, if the `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Ag|Ag^(o+)(satAg_(2)CrO_(4)sol)||Ag(0.1M)|Agis 0.164V` at `298K`.

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  74. The standard potential of the following cell is `0.23V` at `15^(@)C` and `0.21V` at `35^(@)C:`
    `a.` Write the cell reaction.
    `b.` Calculate `DeltaH^(c-)` and `DeltaS^(c-)` for the cell reaction by assuming that these quantities remain unchanged in the range `15^(@)C` to `35^(@)C`
    `c.` Calculate the solubility of `AgCl` in water at `25^(@)C`.
    Given `:` The standard reduction potential of `Ag^(o+)(aq)|Ag(s)` is `0.80V` at `25^(@)C`.

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  75. Two students use same stock solution of `ZnSO_(4)` and a solution of `CuSO_(4)`. The `EMF` of one cell is `0.03` higher than the other. The concentration of `CuSO_(4)` in the cell with higher `EMF` value is `0.5M`. Find the concentration of `CuSO_(4)` in the other cell.
    `(` Take `2.303 RT//F=0.06)`

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  76. Find the equilibrium constant that the reaction
    `In^(2+)+Cu^(2+)underset(larr)rarrIn^(3+)+Cu^(+)` at 298 K
    `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu^(+))=0.15V, E_(In^(2+)//In^(+))^(@)=-0.40V`

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  77. The overall reaction electrochemical cell at 298K.
    [Given: `E_(Cl^(-)|Hg_(2)Cl_(2)|Hg)^(@)=0.26V. E_(Ag^(+)|Ag)^(@)=0.8V`.
    `K_(sp)(Agl)=10^(-16)` and `(2.303RT)/(F)=0.06`]
    At equilibrium ratio of `([Cl^(-)])/([I^(-)])` in the above cell will be:

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  78. Consider an electrochemical cell :
    `A(s)|A^(n+) (aq. 2M)||B^(2n+) (aq. 1M)|B(s)`. The value of `DeltaH^(@)` for the cell reaction is twice that of `DeltaG^(@)` at 300 K. If the amf of the cell is zero, the `DelatS^(@) ("in "JK^(-1) mol^(-1))` of the cell reaction per mole of B formed at 300 K is ______ .
    (Given : In (2) = 0.7, R (universal gas constant) = 8.3 J `K^(-1) mol^(-1)`. H, S and G are enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy, respectively.)

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12